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Am I the only one that LIKES 1.04?


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Seriously, I hated it for about an hour. then I figured it out, re-learned the saber, and now I love it. duals last longer, and require greater skill then in previous versions, spammers are easy to kill (FINALLY). overall, its just a load of more fun!

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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg

i'm sure loads of others luuuurrrrrrrrve 1.04, but i recommend the promod. if you try that you'll never look back.


Yep, I play promod a bit to, but I find just plain old JKii v 1.04 more enjoyable (With dismemberment, ghoul2, and the other suggestions in the ultimate saber fights thread).


I'll admit that I was a MUCH better saberist with 1.02 and 1.03, (No, didn't spam things like DFA and backstab, in fact, I only recently figured out the DFA move, LOL, and I almost never use it, because your a sitting duck for a few seconds :) )


1.04 just makes it a little bit more like SP IMO, with more autoblocking, but for the most part, you do have to block swings yourself (At least thats what I've noticed)


lots'o'fun :D

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I love playing version 1.04, and I agree with A2597 that with the right settings it can be a blast. For FFA I like the saber damage uped a little (damage X2 or 3) just to make the saber a more useful weapon for quick kills. I've only played a little bit with different mods, but I always seem to come back to vanilla JO. I mean, does everyone need double-bladed or two lightsabers? :) And as for people saying that things changed so drastically between versions, I think that is a bit silly. So they fixed (as in fixed collision detection) DFA and removed the automatic pull-backstab, it only drastically affects you if those were the only moves you did.


Everyone is leaving? Then who are all the people staying? There seems to be tons of servers of regular JO that are packed with people, and some great players at that. I usually end up near the top of the scores, but I still come across many people that are better than me. And so what if "the best" people are leaving? Who cares if some one is really good at a video game? Nerds? It's funny, but everytime someone beats me and starts taunting me, I get an image of the Comic Book Guy sitting in front of his computer saying "I've wasted my life" :p So stick with what version is fun for you. What else really matters? And what is it about v1.04 that is so terrible?

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Originally posted by Cedrin

All the good players? Jk2 is still thriving just as ever. Have you ever visited the Darkside servers? They are all full every night.


Darkside has some of the best duelers in Jedi Knight. I wouldn't say that all the good players are leaving.


The best play ladders, the best clans dominate ladders, and the best clans are leaving.


Also being good at duels doens't mean anything. All the "great" duelers are so stuck on duel setting that when confronted in a multiple enemy setting they got rocked. This was more apparent in previous version where you couldn't block your backside but its still seen today.


If you want to be good at JKII you must be good at the following


-CTF weapons enabled

-FFA saber only and weapons

-Duel sabers and weapons


If you can do all of the above then you are awesome, if you think the amount of competition is decided only on "darkside saber only duels" then you suck at over all JKII.


Your saber v my gun means you DIE in JKII. So duel all you want, but the really great clans have left or are leaving soon. Because a bunch of wanna b jedi decided to dumb down the game.

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By the way claiming auto blocking is the ultimate noob creation by Raven. They did it so noobs would last more then 5 sec. The fact that anyone needed the game to help make up for their lack of ability and then claim it to be skilled is laughable.


how did raven make 1.04?


Take 1.02 and just add water!

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Take 1.02 and just add water!


That's the same drivel you've been peddling since 1.04's release Fatal, and it doesn't hold any of that water you've been going on about.


Raven listened to stupid folk who couldn't adapt, and made 1.03. And it was crap. Raven tried to fix it in 1.04. Stupid folk who couldn't adapt were very unhappy, and some of them are still whining about it to this day. Anyone who prefers 1.03 to 1.04 is quite simply a moron. QED. :rolleyes:


People are leaving, yep. I've been considering leaving. Know why? It's not because 1.04 is a bad patch. It's because there are hardly any whining newbies left to bash. They all ran away when their precious 1.03 was scrapped. :(


-CTF weapons enabled

-FFA saber only and weapons

-Duel sabers and weapons


Yep, I win em all.


But Duel with weapons other than the sabre? Interesting idea. I wonder how long someone waving a bowcaster around would last in a duel...

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heh, I play a fair amount of force FFA, althought I don't really like weapons. (Never use them, just annoying until ya kill em, kinda like a fly buzzing in your ear)


select force + saber only ROCKS!


(By select I mean jump, saber throw, mind trick, seeing, speed, and a few others on, lightning and drain off)

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


The best play ladders, the best clans dominate ladders, and the best clans are leaving.


If you want to be good at JKII you must be good at the following


-CTF weapons enabled

-FFA saber only and weapons

-Duel sabers and weapons



Your saber v my gun means you DIE in JKII. So duel all you want, but the really great clans have left or are leaving soon. Because a bunch of wanna b jedi decided to dumb down the game.


Sounds like what I predicted in the jedibattlefield forums is coming to pass. The top players are seeing that the "guns rule" atmosphere of jk2 teamplay isn't very enjoyable. There are tons of other FPS's that do guns better (ut2k3) if they want that type of gaming. The sabers are what truly set jk2 apart from other products, and the standard version saber combat is useless in a teamplay gametype due to its low damage and short range.


