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Worst Movie Idea EVER

Boba Rhett

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Read what the latest.... "idea" that director Uwe Boll has for his upcoming movie, Houce of the Dead.





houseofdead.jpg Screenshot from game



Creature Corner has learned this weekend from Clint Howard that ‘House of the Dead’ director Uwe Boll (now in post-production on the latest video game turned film) intends to slap actual footage of the video game into the action scenes of the film!


Now, at the latest Weekend of Horrors, the ten-minute sneak peek of the film (read our coverage HERE) actually intercut the film’s actiony moments with game footage...an appropriate aesthetic choice to help sell the film to us geeky horror game lovin’ fools. It worked well then. On a 40-foot theater screen, if the film ever gets theatrical release, it’s going to look reeeeeeaaally dumb.



Hell, it’s going to look dumb on a big screen or small screen - quite possibly the biggest mistake for a fledgling director too. Perhaps we should just spread the word of hatred for this inane idea across the web. Talk about it enough (head on over to the official website and e-mail some folks!), you might just get Boll’s attention and he’ll come to his senses…



Friend of the Corner Dave Parker, who co-wrote the screenplay, shook his head at hearing the news and said - "I really don't know how this idea Uwe has come up with came about, but it really could go down as one the biggest misjudgments that a director could do. People want to see the movie as the movie and play the game as the game - they should be separate and I really hope in the end that they do."



‘House of the Dead’, due sometime in 2003, stars Jurgen Prochnow, Clint Howard, amongst other young ‘uns who are trapped on an island with a creepy house and a ****load of zombies.




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My question is this.... Do people even go to school anymore to become directors or do they just wonder onto a movie's set and get picked at random? :confused:

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e gad who knows. "Hey you there...want to make a movie" its kinda like watching some of those pathetic Sunrise Film Festival movies. Granted, some our good, however I've yet to watch them. The last CRAPPY @ss movie I actually spent money to see was IN the Bedroom. Was supposed to be great with Marissa Tomei. Ya...that sucked.


As far as House of the Dead. Graphics from the game inserted in the movie...boy I hope whomever see's this gets really drunk or high cuz that's the only way you'd probably enjoy this movie. Unless you go for a good LAUGH!

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The plot of the movie(You know, I really should try some NyQuil,groovy :D) is-



Guy finds island. Guy finds zombie. Guy shoot zombie. Guy says "(insert cuss word here) zombie". Guy finds house. Guy finds more zombies. Guy shoots zombies. He goes into house. He kills a non-stop hoard of zombies,never running out of bullets for some strange reason. Guy finds defenseless girl,which apparently zombies kept as a prisioner. Guy and girl have a love scene through the night,aparently no zombies come. Guy and girl kill the big cheeze zombie. Guy finds boat. They go and have blissful love on a continent,never to worry about the house again...




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