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[OOS: I mean landspeeder-same thing]


I can't drive this sort of speeder...I can only do bikes...I never took a landspeeder course as a kid...


*Beler notices the AT-STs are flanked by AT-PTs*


Come on! We don't want to have to run...


*Beler notices that the house they were just in had a gas barbecque (sp?), with a cylinder full of flammable gas*


Come on! If we get going I can snipe the cannister and burn the place!

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"as fast as possible!!"


*Kioet floors the speeder, driving wrecklessly he heads for a small hill, away from the road, the speeder goes flying up over it, nearly throwing everyone out*


Kioet: "Sorry, i was just being cautious at the last moment, pehaps they mined the road?"


*Kioet drives the speeder through the city's entrance, does a 180 and stops, almost immediately stormtroopers start firing from within the city*


Kioet: "Stupid idiots, they're just asking for this!"


*Kioet throws everyone out of the speeder, and takes off going at max speed towards the group of stormtroopers stupid enough to be close to eachother, the stormtroopers are surprised by this, and before they could act, Kioet smashes into them, knocking them all unconscious or dead*


*Kioet stops the speeder, and hops out, looking at the dead stormtroopers*


Kioet: "Bantha Fodder!"

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Officer: "Sir! It seems like we had got teh rebels on the run, the area is clear."


Ivan: "Good, capture any survivors, make more landing parties along with more walkers and support artillary, and spread out to other possible places with in two-hundred kilometers of the base."


Officer: "Sir!" *The officer begins to give out orders to what gets done exactly has his CO instructs him...*

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  • 2 weeks later...

[OOS: Scar, actually read the damn backstory. The point of this RPG is, and I'm going to spell it out so you notice:




*The group speeder into a small town and park at the edge. Entering on foot, they quickly buy utilitarian clothing and rent a storage container for their main weapons (can't carry sniper rifles and missle launchers around a town!), and go to a bar*


Guys...check out the area. See if you can make contact with any other guys from our base.

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*Beler sits at the bar and gasps. The barman is his old friend, Colonel Ikor. He is a short Ithorian, and, traditionally, is cleaning the inside of a glass with a rag*


Ikor: I'm going to make this quick, Beler. I can't fight. *He gestures at his foot*. The Imps got my leg. But I heard there's a cell in the town, couple of guys from the base. You can find them in the docking bays, but be careful, cities under martial law, remember.

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*Ivan goes up to the nearest officer*

Ivan: "Have my shuttle prepared with an escort. I wish to take some operations on the survice myself, things are not getting done. And send out another suppy of walkers. One more thing, make sure the traitor remains in his cell, and reduce his quanity of how much he's eating per meal down a bit."

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Kensin: I suppose. *coughs* It doesn't matter, really. We'll probably just get killed faster. *gulps another drink* And that isn't just the bluir ale talking...


*Customer wanders by* Excuse me sir? You're taking bacta? *looks at the bacta patches and the sling* You really shouldn't be drinking that then...it'll make you sick...*at Kensin's look, he wanders away a little more quickly*

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*After landing on planet side, Ivan and a group of commanders discuss how to find survivors.*


Ivan pointing on a map: "Alright, I want three equal squadrons formed." *Pointing to a canyon area.* "The First will scout this ridge here, check every nook and cranny." *Pointing to a wid eopen area.* "The second will scout and create a base operations there. Set up communications to the Star destoryer from there, and relay any requests for reenforcements from either yourselves or the First and Third Squads..." *Points to a town.* "Third I want the town u nder our control in any menas nessary, just declare Martial Law on it or something, make as little civilian kills as possible. Move out."


*The commanders salute Ivan, and proceed with their operations... Each squadron having approx 7 Imperilal Walkers, 15 Chicken walks ^.^, and 3 to 5 regiments of Stormtroopers...*

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Scar: If by "Imperial Walkers" you're refering to AT-AT's (being the ones with 4 legs)-at this point they haven't been invented. I have mentioned this before]


Beler: Why shouldn't he drink with bacta...and how do you know


*He uses the ID code should troops become scattered and the planet occupied*



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