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WIP: Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Midgit Yoda

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Originally posted by aS^Tetsuo

stuff looks awesome but i'm still waiting for a Squall and Seifer model with gunblade :\


any one up for it ? :p


There is a thread for the Squall WIP being done by DoubleS_84. And I believe Chrono_MOT is modeling the gunblade for Squall for the model. Last I checked the Squall model was nearing completion so you may not have to wait much longer.



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sorry about the delay. I just got lightwave in the mail on wesenday. I spent all day yesterday learning the program. DAMN, that is one thick manual. I have the hips done, working on the legs right now. I will adjust the arms and then map then. Should be in midget hands by 3 o'clock eastern time.

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Well if a bolt of lightening hits my comp it'll be all good b/c I have 2 other working comps here (one of which isn't hooked up and the other is upstairs and has 3dsmax on it). I just have musashi toss me the model again and continue :). No worries.


If Musashi gets it to me today by 3 (2 more hours hehe) I should have it weighted, capped, and in game by tomorrow (gonna have to leave from my house at about 6 tonight to go play with a band). If I get it done tomorrow I'll send it out to Chrono by Monday, I'll probably have to work on deformations though for a while. Never can tell...


I'm still in need of more skinners. You don't wanna see the crappy skin I'll produce... hehehe.

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Originally posted by Leonheart

Good job musashi


its coming along nicely

I appologize for my harsh words earlier Leonheart.

Anyway, cloud is coming along nicely. I'm just finishin up the UVMapping, and weighting it right now. Once that's done I'm gonna toss it in game to see how he deforms.

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*off topic*


So midget, you play dungeon siege eh, what kind of affiliations do you have? or any projects you are working on in it?


*on topic*


you release the base texture file on polycount, there are bound to be skinners that would color cloud for you if you didnt want to do it.

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Originally posted by MuRaSaMuNe


Hes right his is better seein as how you stole yours off of ME! HAHAHA!!! :D:rolleyes:


well seeing is this is the first tiem seeing your s/n

i didnt.

i just found a site that had the picy, and i save it to my HD


but in this case.





oh btw: what the buster sword made with the model to cover up the lightsaber? (i doesnt feel like reading 6 pages ^_^)

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Originally posted by KMan

Who cares about the freakin avatars? If you make your own by resizing someone elses picture, or downloading it off the internet, who gives a crap.


Stay on topic.


Who gives a damn about what you think?


*finds out KMan is a mod*


Oh..er...I give a damn about what you think!:D:D:D



As to get on-topic...how far has the model gone? Will we see it released soon? Will he look alot like cloud?


EDIT- Oh..I thought Damn was blocked out...*shrugs*

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Bump. Hey mig did you get that uhhhh thing i sent you? (duckin the moderators, this is slightly of topic).


BTW I really think you shouldnt stop o themodel just yet. His hair really needs more to it. SOOOOO many people are countin on you includin me:D .


I know youll do your best cause Cloud is kick ass.

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