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First Contest: Captions!

Boba Rhett

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#8. Senior Airman Bob's daydreaming got a little out of hand one day. Unfortunately, gravity helped remind Bob he was, despite the bomb, not flying an B-2 bomber.


#9. Haven't had to spank the monkey lately? Then why don't you reward him with a tall, cold ice-cream cone!


#10. Sadly, though trained in all forms of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, Secret agent Bob slept through his "How to blend in and disappear" class in Spy school!


#11. Here we see famous actress, Drew Barrymore, being informed of her latest movie's box office results!


#12. Uber-geeks at the science club meeting: "So you see, with this simple equation I have proven that, indeed, the school cafeteria's lunch meat, is in fact, an unknown substance. "Mystery Meat" if you will."


#13. This is one Volkswagon that's "Far-fröm-driving"! :D


#14. S.C.U.B.A - Shark's Completely Unsuspecting Breakfast Appetizer


#15. Most people are unaware that the current popular play, "The Vagina Monologues", were inspired by this early, one man troubador's, male equivelent play "The Penis Monologues". Of course, women were smart enough not to dress like their genetalia. Which, incidentally, was the reason attributed to "The Penis Monologues" failure to become popular.

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8. Famous last words: "Hey yall, watch me jump the loading bay..."


9. Reward your monkey with a nice rewarding vanilla ice cream.Warning: May cause vomiting, poo flinging, biting, and the appearance of giant warts on pubic areas.


10. Ok, now just act casual and continue blending in and no one will suspect a thing.


11. You mean I was really married to Tom Green


12. Well as you can see, this formula proves that we are now irresistable to women.


13. I told my wife I wanted a SUV, but noooooooo


14. Eat more chicken


15. It looks like more people turned out this year for the "Anual Female Sex Toy Parade"

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  • 4 months later...

Welcome to the first contest of the GalacticBattles.com One Year Anniversary!


Here comes the first batch of pics for you to add captions to. A new group of pictures will be added every day for the remaining week. Please only give one caption per picture and make one post contining your captions per group of pictures. :)


The person who created the best caption for a pic will recieve one point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the week wins!



The first seven:















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1: "Now I want you to tell me the truth....do I look like a dork?"


2: The "torture" that Luke forsaw on Dagobah.


3: Mmmmm, an idiot you will look like!


4: Welcome to Computers 101. First lesson, How to Copy Your Desktop: Dos and Don'ts


5: "Hello? No, I'm not begging right now. I'm on my smoke break, what's up, Hassan?"


6: The government's top secret prototype of the Bespin Cloud car.


7: What Boba Rhett looked like just before deciding to post this thread.


Ok, guess who's not winning this round with that last one! :D

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1. Garth Brooks on his day off


2. Keep running! The death star needs to be powered up!


3. Momma said to wait here stare at yoda for a bit while she went shopping...it's been 25 years...how much longer do i need to wait?


4. How the modern computer gets a tan


5. Habooda booda tukka tukka.


6. The new and improved Oscar Meyer weenie mobile


7. Did i remember to wipe?

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1: "Come on! You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me."


2: "I assure you, Lord Vader, my men are running as fast as they can..."


3: "Did you just grab my ass?"


4: The Narcissius 2002; why Microsoft rethought creating truly humanlike computers.


5: "Wazzuuuuuuup?"


6: The Bespin Cloud Car's Special Edition Nubian makeover.


7: "It's not about the mission, Master, it's something...elsewhere...elusive."

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1. "Who's scruffy lookin' ?"


2. "You can run....and run, and run, and run, but you can't hide!"


3. Yoda's "Let the Force tell you future" stand at the Coruscant fair, didn't pan out like he expected.


4. Even though the company had a strict "No fratenizing among co-workers" policy, Mr. monitor and Miss Copier couldn't keep their buttons off each other and gave in the forbidden, but torrid, love affair, after hours.


5. Verizon's new add campaign didn't go over as well in the Middle east. "Yes, Ahmad, can you 'ear me now? Praise Allah! ...Can you 'ear me now? Praise Allah! ...Can you 'ear me now? Praise Allah!"


6. Boy could Freud have a field day with the engineers that built this!


7. After catching a commercial on TV, Bob began to ponder one of life's greatest mysteries: "How do they cram all that gram?"

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1. "She thinks my traaaa-ctors sexy"


2. What happens when you forget to where your Trooper outfit to work.


3. And for our next zoo exhibit - we have a Yoda!


4. What happens when a blonde decides to "print screen"


5. "ello - yes...i'd like to report a Bin Laden sighting..."


6. u know what they say - two is better than one...


7. this chair is starting to hurt my @ss

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1, Hi, I'm boba Rhett!

2. "I have got to get away!"

"Wonder if he knows that these things are fake?"

3. It has a unique Parasitic structure, don't you think?

4. All right, eets, stop copying your p0rn pictures from your computer!

5. Hi, I'm Rogue Nine.

6. Never mind, I can't say it.

7. Ooh, Star wars...........

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1. "What, this ISN'T a Hee-haw convention?"


2. "Keep running, manslave!"


3. "Invest in worldcom, you will. 19 cents a share, it is"


4. "If computers had asses"


5. "Can you hear me now? Good, praise allah! I don't care if I'm more 3rd world Northern African tribe than muslim, praise him anyway!"


