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Han Solo model in progress

Major Clod

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as much has i already love this model, i was looking at the latest picture and i saw one thing that you should (if you want) change.


his vest is basically on the same hight as his shirt, but the vest it self is most likely half a centimeter thick, so just to make it more realistic, maybe you should make the vest a little thicker.

just a thought ;)

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I was wondering... when you release the blaster pistol, will you also include a mod that makes the blasts that shoot out red?

The ROTJ Bowcaster mod already does this for the Bowcaster, so that it fires red blasts, as true to the movies.

I, for one, hope that you can accomplish that.

Best of luck, and thank you for your great contributions. :)




May the force be with you.


Also, I know you usually do the sounds for your own models well in advance, but if you would like or need any sounds for Han, please let me know.

I grab the sounds directly from laserdisc and have already made a nice soundpack for Arco's old Han Skin.

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The likeness has been captured well. The eyes still look a little strange. This is the most delicate area of any model. Have you added some shadow at the bottom of the eyeball? If so, best thing to do is to move it to the top for a more natural effect. Also try to tone down on the texture of the materials for the clothing especially around the pants. Try to distinguish different types of material.


nice one!

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The blaster looks great Major Clod!

I can't believe you're shooting at Chewie! ;)


Cool, I figured you would go and change the blaster colors, and that's a good idea to change the sound too.


Everything is looking excellent so far.




May the force be with you.

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Originally posted by Darth2Tyranus

that looks great major clod,oh bye the way will you realase the blaster before the model or at the same time?


I was just about to ask the same thing. If the blaster gets finished earlier, I think I'm not the only one dying to use the Dl-44 instead of the bryar.

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