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Turok Evolution


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Well, I liked it.


Me and S1DC rented it for PS2.......some things weren't so great, such as


Being able to walk through large enemies


Enemies sometimes getting stuck on textures or something


Invincibility code NOT working correctly (was able to jump off a large cliff and somehow take damage from the landing)


It freezes for 1 second in mp when you kill someone


No checkpoints, except at beginning of stage, if you die near the end, you start level over again. Feels like you've accomplished something when you beat the level though...


the controls are somewhat reversed from the n64...left analog controls movement, right analog controls aiming...should've kept it at original turok style. :/


ok now for the good:



Awesome intro hehe this sleg warrior gets his head split open by a warclub. :D


Poison Arrows. Makes enemy puke his guts out. :D


Lots of blood and gore. :D


'wildlife' such as dinosaurs, wander around eating stuff, minding their own business until you start to harm them. :D


You can knock trees over onto enemies.


Multiplayer levels are perfect size


You can control turret guns


The flight levels give you a small break.


Dinosoids surrender, get down on their knees, and you can kill them execution style. :)


Levels are huge (not the first few though)


The enemies look cool.


Well, it was fun playing it, until S1DC tripped over the PS2 (i don't know why the heck he had it standing vertical............) and i think that scratched the disk, and it wouldn't load sometimes, etc. good thing he didn't break the PS2.


I'm getting an Xbox sometime, and Turok Evolution will be the first game that i get on it. =)

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i think i like turok cause it has all those dinosaurs in it, and i've liked dinosaurs since i was like 3 years old.


I also like indian weaponry, like the bow and arrow.


i know that it doesn't 'compare' with halo. that's because Halo was made specifically FOR the xbox, not for all the other systems. :)

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OMG Zelda, The Holy Grail of anything percieved as a video game. I once spent 16 hours streight in front of the original Zelda. I request a moment of silence for the careers of Nintendo.






































Ok long enough, they STILL suck! :p

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The new Zelda game was changed early on in developement from a realistic looking game to an entirely cell shaded game. Nintendo wants desperately to be different...... or something.... I don't know what the hell they're doing anymore.



The mental image I get new of an average day around a Nintendo office resembles a large drug induced pillow fight. :disaprove

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