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wip: watto model


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ok i got a problem, stupid assimilate is giving me this error:


-------- C:\jk2\GameData\base\models\players\watto\model.car --------

( Build trigger: "c:\jk2\gamedata\base\models\players\watto\model.glm" missing )


entering c:\jk2\gamedata\base\models\players\watto\model.car

(90 degree skewing OFF)

Loading GLA "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla"...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 files with 17278 frames

XSI file 'c:/jk2/gamedata/base/models/players/_humanoid/root.XSI' not found!


( Press any Key ... )


its pissing me off cuz i swear im doing everything right. im gonna start all over with the weighting and all maybe thatll help, but i hope someone know what the problem is

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ok i solved my problem and got a test version in-game, no screens but its better off that way since i need to work on weighting it for real this time.


I would like you to post ideas for his death, taunt, and other sounds. I have a ton of Watto quites from the movie but if anyone wants to help thats cool too.


Also give me ideas for the CTF skins. this i have no clue on what they will look like. i cant really change his color...then he wouldnt be Watto.


were on the final stretch here people, i need your ideas to make my model great! :D


EDIT: id just like to add that im am still looking for information on making the wings flap, any sort of help here would probably be more needed than anythign else.

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Originally posted by hansmoleman

Also give me ideas for the CTF skins. this i have no clue on what they will look like. i cant really change his color...then he wouldnt be Watto.


EDIT: id just like to add that im am still looking for information on making the wings flap, any sort of help here would probably be more needed than anythign else.


For his CTF/CTY skins, just change his clothes color. :in Watto voice: That would be simpler, I think, huh?


:regular voice:


As for the wings flapping, I suggest PMing KMan... he's one of the go-to guys when it comes to textures... plus it was his idea to do the wings/shader thing anyway, so he would know how to explain it...

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Ok i have been playing with this thing in game its great hes made great improvment frist version i got had both eyes in one socket and held the saber wrong this one holds it RIGHT ok u guys want me to shut up and give u UPDATES right!?!?

hopoe that works if it does i will post more!



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Originally posted by Hellfire Jedi

we can't see your C drive. :X


on a side note, i found four high quality watto quotes. :D



http://www.galenaparkisd.com/cybercamp/2001/hav19/images/find.wav (could cut out the laugh for a taunt)

http://www.galenaparkisd.com/cybercamp/2001/hav19/images/jedi3.wav (best watto taunt)

http://www.galenaparkisd.com/cybercamp/2001/hav19/images/mindtricks.wav (second best watto taunt :D)

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thx for teh sounds t3rr0r, if i had sound on this school computer id surely listen to them


but seriously i have a question, its about that very same "gripping" issue. im pretty sure its just a matter of weighitng the bolt_l_hand to the right bone, the thing is im not sure which bone it is, so if someone could tell me that would be great...as for the mouth thats easy enough to fix.

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scouttrooper: i completely forgot lol, ill work on that after im done fixing most of the problems. as for the ctf skins, they are done already. I guess hellfire didnt take any screens of them they look pretty much like yours except the rebel and imperial logos on the front. the logos are a nice touch and ill try to add them of i can.

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Originally posted by hansmoleman

ok i got a problem, stupid assimilate is giving me this error:


-------- C:\jk2\GameData\base\models\players\watto\model.car --------

( Build trigger: "c:\jk2\gamedata\base\models\players\watto\model.glm" missing )


entering c:\jk2\gamedata\base\models\players\watto\model.car

(90 degree skewing OFF)

Loading GLA "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla"...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 files with 17278 frames

XSI file 'c:/jk2/gamedata/base/models/players/_humanoid/root.XSI' not found!


( Press any Key ... )



how the heck did you solve the problem ..... me is having same thing :p

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he everyone, i just wanted to say i got the shader for teh wings to work with help from Kman, ill be tweeking it for the best possible apperance. just wanted to say i hope to have the model finished by halloween or the day after, i know im looking forward to it. I wanna start something new!! :)


edit: oh oh im not bantha fodder anymore this is my 50th post :D

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i cant remember how to make it so force attacks come from the left hand and not the pelvis.


i thought that since you make the weapon work by binding bolt_r_hand to rhang_tag_bone then i would do the same to the left side, but assimilate tell me "cannot find lhand_tag_bone" so i assume im doing it wrong. if so WHICH BONE DO I BIND IT TO!!

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w00t go Psyk0Sith, the problem is fixed, i swear you should write a new modeling tutorial, your website has great tips and you seam to know alot :). anyway, im just gonna fix some last minute bugs that came up and it will be ready to release;


lol yes, scoutrooper i WILL make the belt I remember :)


snakeyes141: im not sure if youve solved your problem but all you really have to do is open the .car in notepad and edit it to this:


$aseanimgrab_gla models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla


$aseanimconvertmdx_noask models/players/YOURMODELFOLDER/root -makeskin -smooth


and it should solve your prob.

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