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Hey! sorry i never realised things would crop up so much. But i'm back and think maybe we need the public to ovte rather than me as a ref. how abotu a special guest each day :D

Also the rules are like this-


You have a partner and you fight another tag team in any location you choose.


You choose your weaponary at the before the match

Weapons too powerful will be disallowed (like a nuke)


only one match goes on at a time.


You are allowed to form alliances (not over 6 people tho)


There will be title belts like the LucasForum Wrestling Federation belt, The European, intercontinental Etc. (no tag team, it always is tag team)


You and your partner have to decide on things, if one diagrees after it's written then what is written doesn't count


The Fighting is a like a story


Example: Tag team one enter and wait for tag 2 to come in. They don't wait long a pounce on him. Tag 1 takes out spoon and gouges internal organs. Tag 2 palyer splutters dying reaching for his tag team aportner but can't reach cos tag 1 p 1 pulls him back and beats him viciously. Tag 2 p 1 trips him up and bites his ear off and takes a ladder and sticks it down his mouth.

He tags. team 2 p2 comes in a kicks his ass more, he gouges his eyes and pours acid over his face. T1 p1 runs around liek ap ansy and faints.


Tag 2's shot:


Blah blah blah blah much liek the first one. You can jsut beat the person up all yo u want then when it's theo ther temas shot they cna do what they want. Though remember the team who has a better half will be voted by the public and win!


No more than 25 lines of Fighting for each team (count pls)


If your partner doesn't show up with in 15 minutes then He will be DQ and if he is a title belt holder then he get the belt takebn off him


The 2 teams have to be there to decide on the match so you can't just fight soemone who's not there.


Each player gets a shot at typing and the best 2 out odf the 4 win!


You can knock the ref out and cheat.


You have to decide what type of match it will be. ordinary matches you will be allowed to use TM items (3 only)


You cannot kill the other person. Unless the other person has a death wish


The player may cancel the match if they have to leave


Your guy can be out of action after recieving a serious beating but this is rare.


There are many more buth that's all i cna think of now.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Hey! sorry i never realised things would crop up so much. But i'm back and think maybe we need the public to ovte rather than me as a ref. how abotu a special guest each day :D

Also the rules are like this-


You have a partner and you fight another tag team in any location you choose.


You choose your weaponary at the before the match

Weapons too powerful will be disallowed (like a nuke)


only one match goes on at a time.


You are allowed to form alliances (not over 6 people tho)


There will be title belts like the LucasForum Wrestling Federation belt, The European, intercontinental Etc. (no tag team, it always is tag team)


You and your partner have to decide on things, if one diagrees after it's written then what is written doesn't count


The Fighting is a like a story


Example: Tag team one enter and wait for tag 2 to come in. They don't wait long a pounce on him. Tag 1 takes out spoon and gouges internal organs. Tag 2 palyer splutters dying reaching for his tag team aportner but can't reach cos tag 1 p 1 pulls him back and beats him viciously. Tag 2 p 1 trips him up and bites his ear off and takes a ladder and sticks it down his mouth.

He tags. team 2 p2 comes in a kicks his ass more, he gouges his eyes and pours acid over his face. T1 p1 runs around liek ap ansy and faints.


Tag 2's shot:


Blah blah blah blah much liek the first one. You can jsut beat the person up all yo u want then when it's theo ther temas shot they cna do what they want. Though remember the team who has a better half will be voted by the public and win!


No more than 25 lines of Fighting for each team (count pls)


If your partner doesn't show up with in 15 minutes then He will be DQ and if he is a title belt holder then he get the belt takebn off him


The 2 teams have to be there to decide on the match so you can't just fight soemone who's not there.


Each player gets a shot at typing and the best 2 out odf the 4 win!


You can knock the ref out and cheat.


You have to decide what type of match it will be. ordinary matches you will be allowed to use TM items (3 only)


You cannot kill the other person. Unless the other person has a death wish


The player may cancel the match if they have to leave


Your guy can be out of action after recieving a serious beating but this is rare.


There are many more buth that's all i cna think of now.

Too confusing. I've got a headace now, I'm gonna go lay down. I don't think I can play anymore.

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So the first match will be

Dath and Obi


Padanime and Darth Knight!!!


When all 4 of you are on or 2 of you then Yous can fight. Then after it people vote who they thought they liekd better in that match. :)

Interruptions allowed!

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