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Yep.... I'm up for the night.

Boba Rhett

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And it's all because of the attached photo. It sturs up things inside of me I've fought years to burry. Look at the bottom of this post to view it. Yeah, this is another one of my rambling dream threads. ;)


The things that truly scare me - the things that have always haunted my dreams ever since I can remember, have been normal things that are somewhat out of place. I don't know exactly how to explain it but here it goes....


Mummys? *yawn* Vampires? *yawn* Ghosts? *yawn again* A small child seemingly normal, in the middle of a graveyard staring right at me? Pass me a new Depends undergarment please. That's just an example but that's the type of thing that truly scares me. That's the type of thing that's caused me wake up in cold sweats countless times.


I used to have a reaccuring dream. In the dream I needed help. I was trying to get away from something. I'm not sure what that something was exactly but it seemed to be a darkness that was slowly encompassing our house. I would run into my house, and walk into my living room to find all my family sitting there. Just sitting. I'd scream at them and try to get them to move but they would just sit and stare and maybe crack a small smile and turn their heads to look at me. Then I would see the darkness in them. In their eyes. They would just continue to stare. It at about that time when I would wake up a screaming mess.


I had many variants of that dream and I believe this is the cause of my lucid dreaming. I think I was so traumatized by these that my mind adjusted so I could have my lucid dreams. Where I could go in and change these things. But that eventually failed as well.


I'm not kidding when I say that image and these memories deeply disturb me. I'm sitting here shaking. :(

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that's evil...u know i am having all kinds of wierd dreams since the preg thing...let me tell you them. These are all dreams where I actually felt like it was happening!!


One was I was at my old house and we ( a bunch of kids, my boyfriend and family) were hiding from "something" not sure what. Well we had to leave the house and run down this hill into the dark ocean. Everytime a wave came we would try to you know body surf them...or ride them out. I was trying to hold the kids above water. Well a REALLY big wave came and sucked me under and all I could see was DARKNESS and I could not swim up and I started paniking and then I thought I died. I woke up REALLY FRICKEN SCARED. Because I thought I had really died!!



The next creepy one was I was in my house...I went to turn on a lite and got ELECTRICUTED> I could feel myself shaking until I thought I died. i woke up again thinking I was dead.


THEN LAST NIGHT I took a nap right? So it was dark out. I dreamed that I woke up and started getting ready for work. In the pitch dark. I got stuck in the closet...its a walkthru closet...one door goes to the main bedroom and the other to the bathroom. Well it was dark. I could feel the clothes around me and I fell on the ground and someone...(the darkness) didn't feel like anybody but I could feel myself dragging on the carpet was taking me somewhere and I tried to wake myself up because I KNEW I was sleeping but I couldn't so then I freaked out because I thought it was really happening.!!!


Scarey huh??

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That last one is very scary. :o That's what would happen when I lucid dreamed. Things would start getting bad and I knew I was asleep but I couldn't wake myself up at first. I also would always have this dream kind of like the one I talked about above only an old woman came to live with us and family members start disappearing and I walk into her room one night and she's standing there, hanging the missing family members skins on a rack of hooks. She'd then look at me and smile while blood ran from her mouth. I would run upstairs to tell the family but then it would play out exactly like the dream I talked about above. They'd just stare and smile. I'm shaking again. :(


I was very young when I had these dreams and had never been exposed to violence such as that. WHY did I dream these things and WHY do they continue to haunt me?

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I had a dream once that I was walking down the sidewalk, and there was this monster thingy coming my way. I knew it was a dream, and I told him I didn't believe him. Then he ate me....


Another very creepy one I had, I was in this pit surrounded by jagged rocks that about 3 times my height. I could those Alvin and the Chipmunks voices getting closer and closer. I knew it was a dream also, so I tried to wake myself up, but I couldn't! Eventually, I did though. It was very scary...

