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jk3 (rumor based on LEC survey)


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from ve3d




Jedi Knight 3? 10:55 PM - Jeff "Gimpy" Tom - Games: Action - (103)

LucasArts sent an e-mail out to some LucasArts Insider subscribers with questions about developing another Jedi Knight title and also getting some feedback on Jedi Knight 2. Personally, I'd love this but hopefully they can shake up the gameplay some more this time as LucasArts did so brillaintly with Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. Deus Ex meets JK2? :) Who knows but either way nice to know they're looking for feedback. P.S. Who else wants a real sequel to Tie Fighter. :)


if they do make it hopefully a good looking engine that would help add atmosphere will be used

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Well, Deus Ex and JK2 are my two favorite FPS games, so I guess a combination of the two would be my ideal FPS. Deus Ex was great in terms of character interaction, plot, and player customization, but the actual combat in the game was "flat" at best. It would be awesome to have a Star Wars game with a plot other than "kill the Imperial splinter faction" or "kill the pirates," where the characters came alive and had their own agenda, where your choices as a character affected your relationships and the world around you...with the intense lightsaber combat as a bonus. But what are the odds of that happening?


Also, TIE Fighter is by far the best of the old LucasArts games and does deserve a sequel. X-Wing Alliance was okay, but the plot never really got me involved at all. It would be great if they implemented a system where you could work your way up through the ranks, eventually being able to control Imperial fleet movements, deciding what to send into battle, etc...of course, I would be more than happy if they just re-made the old gameplay in a brand new engine. Of course, LucasArts would never think that making a new game about Imperials is "commercially viable," even though TIE Fighter enjoyed tremendous success.

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Originally posted by Blamer

Well, Deus Ex and JK2 are my two favorite FPS games, so I guess a combination of the two would be my ideal FPS. Deus Ex was great in terms of character interaction, plot, and player customization, but the actual combat in the game was "flat" at best. It would be awesome to have a Star Wars game with a plot other than "kill the Imperial splinter faction" or "kill the pirates," where the characters came alive and had their own agenda, where your choices as a character affected your relationships and the world around you...with the intense lightsaber combat as a bonus. But what are the odds of that happening?


*whistles* KotOR, Knights of the Old Republic my friend :cool:

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Originally posted by Datheus

Yea, Legion, but my understanding is KotOR is going to only be on console :( I hope that's a misunderstanding


Yes, that is a misunderstanding...




look under platform



Can´t wait for this game... weeeeeeee


erhmmm sorry bout that... too much weeee going around :rolleyes:

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I'd like another Jedi Knight series of games. I wish they hadn't named this game Jedi Knight 2, then the trilogy scenario would have been set. If it had been titled Dark Forces 3: Jedi Outcast, there's the trilogy and story of Kyle Katarn.


Then the new game/series could be about another of Luke's Jedi, possibly taking certain aspects of the Expanded Universe novels and having the main character be someone such as Corran Horn, Kyp Durron, Kam Solusar, or perhaps even Luke himself. How many games actually have Luke in it where he's a full fledged Jedi Master that you can control him? Any at all?


Or perhaps they could take it the other way. Have the main character be an anti-hero. A trilogy on a Dark Jedi or Sith-type character and his/her mis-adventures.


There are many ways they could go with this as they expressed in the survey which I hope all of you took the time to do. I do agree though that the story of Kyle Katarn should end with Jedi Outcast as far as games go.

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I hope they do make another Jedi Knight game and that it has the following.


1. Scalable models, so characters are the right size in MP.

2. An option for single, double (two single) or a duel saber like Maul's and that the option's available could be set server side and client side but servers would have ULTIMATE control of that.

3. Keep guns, but make the game (SP) and types (MP) revolve more around the saber.

4. Implement defensive features like those in promod, and make sabers more deadly.

5. Have more team based game types for MP.

6. Add campaign style feature to SP where you start as a padawan/apprentice being trained by a MasterJedi/ SithLord and have dynamically generated missions to complete. As you complete training and missions you skill increases. This would greatly enhance the replayability.

