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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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Greeting's Friends.


The time has come to enable the community to enjoy a Modification of the orginal movies. Iam forming a team of Mappers, Skinners, Modelers, Sound Editors as well as editors who can work on a few short cut scenes.


The time frame for this mod will be ROTJ, Just as look steps in Jabbas Palace... The idea behind it is to let you play the movie.


As of right now, Musashi (who will be modeling) has signed up on board... I will be contacting and asking certain indivudials and asking if the would like to help out with this project.


If you are saying to yourself... Bah, this will never happen... Think again, We have already begun. Shots will be posted as soon as we can have everyone on our staff ready to work on it.


Again, if you would be willing to help.... Please, leave your Email or MSN or AOL name... And I will contact you.


Thank you,


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Alright folks, ive been sending out lots of emails around the night. Im glad to announce in addition to our first modeler, Mushashi, we have also added MAUAHAHAHAHAHA to the team.


Were gonna get going again, HOPEFULLY...We can get some screens out to you soon.

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Well, you did everything right until you posted here. You at least posted in the Mod Central forum and you did post in the Mod/TC Help wanted, but you posted in the modeling forum as a wip thread? Anyway, just to not be totally 'bad', I'll give you a pointer. Send an e-mail to the jkii.net guys as well as at polycount and ask if they could put something in their news about your mod. Link to your thread at Mod central. You will definatly get more of a response.

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