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Review of the next Superman Movie Script

Boba Rhett

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It's very long but I feel that you all must read it. All of our images of Superman and the entire story of him will be destroyed forever if they don't change this script. It is truly horrible as you will see if you read it. Just as a warning, the review has got some language in it.


Go Right Here To Read It.



I found myself, on several occasions while reading it, screaming out, "Ohhh noooooo....". It's THAT bad.

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SWEET MOTHER OF MOSES!! PLEASE, don't let this script see the big screen!!


If there is a God, (s)he will kill this script now!!!


see, this is why I have always preferred Marvel comics...first off, they have no superheros that's disguise is a pair of glasses!


second, when they do something, they don't play around at it...make a movie out of Spiderman? sure, get Sam Raimi...X-men? easy...Daredevil? shaping up nicely.....meanwhile, DC is over in special ed going, "I MAKE MOVIE!!! SCREW ORIGINAL STORY!! ME MAKE OWN!!"


aaargh, don't go read that script, it will only raise your blood pressure.... :rolleyes:

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Dude...one "comic book movie" or okay a couple....recently Spidermen and Xmen - Does good and now all of a sudden 50 film makers come out and decide MONEY MONEY MONEY!!! They don't give a rats %^$ about storyline!! Ugh. Didn't they already make the show smallville. That's enough Superman for me! Go make something diffent and new for gods sake! Stop screwing up what was already a good thing.

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DC comics, though my favorite growing up, have given entirely too much freedom to their licensees.


The Batman movies, especially those directed by joel schumaker(sp) have all but completely ruined the storylines that the comics have established for years with the fans. That being said, DC themselves were not much better to it's fans by Breaking Batman's back and bringing in a replacement (Azrael) for a while. Or killing off Superman, only to bring him back as a jumpsuit wearing, lighning bolt throwing, psycho!


Of course Marvel has had their dumb moments too, Peter Parker a clone? Ben Riley the real spiderman? :rolleyes:


But DC is allowing movie makers to completely change the story and character of Superman, all in the name of the almighty dollar. I mean, krypton still in one piece, Kal-el's mother being tortured? That's sacrilege! Someone should tell them that Clark's mother (Martha) made his costume for God sakes! The movie version costume is a semi-sentient costume with special powers from krypton? What the 'ell? All the powers were in Kal-el not his costume! And what's this, Lois and Clark meet at a college Kegger party? Lex Luther is a CIA agent and worse even ...kryptonian? Why not make it so Lois Lane is really a Kryptonian too, and is really supergirl? :rolleyes:


But I'm sure the toy line and video games will sell like hotcakes. Where there's a dollar to be had, there's a moron ready to exploit something for it! :rolleyes:


Oh well, I had already lost my faith in the Comic companys a long time ago. This will only serve as a reminder of that... :(

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The writers all sat down, for what must have taken them a whole two hours, and been like, "OK guys, what can we do in this movie to totally P*** off every Superman fan that's ever been, shatter the entire story and send the entire superman phenom down the crapper?"



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if a movie will take 2 hours, i will take 2 hours to read that, and i am unwilling, but seeing that you all think it sucks, it would be kinda radical of me to say i disagree. so i say i agree!




i just skimmed, and some of the lines in there were so cheesy...afterall, superman movies were always cheesy :D

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

SWEET MOTHER OF MOSES!! PLEASE, don't let this script see the big screen!!


If there is a God, (s)he will kill this script now!!!


see, this is why I have always preferred Marvel comics...first off, they have no superheros that's disguise is a pair of glasses!


second, when they do something, they don't play around at it...make a movie out of Spiderman? sure, get Sam Raimi...X-men? easy...Daredevil? shaping up nicely.....meanwhile, DC is over in special ed going, "I MAKE MOVIE!!! SCREW ORIGINAL STORY!! ME MAKE OWN!!"

Don't diss DC. *slaps Homer*


I actually appreciate that they want to give the franchise a breath of fresh air. However, the new elements themselves I don't like. They were obviously thrown in just to set up a trilogy. To make more money. Make Krypton blow up, PLEASE!


I wish they would stick to the Superman vs. Batman flick. I just finished reading The Dark Knight Returns comic yesterday, and GOD DAMN it was great. The clash of the titans; the two greatest superheroes ever battling each other over different ideologies about what makes a true hero.


Let Frank Miller and Kevin Smith write a script, for pity's sake.

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