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Before we all go off the deep end, the survey could mean just about ANYTHING at this point.


JK3? That's just VoodooExtreme being wishful (and wouldn't we all be?).


I'd love to have a SP game where we "played as the villians" or had the option to. I'd love to see squad based multiplayer modes (well we already have that in an alpha stage as Saga, but still) etc. and coop of course!


At this point I think that an expansion would be more likely than a full out sequel, but who knows. Until Raven/LEC says so, we have no idea. But we can dream... ; )

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

There'd have to be some significant reason for making an entirely new JK game, like a new engine, which would take too much effort.



Methinks an expansion is in the making.


why a new engine. The graphics are great. Gameplay is the essence of a game

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JK3 using the Doom3 engine ;) Now that would be something, improved graphics and gameplay.


If they decide to make a JK3 then please wait for the Doom3 game to be released and then buy that engine and create JK3.


A jk3 would be great with Mara Jade, like MOTS, and Kyle Katarn. Or Kyle Katarn getting class from Luke and then gets sent out for a mission.


Oh well we'll see....Raven is going to do Quake 4 first so it is gonna take a while if they hire Raven again...





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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

A lot of people thought another patch would never be made after 1.03 either.


I still think a dynamic (not scripted) campaign feature where you start as a padawan/apprentice being trained by a MasterJedi/ SithLord and have missions to complete would be awesome.


You mean something like SoFII's Random Mission Generator, but for JKII? That would be really sweet! I really enjoy playing those little missions ...


Imagine the JKII Expansion Pack having 3 key features - a nifty new SP mission based around Kyle and or an apprentice, some cool new MP features like co-op or whatever, and finally a RMG. The RMG - which, of course, Raven already has developed - would need to take on an additional dimension to kick arse. You'd need to be able to choose to play as a Jedi, Dark Jedi / Sith, Apprentice, or Merc. Your missions would be based on that.


Cool ...



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Originally posted by txa1265


You mean something like SoFII's Random Mission Generator, but for JKII? That would be really sweet! I really enjoy playing those little missions ...


Imagine the JKII Expansion Pack having 3 key features - a nifty new SP mission based around Kyle and or an apprentice, some cool new MP features like co-op or whatever, and finally a RMG. The RMG - which, of course, Raven already has developed - would need to take on an additional dimension to kick arse. You'd need to be able to choose to play as a Jedi, Dark Jedi / Sith, Apprentice, or Merc. Your missions would be based on that.


Cool ...




Yep that's what I mean, but dynamically generated not scripted. Choosing what type of force weilding character would indeed be sweet as well.

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Oh I'd boycott a JK game that didn't have Kyle as the protagonist at least for some of the episode. (as in MOTS, which was even better the third time I played through it recently, gosh those Sith temple locations were atmospheric.)


Kyle's the man! He's mah boy! He's the Jedi! Sort of. Everyone loves Kyle. And besides, he has yet to face the Yhuuzan Vong. Oh, and he has yet to go entirely grey. And he has yet to die. You could make a story about Kyle, and you could make it good, have no doubts. By golly gosh, Ben Kenobi was wandering around doing good when he was Alec Guinness' age! What's to stop Kyle? Eh?


And the story could start straight after JO finishes. Yers.


Oh who could ever dislike Kyle?


