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The only reason these mindless, spineless, brainless little turds don't play CS ,or at least say they don't , is because they suck and are tired of beeing called newbs.


Me on the other hand can not get enough but then again.........................



I own joo.


Slackers United...[sU]Juggernaut. :cool:

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The Continental Army actually tried to kill Arnold on several occassions as he tried to flee to England. He escaped, and died in poverty in jolly old England.



The only problem I have with BF 1942 is that it's very hard to read the text sometimes. They got the strength of the tanks right, as in a 1 on 1 fight between the sherman and a panzer in the game will result in the panzer winning, unless the sherman piolit is very good and can use his manuverability and speed.

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Well, the US constitution says treason has to be an overt act, must have 2 wittnesses, and has to involve an enemy country. An accidental email isn't overt, there would only be one wittness, and Germany isn't an enemy.


Another thing about treason. Some wierdo in Europe was convicted of High Treason back on the '20s and only got 5 years! At least it gave him time to write a book. Good thing he was taught a lesson :rolleyes:


On CS, there used to be a site out there detailing the bajillions of things wron with CS, complete with video clips. Did you know that the bullet puff on a wall isn't really where your bullet goes at all?

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Originally posted by GUNNER

The only reason these mindless, spineless, brainless little turds don't play CS ,or at least say they don't , is because they suck and are tired of beeing called newbs.


Me on the other hand can not get enough but then again.........................



I own joo.


Slackers United...[sU]Juggernaut. :cool:


That and the fact that 95% of the people who play(you excluded) are total faggots and ass bandits, and the textures are outdated enough to induce vomitting in 65% of the US population.......

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

What you mean is they are too shallow to see through the poor graphics and ignore the TK'ers


I'm saying that my eyesight is too good and crappy textures and color pallettes tend to wanna try and ruin that, why dop think I never EVER played Jedi Knight?

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Originally posted by GUNNER

The only reason these mindless, spineless, brainless little turds don't play CS ,or at least say they don't , is because they suck and are tired of beeing called newbs.


Me on the other hand can not get enough but then again.........................



I own joo.


Slackers United...[sU]Juggernaut. :cool:


|\|O j00 |)0|\|'t "O\/\/N" ME!


i 0wnz0r yOu!


0pfL4$|-| 0\/\/|\|5 4ll!

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