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Jedi Spy

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Originally posted by Jedi Spy

Im having problems with jedimod 1.2 and all im getting is jedimod servers :( please can i have ips for non jedi mod servers thx? :(










I would think someone as mighty as you would not have problems installing a pk3 file and a folder into your game data directory. You are not even worth my time. Go back to counterstrike with your aimbots. Loser.

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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

The problems with Jedi Mod sound like you have 'Force Player Models' ON. If this is so turn it off via the options.


just tried that and it didnt seem to work it looks like i am holding a normal blaster with my lightsabre beam coming out of the right side of it :confused:


its really strange and off-putting i really cant play with it like that, any suggestions ? :eets:






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Originally posted by Jedi Spy

Oh yea i can see how the shortnick 'Spy' is yours since ur name is 'SPY_jmr1' rofl gg son. Please i have had the nick spy since the internet started. When u had to sign up for irc accounts, for icq, for hotmail. I am ur dad. Do u want a duel for money ?


greatings former vice president gore... I had no idea you had moved to scotland...


now then... I am going to do somthing I do very seldom... (besides use english...)


yes thats right, abuse my modly powers...


I give to till the end of the day for 5 reason for me not to ban you, just for the hell of it.... dont think I wont, I can see many reasons that I could nuke you for....

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Originally posted by Jedi Spy

Oh yea i can see how the shortnick 'Spy' is yours since ur name is 'SPY_jmr1' rofl gg son. Please i have had the nick spy since the internet started. When u had to sign up for irc accounts, for icq, for hotmail. I am ur dad. Do u want a duel for money ?


Any of you hypocrites who decide to talk **** to me just because other people do are retarded, if u take the thread title as a personal attack you need help and wait till i start **** with you before u start **** with me thx. :jawa


I ph34r j00 for sure.


BTW-is this you? http://sin.shanky.com/profiles/pics/spy.jpgSS Name: Spy

Real Name: Oly

Age: 18

Location: Scotland

Ship: Warbird/Weasel/Lancaster

Quote: STFU




Cause I thought you were maybe a little older by the way you were talking out your @$$:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1


greatings former vice president gore... I had no idea you had moved to scotland...


now then... I am going to do somthing I do very seldom... (besides use english...)


yes thats right, abuse my modly powers...


I give to till the end of the day for 5 reason for me not to ban you, just for the hell of it.... dont think I wont, I can see many reasons that I could nuke you for....


Please abuse your power my master. He is a moron of the highest order and should be banned from here. But we have nothing to fear from someone who cannot even get the game to run right. Maybe you should let him stay. I need a good laugh every once in a while!:D

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1


greatings former vice president gore... I had no idea you had moved to scotland...


now then... I am going to do somthing I do very seldom... (besides use english...)


yes thats right, abuse my modly powers...


I give to till the end of the day for 5 reason for me not to ban you, just for the hell of it.... dont think I wont, I can see many reasons that I could nuke you for....


First let me say that I don't like people making fun of Gore since its bad enough that he was robbed of an election.


Now for your five reasons-


1- He has issued a callenge and many wish to accept it.


2- It will be interesting to see what a new player from other gunning games can acomplish in a short period of time in this game


3- He hasn't done half the stuff that others have done and remain "ban free"


4- It seems to me that he is getting insulted more then he is insulting.


5- It appears to me that you started whatever conflict you guys have between you




You can find reasons to ban anyone on this Forum since almost everyone has flamed someone at least one time. However please reserve bans for people who spam nonsense and make this place annoying to visit. So far this guy has stayed in one thread and has responded to people who replied to his thread. He has done no harm to the community at all.


This is a place to exchange ideas and sure some people get a little angry at times, but this is normal in any situation where strangers are communicating with eachother.


Thanks in advance



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Originally posted by Jedi Spy

listen here son (darth fagsimus) is english not ur first language? I didnt say i had a problem installing it i said i had a problem with the models. Learn to read moron. gg :jawa




ohh i hope you didnt just insult me. im the one with dath which is often confused with darth. i told you where to get the mod cause i was being nice, now if i were you id shut up and make sure you insult the right person

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omg sorry dude ur the nice one :( it was the guy with the sith with red lightsabre avatar to which i was refering to :(


To the guy that was so obessive of me to look at my profile, go to my website, go to my roster and click my name - that was taken when i was 16, im 18 now.


I think u mean by 'talking out my ass' referring to my post about human rights etc. I have con artist parents and thats where i learn that **** :D


to Spy_JMR1 your just jealous of me because im the REAL spy and u know it heres ur reasons not to ban me. (thanks to the guy who stuck up for me)


1. Thats blatant power abuse

2. I bring alot of entertainment to this forum

3. If you think im serious and are genuinely offended by my comments seek mental advice

4. The people love to hate me

5. Im a new member of the community


Now i have obliged on giving u ur 'list' - even tho i wouldnt stay banned for long and u would get ur powers revoked :( - friends in high places i have :eets:


Eh right i will get back to u on the picking of the server :) There is this nice gamesdomain server that runs bespin 24/7, im on 56k and i get 160 ping there...its in germany so any americans may have difficulty but i will throw u the ip in a later post anyway


/Spy :eets:


p.s. Sorry i didnt mention anyones names directly i dont have a photographic memory and there is so many people replying to my topic :D I will learn the nice peoples names soon and talk to them later ;)





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"omg sorry dude ur the nice one :( it was the guy with the sith with red lightsabre avatar to which i was refering to :(" Ok.


"To the guy that was so obessive of me to look at my profile, go to my website, go to my roster and click my name - that was taken when i was 16, im 18 now." And the differnce is...


"I think u mean by 'talking out my ass' referring to my post about human rights etc. I have con artist parents and thats where i learn that **** :D" Now I cant trust anything you say..


"to Spy_JMR1 your just jealous of me because im the REAL spy and u know it heres ur reasons not to ban me. (thanks to the guy who stuck up for me)" I dont want you banned..but you are really persistant about making Spy look jealous right? We dont care if you had the name before spy,I dont really care **** about that. Spy is spy here. He had the nickname "spy" HERE before you. We dont care if you used it on another forum,he's the real spy here. You just think that having the name before him makes you the real spy,when all it does is make you seem like you want power and dont have any..


"1. Thats blatant power abuse" Not if you annoy him and annoy us all.

"2. I bring alot of entertainment to this forum" Bad intertainment,that and it's mostly pity for you.

"3. If you think im serious and are genuinely offended by my comments seek mental advice" Oh if you think he;s serious you need mental help too..

"4. The people love to hate me" and that helps your case..how?

"5. Im a new member of the community" That doesnt mean jack ****...


"Now i have obliged on giving u ur 'list' - even tho i wouldnt stay banned for long and u would get ur powers revoked :( - friends in high places i have :eets:" Believe me,the admins like him more that you. IF you try chicken with him,prepare to lose...

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