Actually I AM KYLE. Weren't expecting that, were you. Yep, I'm Kyle Katarn, and if they don't include me in the next game, I'm gonna sue their buttocks for breach of contract. :naughty:

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I must say this is the first game...i have played so much since half life was first released in 98...or was it 99.....who cares........


i have read that the answer to a deus ex jk2 merger is KOTOR....however on the forums for that game....it is said that u do not directly control ur character. but u tell him who to attack and he does it....i dont like this....it would be cool still...but id rather be submerged in the game with direct control over movement of my alter ego...i loved deus ex......and a grand story such as the one in deus ex.....set in the sw universe....in control of a character like how deus ex is done....cept ur a jedi is the best idea.....


sw galaxies will suck! :)

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i wish they would make things a bit more competitive. here is a list of a few things i wish would happen in a expansion pack.


slightly faster base force regen.


tweaking the force powers so that things are a bit more even (make absorb stop force pull and push more but cost more force, balance out heal, balance out drain, make lightning do more damage, make speed cost less, make rage cost more but increase the speed a bit more).


making the lightsaber more than a friggin glowstick/shield. i wouldnt even mind them upping the block rate as long as they upped the damage of the lightsaber alot too like fast does 60-75, med does 75-90 heavy does 90-125, lunge does 60 and penetrates defense, med special and dfa are both instant kills, backsweeps do 100 and hit only once, backstab does 120 and hits once. i think that this way people can still get a 'movie' type fight if they're good enough(since blocking rate will be increased even more) but the saber will also be useful as a weapon rather than a shield. i also think that defense should be slightly revamped so that heavy has a higher hit percentage than medium and so forth but as you put more points into block the blocking rate also increases. i think it's rather pathetic that throw does more damage than a light swing sometimes.


MORE MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MORE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MORE WEAPONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


in anycase after starwars galaxies, most of the rpg people that wanna pretend they're a jedi will leave to play that game and hopefully this game will be able to get a bit more competitive without their constant bitching about nerfing this or that.

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I think a sequel so soon would be EXTREMELY BAD. There are tons of people and modders working on big projects, and they're going to be real pissed if after just a few months there's a new game that everyone's switched to.


An expansion pack using the same engine would be ideal. Modders can very easily port their stuff to it, and it lengthens the life of the game.


Plus, I highly doubt they would make a whole new game so we can find out what happens to Tavion. An expansion is much more likely, especially considering they made one for JK.

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Originally posted by Aoshi

i wish they would make things a bit more competitive. here is a list of a few things i wish would happen in a expansion pack.


slightly faster base force regen.


tweaking the force powers so that things are a bit more even (make absorb stop force pull and push more but cost more force, balance out heal, balance out drain, make lightning do more damage, make speed cost less, make rage cost more but increase the speed a bit more).


making the lightsaber more than a friggin glowstick/shield. i wouldnt even mind them upping the block rate as long as they upped the damage of the lightsaber alot too like fast does 60-75, med does 75-90 heavy does 90-125, lunge does 60 and penetrates defense, med special and dfa are both instant kills, backsweeps do 100 and hit only once, backstab does 120 and hits once. i think that this way people can still get a 'movie' type fight if they're good enough(since blocking rate will be increased even more) but the saber will also be useful as a weapon rather than a shield. i also think that defense should be slightly revamped so that heavy has a higher hit percentage than medium and so forth but as you put more points into block the blocking rate also increases. i think it's rather pathetic that throw does more damage than a light swing sometimes.


MORE MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MORE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MORE WEAPONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


in anycase after starwars galaxies, most of the rpg people that wanna pretend they're a jedi will leave to play that game and hopefully this game will be able to get a bit more competitive without their constant bitching about nerfing this or that.


Aoshi, you serious? The saber could use some improving, but having backsweeps and backstabs doing 100-120 damage? Thats a bit extreme, exspecially if they aren't blockable.


That was the BIG PROBLEM with 1.03 patch of JKII. FF Saber matches became into "force pull + backstab" matches. Of course, the Light Siders had the advantage since they can turn on Asorb and use Force on a Dark Sider and backstab him to death.


1.04 has some problems, but it's definatly better then 1.03. And the result? No more backstab wores ranking up high score and bragging how they rule, and now look at them, half of them etheir uninstalled 1.04 or left JKII because they couldn't do there cheap pathetic ass fighting technics.



Anyways about a new game, I definatly think it's way to early to make a new game. JKII isn't even a year old yet, but a expansion pack would be great.

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