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An observation made in a Walmart in Branson


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Ok this has nothing to do with Branson. I was just there when it occured. Anyway.


I was browsing the wonderful Walmart Computer Games rack (It was a spiffy rack. And there section covered both sides of the isle) when I notice the following conversation going on between a girl (probably 12-14) and her mom on the other side of the isle. It was between getting RollerCoaster Tycoon, or Sim ThemePark, and I decided not to intervene, because I wanted to see how it would play out. Anyway, the conversation.


Mother: Ok, you have a choice between this one(RCT), or this one(STP).


Daughter: I don't know, let me think for a second.


Mother: (pointing to RCT) I saw this one on tv and i heard from another mother about how her daughter liked it.


Daughter: I think i want this one. Cause it's one of those sim games, they're very good.


Mother: Are you sure?


Daughter: Yes, I'm sure. Look, it also says you can ride your own rides.




OK, I can draw one powerful conclusion from this conversation. Never underestimate the power of the advertisement of features.


For those who don't know RCT is so much better than STP, it's like night and day.

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I said not a word, for I was...


#1 Making an observation, not influencing a person, and


#2 It was Branson, I did not feel good about being in a Wal-Mart in Branson in the first place.


I know I probably should have said something, but never underestimate the power of cheap imitation and ad gimmicks. Oh and about me watching, to say it bluntly I wasn't. I was facing the opposite wall a little ways down listening.


All I hope for is that that girl took that copy of STP back and got herself a copy of RCT.

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Yeah, I've got Rollercoaster Tycoon and both Expansions, Loopy Landscapes and the other one (I'm at work and the name eludes me at the moment!). They are awesome and eaten up alot of my free time over the last year. :p


I've also had the misfortune of playing Sim ThemePark. Don't get me wrong, the SIM series, for the most part, has done a wonderful job with their games. Heck, I own most of them SimCity, SimCity2000, SimCity3000, SimCopter, SimTower, Streets of SimCity, SimIsle and The Sims! But Sim ThemePark doesn't hold a candle to Roller Coaster Tycoon!


Artoo, it pains me to know you didn't intervene and save this child from immenent boredom to come. But I'll let it slide this time, being it was in the name of "Sociatal observance" and "Marketing Experimentation" :p

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i can't belive you did that, artoo! i thought you were nicer than that! ;) anyway, rct is MUCH better than stp. i love designing my own roller coasters, then watching the little people expell the contents of their stomachs as soon as they get off. it's great! :D

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Posting while at work, Havoc? Be ashamed of yourself!


I never played either of them, but I do like SimCity 3000. I wonder if I should give RCT a ride... (no pun intended... okay maybe so ;) )


Do yourself a favor, and get the demo at least.


O and, Havoc, the name of the other X-Pac is Corkscrew Follies.


I also own both X-Pacs. And love both X-pacs. And stink at both X-pacs. But heck I stink at about 75% of the games I have...


I'll have to check out the RCT2...

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Hah! I know right where you're comin from Dash! I was one of the first to buy RCT, I actually own the British version, cause it came out first. :D I have both x-pacs, and they are so friggin hard! I beat the original, but they just get harder and harder. I really hope that RCT2 has difficulty levels! It would make the game MUCH better, at least IMO. :D

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I figured out that you can put all the walkways underground and maximaize the space for rides. Just pop the walk ways out and have 2 or 3 ride entrances right in as little space as possible. This also saves on maintenance as you put only 1 mechanic for each spot the walkways come up for rides. Add a couple of rovers just in case two rides at one spot go down and you're set.

Also, people don't tend to vandalize as much when it's underground...so less security as well. :)


RCT is one of the most addictive games I've ever played...right up there with Worms :D

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Originally posted by STTCT

The only unrealistic thing about it is every peep is a guy! That's not kewl...!!


If you have the X-Pacs go to Options and choose "Show guest's 'Real' Names"


If I'm not mistaken there are girl names, so there ARE girls, the pictures are just a poor artist's conception of them. ;)

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