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Man: *lowering his voice and leaning* Old mining tunnels. This area is littered with them. The Imperials stuck half their prefab structures right on top of what used to be a mining base and herded us in. A group of us found some open shafts after night fell and slipped out right under their noses.


The trouble is, they've increased guard since we escaped, and we have no weapons. We can't even take on a few guards, let alone a whole camp...

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Jokemaster: What systems can you deactivate?

???: Everything except life support and communications

Jokemaster: What about Cameras

???: I'm manning them, remember?

Jokemaster: nice serving with you again

???: A pleasure here captain

*??? deactivates all systems except life support and communications for 10 minutes, allowing jokemaster to escape and sneak into a closet, changing into a captains uniform*

Jokemaster: Where is the hangar located from here?

???: go straight ahead, then to the right

*jokemaster arrives in hangar*

Jokemaster: thanks, you sure you wont be caught?

???: as sure as i was with the prank

Jokemaster: they never found out it was you did they?

???: no

Jokemaster: until next time

???:Power on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....

*power comes back on*


*Jokemaster steals a shuttle, plants cherry bombs in the hallway, sabotages 4 of the fastest ships,leaves his "calling card" (a datapad with his signature and a message on it) and flies to the planet*

The datapad says:

Sorry to check out early, but the service here is awful

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*gaurds check cell to find it empty*

Gaurd: send message to Commander Ivan


*cherry bombs explode, soundig fire alarms*

Stormtrooper:what the??

*ST runs and sees fragments of cherry bombs*

Stormtrooper: ****y son of a...


*gaurd sends following message to Ivan*

"Commander: Chavez, the prisoner, has escaped. He sabotaged all of our combat-ready ships. There was a complete blackout which he used for his escape, he may be headed to the planet. We are currently preparing ships to chase him. "

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Stormtrooper: "Commander!"


Ivan: "What is it?"


Stormstrroper: "Message from the Star destroyer..."


Ivan: "Give me it..."


*The stormtrooper gives hima datapad witht he message. Ivan read it.*


Ivan: "Great..."


*Ivan turns to another trooper*


Ivan: "We ahve traitors on the ship, take a few, and kill them, but wait for the traitor's ship lands, and then take off..."


*The stormtrooper starts to walk...*


Ivan: "And make sure the reflectors are on even in the atmosphere, in case of enemy AAA"

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Jokemaster turns around to discover that his cargo is a bunch of thermal detonators and rations*

"this should come in handy"

*flies above Imp camp, throwing out activated thermal detonators, destroying and damaging some walkers*

*through radio on camp frequencys*"hey Ivan, why don't you try a fair fight?"

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Katori: Certainly. Follow me!


*Katori leads the group in thir speeders for several klicks northeast, into a forest before stopping in front of a large boulder covered with brush*


Katori: The rock's a hologram over a force field and the plants are camo-nets. There's really a cave under there. *Katori makes a bird whistle, which is replied with a slightly different call. Katori whistles again* That was the signal for all clear.


*The boulder flickers and disappears, revealing a couple men, a Duro and a Sullustian at a monitoring station in a cave entrance*


Katori: How's those sensor dampers going, Wat?


*The Sullustian replies in heavily accented Basic* Well, Katori. That generator you stole is working fine. Who are your friends?


Katori: The tall one is Beler, the one with the hurt arm is Kensin, and the Trandoshan is Kioet. All are sympathetic to the cause of the Rebellion. *The Sullustian shakes their hands* Beler, Kioet, Kensin - welcome to the Resistance.

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Kioet: Dammit!!! Our storage container with our weapons is way back at the city!


*Kioet looks at the duros and cracks a smile*


Kioet: Got any heavy weapons that we can use? Particularly heavy repeaters, missile launchers, grenades, and small sidearms...I have this sudden urge to kill some stormtroopers right now!

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Katori: Whoa, whoa, calm down. *slaps Kioet on the shoulder* You'll get your chance. *to Beler* Yes, targets...*to the Duro* Nemo, what's the situation with the convoys?


Nemo: There's one due in less than an hour ten klicks from here.


Katori: Defended?


Nemo: A complement of small walkers, nothing more that I can see.


Katori: Then we hit that one. We've got a half hour before the rest of our group's due back - you guys have that time to get ready. Sorry to press you into service so soon, but we need every man we can get...

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*jokemaster lands shuttle a little outside of town, grabs as a many rations as he can keep in his backpack and walks into town bar*

Chavez *to man in bar*:im looking for a resistance

Man: You're late, they left town a while ago

Chavez: You know where?

*man takes him outside and points twoard the direction where Beler and the rest went*

Chavez: thanks


*tracks the group to rock*

"Now let's see if I can get in there"

*starts looking for an entrance when suddenly a camoflauged net springs up, capture him and sound an alarm*

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((OOS: Ummm...camo nets just lie there jm ;)))


Katori: Yes, actually. We've got three missile launchers and a couple sniper rifles. We've got some small explosives, but alot of em are damaged. They might not work right.




Great, we've got an intruder.


*Man calling* Hey Kat, we've netted an Imp here!


Katori: Be right there - don't take him down.

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Nemo: I've identified a spot where you can set up an excellent ambush. *a hologram comes up of a patch of land* The convoy will pass through this valley here. It's fairly open, just low foilage. There's five hillocks surrounding it, covered with brush and tall trees.


Katori: We can hide out there. We'll place the charges where they're sure to trip them, and when they're stopped and distracted, we use the missile launchers to take out the walkers. Careful with your fire, though. The convoy's carrying supplies we'll want of this resistance is to succeed.


*Man, dressed as a mercernary, sporting a lightly armored vest* Guerilla warefare. Gotta love it.


Katori: You bet, Gatten. Now, let's go deal with the Imp.


*the group goes outside to where Chavez is hanging in a net*


Katori: Okay, buddy, who are you? Who sent you?

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*Kioet grasps his newly aquired missile launcher*


Kioet: Nice, it's one of the newer models with homing and tracking capability, and without the kickback of the older models!!


*Kioet stares at Chavez, suspisciously*


Kioet whispering to Kensin: He's probably a bounty hunter sent to lead us into a trap, we should be extra careful.

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