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  • 2 weeks later...

my dreams are never scary, just really, really wierd. ok, so this one reacurring dream i used to have as a kid (i guess i could still be considered a kid, but i don't think i am. i'm 16.(basically)) was that i was up on a ladder which was propped up against a tree. the thing was, it was a FRICKIN' HUGE TREE! it was a/b a mile tall. and in my dream, the ladder would slowly tip over backwards and i'd start to fall. i'd be falling, and i knew it was a dream, but it felt really real. at first i remember it scarring me, but i had it so many times it got to be just like, "oh, i'm falling again. i guess i'd better wake up", and then i'd wake up. and, weird as it may seem, i started expiramenting with it. i'd fall farther and farther each time, and then tell myself to wake up. i never hit the ground, though.


another weird one i just had 2 days ago. it was a VERY weird mixture of Animal Crossing (a fun game for GCN) and the real world. i was on a camp retreat w/ a bunch of people, some i knew and others i didn't. in some places the world looked like animal crossing, an in animated and sorta cartoonie, in others it looked real, and in other places it was a weird mixture of the 2. every1 had a personal cabin, and some looked like houses in AC, and others like normal houses. mine was cartoonie (go figure:rolleyes: ). also, the ground was all textured like a tennis court (?). i went back to my cabin once and it was gone. instead, there was a snowman. it had a letter set on it that was from some guy there (don't remember the name) and it said when the snow melted, he'd put back my house. artoo and a bunch of people from my school were there too, and for some reason me and artoo were really happy that i got a snowman (again, go figure). there was this one guy who said he came there to practice his golf swing, b/c the texture of the ground improved it and that was the only place in the world w/ ground like that (?). also, sometimes we'd all lay out on our stomachs outside a lodge type thing when it rained and talk. that's all i remember, but i have a feeling that there was a lot more, and i seem to remember doing something in the woods.


well, i sorta went off on that. sorry.:D


p.s. - does lucid dreams mean you're fully aware and can kinda control them, and can sorta still tell what's going on in the real world? if so, i have those all the time in class, and they're weird but fun. i mean, i can still hear the teacher talking, but it's coming out of thin air! :confused:

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lucid dreaming is a state where you are dreaming, but you somehow know that you are in the "dream world" and can control it. The ability to control may only be slight or you may be able to do pretty much whatever you want (which is the coolest type). Now, I 've done the whole "I've gotta wake up" and actually wake up routine before, but that's about as close to lucid dreaming as I can get.


Some people clain that they can do it at will, some, like possibly Rhett, have been trained to...his dreams forced his mind to take control...there are also products that "induce" or are supposed to help w/ lucid dreaming....the most interesting one I've seen was a pair of blindfolds w/ red blinking lights over each eye...the theory is, when you go into R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement, indicating that dreaming is taking place) the lights flash...you then see flashing lights in the dream world and, after some trainging, recognize this as a sign of a dream and thus enabling you t otake control. Whether or not these things actually work, I don't know.


Also, I'm no expert on the whole dream cycle and all, so go do some research on your own, I'm sure there are plenty of websites about this.



now then, my most interesting dream so far has been one that was about a COMPLETELY normal day....except a chimp followed me everywhere...I'd go to class, chimp went with me...I'd go to eat lunch, chimp sat next to me...I'd have to go to the bathroom, I'd pull the little wake-up routine from above and actually have to go...get back to sleep....there's the chimp.....

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That picture of Mickey is pretty scary Rhett!!


I'll tell you what scares me the most.......of all the scary movies I have ever seen (that's a lot of them) the one that scares me the most is the Stephen King movie IT!!! I have nightmares about this clown waiting in the storm drain and in the shower........




that's enough of that....:(

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I feel pretty fortunate not to have had many scary, creepy dreams......just the standard one of driving off a cliff, etc.


In a close second on the movies (1a) was the Exorcist.

Saw it when it was re-released in theaters, OMG! That girl goes up the stairs (crawling on her hands/feet) feet first..... :eek:


I can't give anymore examples from the movie......:(

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

I'll tell you what scares me the most.......of all the scary movies I have ever seen (that's a lot of them) the one that scares me the most is the Stephen King movie IT!!! I have nightmares about this clown waiting in the storm drain and in the shower........


Come on! Chin up! ... He's not coming back until 2020! :D



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