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The Matrix


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Originally posted by lexx

Yeah, that would be sweet :D There are some mods out there that let you use swords - NinjaMod is one of them.


Yes! I made that. *Wipes tear from eye* hehe


Anyway, the Matrix is one of my favorite movies. Like so many others, I have every line and scene memorized.


Max Payne is a good game to get if you like that bullet-time type combat. Not to mention, there are tons of mods for it. Including a kickass Matrix mod.


Thanks for this thread and those awsome quotes and trivia lexx!

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Originally posted by cjais

Ahem.... If I may....


I just got back from england where I saw the trailer for those two new movies - Awesome!


Loadsa bullet-time baby! Yay!


I can't remember exactly (flame me if you must), but I think morpheus was wielding some sort of katana in the trailer - I may have been mistaken though.


Sorry, I should have said both Neo and Morpheus weild a Katana.

This one is for you Jais:



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As much as I like Star Wars, I draw the line at the characters weilding sabers! :rolleyes: That would just be plain silly, although I cant wait for my Trinity model to come out so I can be Trinity weilding one. A bit contradictory I know. :D

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Now that is some wicked shiat you've got there lexx!

Truly great stuff!


Dammit Lexx, I'm beginning to worry about your matrix-addiction...

I sure hope you're not trying to practice wallruns and gunfights with your hubby in that home of yours.... ;)


But it seems we were both right about the trailer - I can't remember the exact details of it though, I sorta just sat there in the cinema and gazed at all the bullet time and sunglasses.... 'sall good...

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Originally posted by Darth Clem

i need a new skin .... ne suggestions?!


the problem is i love my stormie soooo much :)

:trooper: Hey, You there!


hmmm, just muck about with them for a while. I never used Jan until 2 days ago and I discovered the blue Jan is quite cool, looks like she is wearing jeans and swede! :D


*cough* Matrix only *cough* :p

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Jeeeesus, It's actually you Clem! Now I've met you both ingame and.. er... in-forum...


Well, I can only recommend the kyle skin!

It's soooo much fun freaking people out with it, because they'll NEVER know if it's actually a custom skin they DON'T have, or you're just picking the kyle skin because his beard caught your fancy!


Am I using a custom skin now, or am I just using Kyle? I'm sure you're just dying to find out, aren't you, you little git??

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ok matrix people can you answer my questions.


1. Why do the humans who go into the matrix go round shooting other humans and killing hoards of people. Doesnt it kill humans in the real world, and they are sposed to be fighting for them?


2.Why on earth do they keep going back into the matrix? its so dangerous in there!

They could just sit on their hovercraft with the lights off and noone would see them.

Why do they go to the matrix? what do they do?


and Clem, where is that unreal tournament matrix mod you were talking about? i cant find it!

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The Matrix is a dream folded over your mind and eyes and body to simulate reality. But the "reality" we live in now is the Matrix. We feel it, smell it, see it, and hear it. We are actually born in the farms. We are slaves. The Matrix is there to cover up that reality with it's own "reality".



This is the Matrix.



It's really hard to explain. If you have no idea what I just said, do yourself a favor and just don't ask.

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Firstly, to answer why they keep killing humans. It is because the Agents take over a humans body so it is unavoidable!


Secondly, to answer why keep going back into the Matrix. They go back in to get others out into the real world.


Thirdly, to answer what is the Matrix. Morpheus already answered that question in the film. "The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."

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