So why bother with competitive jk2? The guns are only so-so. The guns/force powers play style is pretty dumb in 1.04. It's always: grab projectile weapon, turn on either absorb+speed or speed+rage, and go do a flag run. Yawn. You could just play RuneQuake if you wanted to do that.


I told them that the saber would have to become useful in CTF and other weapons-enabled games for the game to maintain its uniqueness. Guess they finally conceded my point.


I'm committed to making jk2 team games unique and fun again.

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Originally posted by Spider AL


That's the same drivel you've been peddling since 1.04's release Fatal, and it doesn't hold any of that water you've been going on about.


Raven listened to stupid folk who couldn't adapt, and made 1.03. And it was crap. Raven tried to fix it in 1.04. Stupid folk who couldn't adapt were very unhappy, and some of them are still whining about it to this day. Anyone who prefers 1.03 to 1.04 is quite simply a moron. QED. :rolleyes:


Yes it is the same thing I have said before and I still say it, 1.04 is watered down nonsense. Almost every single attacking strat is weaker.


Red stance is slower. It's DFA is a joke.

Yellow can't spin as fast, and can't chain as many attacks.

Blue can't lunge in the air.


All of the backstabs can't spin, even thought the change to force pull prevents you form falling down most of the time. Is there really a need for stoping the spinning if you can prevent yourself for falling down most of the time with ease?


Oh yeah and did I forget to mention I don't like 1.03. I don't even consider 1.03 a real patch, it was more of a mistake then anything else.


Originally posted by Spider AL

People are leaving, yep. I've been considering leaving. Know why? It's not because 1.04 is a bad patch. It's because there are hardly any whining newbies left to bash. They all ran away when their precious 1.03 was scrapped. :(


They didn't run away, they still play 1.03. 1.03 is the hell dimension of JKII. Its where evil players are sent to suffer out the remainder of their JKII lives.


Also I don't think many would leave the game due to lack of newbies. If anything 1.04 has more newbies then ever.



Originally posted by Spider AL

-CTF weapons enabled

-FFA saber only and weapons

-Duel sabers and weapons


Yep, I win em all.


But Duel with weapons other than the sabre? Interesting idea. I wonder how long someone waving a bowcaster around would last in a duel...


Bowcaster? You actually consider that a weapon?


But try pulling your saber out when I am holding a Heavy repeater, you would last about 15 seconds unless you bunny hopped around hoping I would waste my ammo, which would only make me wait you out before I killed you.


By the way if you win all those game types you kick @ss! I still get owned in CTF but I'm gettin there!

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Originally posted by ArtifeX


Sounds like what I predicted in the jedibattlefield forums is coming to pass. The top players are seeing that the "guns rule" atmosphere of jk2 teamplay isn't very enjoyable. There are tons of other FPS's that do guns better (ut2k3) if they want that type of gaming. The sabers are what truly set jk2 apart from other products, and the standard version saber combat is useless in a teamplay gametype due to its low damage and short range.


So why bother with competitive jk2? The guns are only so-so. The guns/force powers play style is pretty dumb in 1.04. It's always: grab projectile weapon, turn on either absorb+speed or speed+rage, and go do a flag run. Yawn. You could just play RuneQuake if you wanted to do that.


I told them that the saber would have to become useful in CTF and other weapons-enabled games for the game to maintain its uniqueness. Guess they finally conceded my point.


I'm committed to making jk2 team games unique and fun again.


Exactly. The game has become guns OR saber and without saber in the mix the game goes from a great game to a average game.

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try pulling your saber out when I am holding a Heavy repeater


There are duel maps with repeaters on them? Where? :confused:


And you're right that 1.04 is slightly nerfed when compared to 1.02. But compared to 1.03, it's heaven. As for the red stance, it's still the most useful of the stances... but there are times when lighter stances are necessary. Why, I've dispatched many a skilled opponent just because I have changed stances, and they've stuck to one. I think that's quite balanced, personally.

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Originally posted by Spider AL


There are duel maps with repeaters on them? Where? :confused:


And you're right that 1.04 is slightly nerfed when compared to 1.02. But compared to 1.03, it's heaven. As for the red stance, it's still the most useful of the stances... but there are times when lighter stances are necessary. Why, I've dispatched many a skilled opponent just because I have changed stances, and they've stuck to one. I think that's quite balanced, personally.


I played a Weapons Mod that allowed Heavier Weapons in Duels, but I don't know is they have them on duel maps, I haven't ever seen a server that has duel weapons.


I don't disagree with the statement that 1.04 is pretty balanced, I just think that if you took ProMod blocking and 1.02 offense, you would have a what Raven should have done in the first place. :cool:

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I don't disagree with the statement that 1.04 is pretty balanced, I just think that if you took ProMod blocking and 1.02 offense, you would have a what Raven should have done in the first place


Ah well more power to you. If that's your idea of what JO should be like, you should make a mod to match it, or recommend 1.02 offensive moves to Artifex or someone. JO is what JO is, however. Complaining about it, changes nothing.

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