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WIP: Coruscant Promenade Duel


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Wow. Great job. This has just become one of my most antisipated maps.


I was kinda disappointed how Ep2 portrayed the Coruscant underlevels. In all the EU books, it describes the underlevels as disgusting, dark, infested and full of the worst people you'd ever meet.


But when Obi-Wan went down to see his bartender friend, there was actually SUNLIGHT getting down there! How is this possible?! Also, it looked far too clean.


But, anyways, this map is an excellent representation of the film.

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Eklin, you do realize that the EU isn't based on George Lucas's portrayal of the Star Wars Universe. All the EU did was seek permission to use the name Star Wars and characters and locations, but the GL Star Wars and the EU Star Wars are two completely different concepts. Because you have to consider that coruscant is in fact the housing of The Galactic Senate, so its not like they are going to not have trash disposal services. They are going to want to represent their city well. But keep up the good work starrunner.

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Phew... It took me a little longer than I thought I would, but I've finished. I'd forgotten how much trouble a leak can be to pin down. :) I've submitted it to the JKII.net files section, although in the meantime you can get the file here:




Apparently the server has unlimited bandwith, so there shouldn't be a limit on how many of you can download it. If you do find you can't access it, just try again tommorow when the server resets.


Thanks again for the support everyone.




-On the coruscant thing, the impression that I got was that the lower into the city you go, the worse it gets. -(I think the city is supposed to be a few miles deep or something). In the film, I don't think that Anakin or Obi-Wan ever really went that deep into the city. I seem to remember one of the EU books talking about areas of Coruscant that were so deep they never got any sunlight. So maybe the film didn't contradict the books after all.

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Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. The new level looks awesome, I'll be downloading it shortly because Andy's new comp hasn't arrived or something so JKii.net hasn't been updated with the latest submissions. Would also love to see a larger FFA Coruscant map as there are no real Coruscant maps, excluding the Jedi Council/Temple maps... perhaps you could include the club seen in Episode 2? I seem to remember seeing someone working on it somewhere, but it wasn't all that impressive.


Anyway, keep up the good work, and I look forward to future maps from you for Outcast.


p.s. - Apparently no one reads that this IS NOT your first map ever, only the first for JO. -sigh- No one takes the time to *read* the thread anymore, they just go to the last post and spout off whatever inane question or comment has been said or asked a zillion times already.

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Certain metal textures when played in MP version of JO have a glitch that Raven has not yet fixed. This glitch causes the "walking on metal" sound to be replaced with the "walking in water" sound. I hope they get around to fixing it, because it limits the type of textures you can use (if you don't want it to sound like water)... it's quite a pain in the ass.

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You can use Shader Ed to modify the texture so it no longer emits any sound / or change it to the normal thud, thud, thud footsteps.

It should really be fixed by RAVEN as you suggest - Don't expect to see that ANY time soon though :-(

Also I would use the CLIP texture rather than cushion to make a thin layer. Cushion reduces the damage from a fall and may not be what you require.



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Ah... I wondered what that sloshing sound was. (I did mention it in the readme under "known bugs"). It didn't occur to me to try a clipping brush though -good idea.


I may at some point revisit the level and work on a FFA version, but that'll probably be a while away yet. I'm pretty engrosed in designing my single player campaign at the moment. We'll see, though.


Thanks to Jediknightii files for hosting the file, and thanks again for all the feedback. (Makes it all worthwhile). ;)

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