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Bofh Is An Idiot


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Originally posted by NITEMARE

it gets nerfed beyond reason. mabe u could insert something like a stamina bar besides the force bar. if u dont we (me and my coder) will try it some time when we finish our other ideas. a stamina bar would change alot of things. imagine people not doing a yellow or red dfa 10 times during a duel because they are exhausted and vulnerable after performing those. and people not spaming around but rather make tactical attacks. and a sprint funktion to run faster but not using force. just like the run button but taking up stamina. that could be the end of people running away from duels. but im dreaming again.

Masters of the Force will have a Fatigue Gauge.

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Originally posted by jipe

.. and you acted so maturely, Dest, by running straight to a messageboard and namecalling.. way to go.


My thoughts exactly. You don't even know who did it yet and you automatically accuse him, you have no right to do that.


Just e-mail JKII.net, JK2Files, wherever, and have them take it down. Tell them it's NOT an offical update and a comlete hoax.

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

i'll give ya a hint: he is loud and very angry most of the time...


why would I give JediMod a bad name ? duhhh


Originally posted by Emon

My thoughts exactly. You don't even know who did it yet and you automatically accuse him, you have no right to do that.


Just e-mail JKII.net, JK2Files, wherever, and have them take it down. Tell them it's NOT an offical update and a comlete hoax.


you always bud in at the wrong time, the subject has been dropped, "you have no right to do that."


and striderx2048, I've had an awesome weekend, also been looking for a new ride, BMW 5.35i will probably be it, beautiful car, not like I sit at forums all the time, I actually have a very busy life (like a lot of people I know here) :)

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at the moment uninvolved players are drawn darker except their sabers. that could be a hint. or how spectators work...

do u think i should ask raven about it? it would be realy changing the whole duel system to a better one if we had such a feature. to bad they did not think about it yet...


ah yeah remark: i know that u dont want to damage jedimod. but if dest is picking bofh then he should consider his enemies too. just wanted to make clear that we cant blame one person. at the moment this fake mod is worse for bofh then for jedimod...

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My thoughts exactly. You don't even know who did it yet and you automatically accuse him, you have no right to do that.


I accused him because of things he has done in the past and because of the feature list.


There is probably a way to change the alpha value of players' models and give players noclip so that when your dueling you don't see anyone and they cant get in the way. If you wanted to do it the hard way you could hook some opengl functions to make them invisible, or you could probably just cheat and tell the players that they have no model.

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The easiest way would be in having a look at the spectator code:

A spec cannot walk throug walls, but throug players.


You must just disable a flag in the tracemask to do that.

The visible problem could be solved the same way Mind Trick works.


in the main cg_player.c funktion ( CG_Player() ? ) it the mind tricking visiblility of modles is handled. Have a look and add some code for the duelists...

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thx dest / jaii. i'll forward that to my code monkeys. i also sent an email to chang, i hope he gets it and can help us. since this is no fluffy neat funny feature. it could change alot.

funny that i get my questions answered in this anti bofh thread and not in the one i wrote some weeks ago. but anyway...

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Dest, allow me to simply say I am behind you 100% in your productions, I will always stay loyal to you and your modification.


On a more creative note, I would like to suggest an at ease emote (toggle), one which you stand with your hands behind you back and one wrist in the other palm. Mabey walking could be enabled during this.


I greatly appreciate and thank you for all you and Tchouky have done for this gaming community, and wish you luck on your journeys.

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hey i just wanted to say that i tottally agree with dest on everything he is done excpet for the fact that he is Stilll making it a big deal. also i had some questions on changing your mod if anyone can help go to this link and reply,ANY help would be apprescciated.Thanks

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