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The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future


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((Gasp! Another post by me that's not a month apart! THE WORLD IS ENDING!))


Woman: *She looks at Odin and her face looses color* What are you saying? What do you mean 'yet'?

Brother: Kenny's gonna be involved a Galatic disaster? *giggles as if he thinks the idea is silly*

Young Ken'atra: *Looks at Odin, then Rwos, then Odin again* I wouldn't hurt people...hurting people is bad .


*Ken'atra lays low in the grass watching them with narrowed eyes. What are they doing? What are they saying? Mother looks so horrified. If they dare attack his family he'll kill them all slowly and painfully. A slight growl escapes him as he continues to watch*

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Rwos: Eh...no, Ken'atra isn't going to be involved in one...he um...is going to try to stop one. But...*tries to think of a way to explain* he's going to go about it all wrong.


*stops and looks at the mother's confused expression*


We're...how to explain this...from the future.

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*Flax whispers to Rwos* We could take one of then hostage and force him to hand it over, either way this is an oppatunity not to be missed. Since this is Raynor, there are more of my family here, I can probably pull a few strings with this. *Pulls out a medalion with a silver and gold wolf eched in profile on it.*

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*The Starkiller remains invisible, yet it can sense many familiar presences approaching, and feels that the time matrix may have something to do with them...*





*Lights blink. Pieces of the tinest metal have bonded together in their crucible. And now, power enters the processor they have rubuilt from the dust*

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Odin: In the near future, a large tragedy will happen, destroying most of the galaxy. We are here to try and stop it from happening. Ken'atra has a device on him, that we need to prevant this from happening. However he won't hand it over. This is where you come in, we believe that he'll listen to you.


If you help us, you can save your son, and the galaxy.

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*The Darkstar moves toward Ken'atra*


Greetings, heir of Reletha. I am the power she had, and I now offer myself to you. Those people, they are going to kill you as a small child. I can help you....





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Mother: *Color drains from her face and for a moment she looks like she may faint* M-most of the...

Brother: Mom?! Are you all right?

Mother: *Forces a smile* Yes, darling. Why don't you and Kenny go play in the field while I discuss this with the nice gentlemen over a hot drink.

Brother: O-okay...come on Kenny. We can play catch! *takes out a ball and throws it*

Little Ken'atra: *nods and turns into a dog before chasing after the ball*

Mother: *Turns back to everyone else* Please, join me inside. We can discuss this more freely there...



*Ken'atra startles slightly and growls again* I've told the flying creature and now I tell you, I don't need help.

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*Rwos' eyes bug out under his mask. No wonder Ken'atra hadn't smelled right for a human. He's a shapeshifter!


That put a whole new spin on things...one that he would have to think over later. Right now he needed to convince this woman, somehow, to help them, before Ken'atra found them.


If he hadn't already.


Rwos looks around in apprehension before speaking to Ken'atra's mother again.*


Thank you for your hospitality. *bows slightly to the woman* Ken'atra...adult Ken'atra...is here as well. Somewhere around here. He is not the same person as your son is now though...he has been taken by the Dark Side...because of your death. He has the power to change time itself...but evil is in his mind. Clouding it. We need you to help save your son.

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Mother: *Nods and leads them inside. She makes them all some tea and then holds her own cup, but her hands are shaking so bad the hot liquid spills over the side* S-so you're telling me that...that we will die. *Her voice cracks a bit and she clears her throat* And Kenny, our little Kenny, will turn evil ?

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*Starkiller appears*


There are other forces at work here than that of evil, my lady. We have already changed time by being here...perhaps the future will be different


*He suddenly twitches*

No...evil fast approaches




???:Power at 25%...

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Flax: As far as you need to know Ken'etra has turned to evil because of the tradgedy, if you can convince him to hand over the time machine we can go back and stop it.


We tried to stop it once already, thing is by then it was already happening. We will use Ken'etra's time machine to go back and stop the sequence of events right at the beggining.

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*A young child, wondering that those whom close relitives would be attached to, wandered into the crowd...*


Young boy smiling: "Is my daddy come back!?"


Of course those who go to the spinoff holocuast rpg would might knwo that this is young Irvine Cracken, the son of Cracken Lord of the Sith, some time shortly after Cracken had abandoned him...


(well if there were some time traveling its have to at least at one time would run into some different characters...

a PM from Cracken:

Of course, you can use the name. i guess Cracken died in this alternative hsitory, but he could have a few kids... he's a skeksi sith man after all.

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Well that could be, but not his brother, becuase Irvine is still living with his biolodgical mother at this time, then after she dies a few years from the current (as how in the holocuast happened) then lives with his grandparents (on mother's side)

but anyway, i can still twist this thread either way the Irvine would stay :p

dark or light ^_^ muahahah :p

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Mom: My son...my Kenny... *looks at the group* I'll do whatever I can to help my son. *She startles and looks at the little boy* Oh hello.


Little Ken'atra: *Continues to play with his brother but suddenly he stops and sniffs the air. His tail wags and he morphs back into a little boy* DADDY!!!!!! *he runs up to a man who scoops him up and hugs him* You're home!

Brother: *Hugs him as well* We missed you!

Dad: I missed both of you! Come on, let's go see your mom.


Ken'atra: *He perks up and crawls closer. Father...He looses all interest whatsoever in the Darkstar and crawls closer to the house. His shape changes to that of a small animal and he peeks into the house*

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*The Darkstar stands, speehless. It is here that he realises something. Ken'atra is not evil. He is misguided. But he has the seeds, and the Darkstar is determined not to go back to the lower planes again...*


So you would refuse? Very well...I'll just have to take the time matrix for MYSELF


*The Darkstar sets off toward the house*




*The Starkiller turns*


The Darkstar cometh! I sense the final battle is upon us




????: Checking memory....accessing program 162. Directives complete. Begining Operation 163....


Revenant Program Online....

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Rwos: No, no, no. Forget 'final battle'. Forget what you sense. What matters right now is helping Ken'atra, so we can get the Time Matrix, so we can save Deac, ourselves, and eighty percent of the damned galaxy!


Let me remind you that you just got Deac killed. So...if you want to have a 'final battle', take it elsewhere.

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@deac, i take it the orthos isnt going to be placed in this ^_^


*Young Irvine now gets a slight, but in a childish jelious manner, anger at the sight of the young Ken'atra being back with his father...*


Young Irvine's thoughts: "Why cant my father come home..."


obiously this is just an addition to why Irvine starts to hate Cracken for abandoning him.

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