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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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I'm a pretty decent mp3 editor. I can hook you up a nice orchestral mix of those themes if you need for background music on your map. I helped out DoJo Kesea on his Geonosis Arena map that's still in progress, and he was pretty pleased with it. I'd be more than happy to mix together a series of end battle themes from TPM into one cohesive piece that runs a little shorter than the last 30-40 minutes of the TPM ultimate edition cd ;)


Give me a time limit for the how long you want the mix and I'll hook something up for you. Get at me via PM, or email me at fatboy_roberts@yahoo.com





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THanks Fatboy - I sent a email with what I want... any queations, contact me.


In other news :


As I mentioned in a previous post, I thought I'd screwed up the scale significantly when I started on the hanger. Turns out I was right. So I rebuilt it yesterday, and I think I have it right now. I'm finishing up the texturing today, and with any luck I'll get you guys some screenies before I go to bed tonight.


I have WhiteShdw working on a Naboo Skybox using that Naboo landscape picture that T3rr0r provided. Hopefully, that will turn out correctly and we'll be good to go. If not, we'll continue the search for a good one, or ,if all else fails, use Yavin.


The last thing I want to bring up is that I need a texture. I only have Windows Paint, so my ability to make them is limited severely. What I need it a texture similar to the yellow marble one in the map, but with a red hue to it instead, for use in the hallway area I'll be building. If someone could provide that, I think we'll be set, barring any other textures I might find I need when I get to that point. :)


That's the news at Noon.

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It's a little more than an hour later, and the hanger, structurally, anyway, is complete. I haven't put in the lighting yet, but I just ran a quick test of it. Framerates were in the high-to-mid 50s. Not as good as I'd hoped, but, given the size of the room, I think there may not be much we can do there.


As soon as I have the lighting in, I'll compile and get some screenies.


I havent put as much on the floor as LDJ did, mostly because alot of the stuff he put in seemed to be in support of the Lady Luck, which, or course, isnt in THIS map.

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Thanks, Merrit, but WhiteShdw already has that in hand...


Ok, I put up a few screenies at http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/dotfpics1.html


However, those arent accurate anymore. Already, I've made a big change. I've decided to use a different brick set, , as that yellow is just MEGA bright. I found another Naboo Hanger map with a darker brownish brick that fit MUCH better. I'll do screenies of that version shortly.


I've seen the beginnings of our skybox, ,and it WILL be nice... But fior now, nothing else. TTFN!

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Things that should be changed:


1 Better weapons placement. I know that a lot of people play saber only, but some people play guns too. Putting all the guns in the hanger is not really fun when playing.


2. Decorate the rooms a little! You know that room beneth the hanger? Very ugly IMO. Maybe put something in that room besides breakable glass.


3. Make the rooms smaller. Some rooms are completly too big. Like the hanger (too tall) and that room below the hanger (really big... too big.). It's not like people are actually going to go all the way to the corners of that room below the hanger.....


BTW: What does WIP mean?

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

2. Decorate the rooms a little! You know that room beneth the hanger? Very ugly IMO. Maybe put something in that room besides breakable glass.

you could probably lose that room, since in my experiences it has often been dead space.

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To address Knights Suggestions....


1. I always do my weapons and such last, ,after I have the architecture done, ,but that's definately something to note... I'll keep it in mind when I get there.


2. I have to agree with t3rr0r on that room under the hanger. I'll have to speak with LDJ (hint hint!) about it, but If I CAN lose that room, I plan to. If not, I'll turn it into some kind of hanger control complex.


3. As noted in my original post, Knight, all the rooms are being re-scaled. The Hanger and Beam Room in particular. In fact, I've already finished the hanger room. I showed it to one person, and his only comment on scale was "It's a little claustophobic in that maintainace tunnel" (The one that leads to all the catwalks). IMO, That corridor SHOULD be claustrophibic, as, if this were a REAL location, most people would't be going up there anyways.


Tommorrow, I'll start tackling the Beam room. If ANYONE has a "saber shader" as noted earlier, now's the time - otherwise, it's gonna look essentially the same for those beams.


Think that's it for tonight... more tommorrow...

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yep feel free to lose the lower hanger. was just added because it was in the book and had less lag in there for good fights :D


One thing you could add


above the hanger in a dome on the roof is a control tower, very hard to make at the time but you could use see through textures for the windows, as its a circle room.

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Originally posted by Livingdeadjedi

yep feel free to lose the lower hanger. was just added because it was in the book and had less lag in there for good fights :D


One thing you could add


above the hanger in a dome on the roof is a control tower, very hard to make at the time but you could use see through textures for the windows, as its a circle room.


What kind of book do you have LDJ? I was thinking of getting one of those Ep1 artbooks.

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WOW! I dont check for one day, and the posts just FILL IN!


Ok... in order...


Shred Lord :


1) For the sake of simplicity, I'm keeping the single platform from door to pit room. I actually think that's correct, but even if it isn't, that isn't too big a deal.


2) Darn RIGHT those platforms are gonna be a bit more random. It's either that, or make a lift to get between the different levels! Me? I like the idea of different layouts.




Thanks for the go ahead on losing that lower room. As for a control room up above... If I were making this an RPG map, then I'd say yes, but as most of the fighting is going to be taking place in the other rooms, a control room would just be too cramped for any real quality fighting, I think.


Defalc :


Thanks for the comments on the lighting issues. As I mentioned earlier, those screenies are out of date now, as I've changed the basic texture used in the level. Instead of the bright yellow bricks originally used by LDJ, I found a darker brick (kinda dark gold/brown) that fits the feel of the complex much better. Or so *I* feel. I'll get screenies of that up soon.


As for doing something with the N-1s... that's a modeling issue, and not something I can do. Even if I could, adding a shine like that to anything is a REAL framerate hog, and that was one of the issues we're trying to fix here.


Everyone Else :


WhiteShdw sent me the preliminary skybox this morning. The textures themselves look GREAT. However, to this point, I still havent seen them in game, as there is either a problem with the shader script itself, or I put them into my computer wrong. :(


More info on that as it comes up.


I now have the lift in the back room working, and it now has buttons on the up and down sides to operate it. Doing that with a single lift is a new accomplishment for me in an MP map, so Kudos to me. :)


The hanger door is being a bit of a bugger, but I've just about got it operating correctly also. There's going to be a small platform outside, but be wary! That first step is a doozy. :)


I've been busy attending to my family (they were both overjoyed to see me come out of my closet for once...) so I didnt get a start on the beam room yet. I hope (and pray) to get that going and mostly done by Wednesday. But no promises. That's going to be a difficult room at best.


Think that covers it for now... talk later. :)

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Got the skyshader in and working, along with the door. Screenies are at the usual place. It's impressive... thanks to WhiteShdw for this one (though I altered the shader a little... it emits light now! :) )



wow, that skybox looks amazing! although, a couple things... the hills seem too tall, and they would probably look better if they were green. :D


and as for the whereabouts of the walkwa, qui-gon, obi-wan, and maul jumped up a level or two before getting to the one that lead to the shielded room.

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1024 x 1280. And, t3rr0r... those were made using the naboo landscape pic you posted. You thought THAT looked good... :)


And that isn't ENTIRELY accurate. Obi-wan was first thrown from the platform Maul and Qui-gon were on, , the HE jumped back up. The other two never jumped levels. That I noticed anyway.

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atually obi-wan is kicked by maul 2 levels down, but then qui-gon backhands maul which on goes 1 level down, remember qui-gon trys to jump down on maul pretty much and obi-wan supermans up so the hangar and pit r 1 level apart!


i think the level of hangar is on is the highest, although he room still extents much higher

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