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What do u think of my next avatar?

Darth Groovy

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11 gmt and if you ahve a 56k you shoudl sitll be able to join liek i was. the max pnig is 250 so now and again you jsut have to try agian and then you'll get through, oh yeh the duel se only makes the kciks worthelss but the jumps good :)

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do i need this duel se to play?


lol ... im on freeserve i rarely get low pings ... i mite sign up to another isp (on their free) and see if i can get a better 1


i think i can afford the phone cost

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yeh i tihnk it's the same ip, anyway the ip is for anyone woh wants to come, all the acedemy are welcome, and you mgiht be able to get duel se from jk2files. i'm pretty sure if yo uask in the valley *shivers* you'll get it. :)

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Yeh, it's up to you guys to get in and things. :) I can't control your lives but tyeh, i'll msot probably be there.

I'm gonna make a thread in the other forums about it cos msot of the people i know there are and they will see it :). And i'll post up duel SE jsut in case, better safe than sorry :), hope to see you all there :).

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