6. A rejected sex appliance idea


7. Therou's "The Thinker with a FAT ASS!"

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Originally posted by Clefo

5. "Can you hear me now? Good, praise allah! I don't care if I'm more 3rd world Northern African tribe than muslim, praise him anyway!"


Clefo, you bastard! :D I knew that, but they might not have caught it! That is, until you came around! ;)


Oh well, sounded good! :D

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1. Howday yall, check out my new sneakers

2. Hey, you there, freeze

3. Help you I can, yes

4. How to tell if a blonde is using print screen

5. Can you hear me now, good, can you hear me now, good....

6. Hey Lando, where did we park again?

7. Hmmmm, should I have sex, or go play SWGB?

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1 - "Now tell me this isn't the coolest getup you've ever seen."


2 - "Just 5 more minutes guys, I have't felt the burn yet."


3 - How to win a staring contest, by Master Yoda. Lesson #1: Don't try to beat a statue.


4 - Bob and his makeshift printer, the early days.


5 - "So how go's the collection for our religion." "Not good, I think the cell phones and smoke breaks are cutting into donations."


6 - One man's failed army prototype is another man's circus ride.


7 - Rhett in "The Thinker".

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8 - Here we are back in the loading bay special olympics and there seems to have been an accident in the Hazardous Materials Race. When something like this happens the only thing I can think to say is, I hope that bomb is a dud!


9 - Buy Monkey Brand ice cream. Monkey's like it. You should too.


10 - The leader of the Boy Scouts goes out to get lunch.


11 - I'm sorry Kathie Lee, but Reegis really doesn't want you back on the show.


12 - So you see, time + mass actually does = money.


13 - The Beverly Hillbillies and their new car.


14 - Do you sometimes feel like you are depressed? And you have to run away from the world? Take (Insert Aphrodisiac). It will lift you up out of that sad pit you dug for yourself like nothing else could.


15 - Unfortunately for Rocketman, he didn't know that it was gay pride day, and was amazed at the attention he recieved on the city streets.

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2. "The hyperdrives still aren't powered yet, run faster!"


3. "Mmmm, look at me like that, you should not."


4. "You know, when i was a kid our PC's weren't even networked to the printer.


5. "Honey, get out here, there's a ton a people in really strange clothing walking around the streets."


6. What happened after boeing watched ESB one too many times.


7. "Hmm...does this make me look intelligent?"

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ok, kinda dumb, but here goes...


1. This town ain't big enough for the two of us!


2. You there! Freeze!


3. hmmmm...food you have?


4. Bill is trying to scan his desktop onto a paper and scan it on to show his good friends his desktop..


*any usage of your name was entirely coincidental*


5. Aaaah, Hullo, yes, ok but afterwords, i have to marry these two people now, you see?


6. The "twin-mobile"


7. (PS the toilet ones on this were hilarious!!) hmmm...the pressure on my backside seems to have increased a little...i'm eating too many twinkies!!

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1)"look at me, im hip, im down with it!"

2)"Your not tk-421!, what kind of stormtrooper excersizes!"

3)*Gazes into Yoda's eye ball for your fortune* "What are u doing next friday? *Eyes roll back*

4)Digital age adult material

5)Screw my people's ways!!!Im using these gifts my mother sent me after she left aphganistan!

6)Teacher:Those look like huge...

*at a carnival*

Clown:BALLOONS for sale! They look like a pair of.....

*at a museum*


7)U sit back and let 'er rip, but dont make a scene of it!

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(cracking knuckles) Here we go.....


1. I just ate two bean burritoes-this will be the last picture you ever take.


2. "Keeping your mouth shut, eh? #128, increase the speed!!"



3. "Not a trace of earwax.....hmmm......"


4. (muttering) "I hate broken printers. I hate Hewlett-Packard. I hate tech support. I HATE MY JOB!!"


5. "Hey ma! Guess what I got today!? Huh? What did you say? Heathen technology? Um, noooooo.........."


6. The promptly-scrapped submarine for the sequel to "The Hunt for Red October."


7. A GQ pose gone terribly wrong.



*No offense was meant by any of these.

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8) "Wow! That medication bottle wasn't kidding!!"


9) Unfortunetly, Bananna flavored ice cream only found a niche market.


10) Viper, the sad shell of a human, is forced to use more powerful weapons in his ongoing war against rational thought and normalcy.


11) "Adam Sandler is NOT an idiot!!!!"


12) "So, mathematically, the 'G-spot', as you put it, should be here."

(I'll remove this if necessary)


13) Cleetus gets supplies to fix up "That there hole in my trailer."


14) Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water....again....JAWS 1300!


15) Proof positive that aliens HAVE landed.

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8. What do you mean "you don' have your forklift license"?


9. As incredible as it sounds, monkeys were actually the first to ivent no-drip icecream.


10. Before making his disguise, 006 throughly researched Afghan society.


11. Its ok, you can always just get a divorce.


12. ...but none of that really even matters since you'll never need this again.


13. Hmmm....too much?


14. Oh geez, not again. I told him that "swimming with giant man-eating sharks" was not a good idea for a Sea World attraction.


15. The other San Fransico treat.

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