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Academy - Ice Squadron Recruitment


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ok then got the 2 of u to be my wing men and my Suix chefs this is great


and Camus i whant u cuz if white knows u and likes u i think u are good enough to be my wing man


i do believe this is a clan



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Originally posted by Yom

ok then got the 2 of u to be my wing men and my Suix chefs this is great


and Camus i whant u cuz if white knows u and likes u i think u are good enough to be my wing man


i do believe this is a clan




Im already in a clan... but what the hay... Might as well join you and White are in... :D

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Originally posted by Camus


Im already in a clan... but what the hay... Might as well join you and White are in... :D


Hey, I'm already in a clan too...but this isn't exactly big, just for fun...what clan you in then, or don't you want to say, its fine...

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Yea, don't take this too seriously, cuz I won't:D This is just a bit of fun between a couple people. Something that started small and captured some attention. This mostly has to do with Obi-Wan13's Jedi academy. Ice Squadron is as Darklighter said, the protection force for the academy. All just in a bit of fun really.

Welcome to the squad,watch your six, and may the force be with you.

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Yea, as Darklighter already said, I figured that since you came up with the Snowspeeder squadron, that you should be captain. I only gave it a name. By the way Darklighter, is there still a Death Squadron? I noticed in your sig that you're Admiral of both. I'm just wondering, because I was under the impression that both the Ice Snowspeeder group and the Death Space Fighter group were combined under the Ice Squadron name? I like the idea, but I don't know, "Death" Squadron doesn't sound very Jedi-like, if you know what I mean:D But I'll go along with it.

I suppose Ice squadron isn't exactly Jedi-like either, but it doesn't sound as harsh. Not ragging on you Exterminator, really. It's just, umm, well, my train of thought just got derailed, so I'm gonna make a post in the other thread. Yea ...

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Originally posted by Darklighter

This is Ice (and possibly Death) Squadron. Elite military force of the LucasForums Academy. Simple. You want to join, be my guest:D


only 12 tho, 12 is a full squadron, so its open untill we got 12 members


edit: reb, it was originally Black Squadron, cuz of black space, but then i thought black was boring, so i thought of a word that i asociated with black and i thought of death

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Yep, 12 sounds good. We don't want too many people though, I don't know if Tyrion's server can take it. As for the name, like I said, I'll go along with whatever everyone else agrees to. Maybe something like "Force Squadron" or something having to do with Jedi. Well, I'll go along, as I said. And if you look in the other thread, I have an idea as for some of the rankings in the different squadrons. You'll be Captain of Death Squadron, and commander of Ice Squadron, while Dissectional will be Captain of Ice Squadron, and Commander of Death. You see, Captain is a higher rank than Commander, so you may have to yet again change your sig, depeding on everyone's opinion. Although, if you wanted, it could instead be Commander and Lieutenant Commander, instead of Captain and Commander. Both differ by only on rank.


Darth Knight, be my guest. It's not going to be so much of a clan as a little group, a "community" if you will. We may never actually get this thing together and off the ground in terms of actually playing together, but just this on the forums is kinda cool. So, go right ahead. PM Obi-Wan13 about it.


BTW, I've already changed my sig to say Ice Three, as you are now a higher rank than me and therefore Ice Two. The title is yours now, use it well.

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Originally posted by Yom

ok then got the 2 of u to be my wing men and my Suix chefs this is great


and Camus i whant u cuz if white knows u and likes u i think u are good enough to be my wing man


i do believe this is a clan



sounds cool yom just tell me what i got to do

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Originally posted by Darklighter


Hey, I'm already in a clan too...but this isn't exactly big, just for fun...what clan you in then, or don't you want to say, its fine...


Im in Darth Knights clan... Im not active yet... :S my dads firewall on this pc is driving me nuts... If the pc in my room could handle this game I would be useing that pc and not trying to work around his firewall... I cant do any thing with it unless hes around so he can log in make new rules and log out... :S So If I wanted to play JK2 on the internet... I need a rule first... and I havent made one yet so... I cant play just yet...

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Originally posted by Camus


Im in Darth Knights clan... Im not active yet... :S my dads firewall on this pc is driving me nuts... If the pc in my room could handle this game I would be useing that pc and not trying to work around his firewall... I cant do any thing with it unless hes around so he can log in make new rules and log out... :S So If I wanted to play JK2 on the internet... I need a rule first... and I havent made one yet so... I cant play just yet...

boy man that sucks

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Originally posted by whitedragon

boy man that sucks


No what really sux's is he reset all of the rules and everything 2 weeks ago... so I cant play any multiplayer tell hes around the house not working on the car's... :S

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What do you need to do you say? Why, all you need to do is ask:D Actually, PM Obi-Wan13 or Darklighter(just to take some of the load off Obi-Wan) about becoming part of Ice/Death Squadron. We have room for oh, about 6 more I gues. BTW, this isn't exactly a clan, so don't take this too seriously. This is just a bunch of us internet and Star Wars geeks having a bit of fun:D


And Dissectional, umm, read my post. You're not a Corporal, as unfortunately, there is no such thing in the navy. However, you ARE either a Captain, Commander, or Lieutenant Commander. We'll sort this out sometime. Sometime soon. I hope:o

Once we get enough people we'll set out the callsigns and rankings. Which reminds me, you're Ice Callsign is Ice Leader, and you're Death Callsign is Death Two. Mine is Ice Three;)

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