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U.S.A.'s elementary schools are inhumane!

Dagobahn Eagle

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No, I'm not in elementary school and struggling with passing (:D), but rather, with my little brother (10) and a friend's little sister (9+-) enrolled in elementary school, I've been hearing a good deal of horror stories. What I've been hearing mostly is stuff like:


- Teachers who simply do not care about their kids. Some teachers in elementary school simply seems not to have emotions at all.


  • I've heard of repeated cases of teachers not letting students down to the age of 7 use the bathroom, resulting in students peeing their pants, which is extremely mortifying and humiliating.
  • My brother's teacher once told her class that they were "all little bugs and she was going to crush them and chew them and spit them out".
  • The sister of my friend told us that in her teacher's class, their was this boy who obviously had problems at home -almost every time he came to class, he started crying, he was that depressed. Did the teacher try to comfort him? No, she sent him out of the classroom and yelled at him for "disrupting the class".
  • When students pee themselves, teachers often yell at them and/or force them to wear diapers (hello? :rolleyes:).
  • This might be a bit out the category, but.. why do you have achievement tests for students in 4th grade? I know schools are supposed to be competitive, but why not simply judge students by their grades? And I mean, those tests aren't even fair, as students have to get at least a 70% (minimal passing grade to go to the next grade level). How can tests like that measure a school's average when


You keep listening to Chinese, Japanese, and Middle Eastern kids saying your school system is too easy -why don't you listen to Europeans saying it's too hard -and the UN that reported that they were close to breaking several laws regarding threatment of children?


All the above mentioned cases would have been reported to the correct authorities in Africa and Europe as inhumane, yet in the USA, you seem to put academic skills in front of the welfare of the student body.


I am not too heavily into your middle schools, everyone seem to love your colleges, and personally, I'm in High School, which I LOVE. But your elementary schools need an overhaul -in the opposite direction. Simply passing a few laws requiring the teachers to be more humane will do it, as the stuff they go trough is "challenging but manageable".


I can't be the only one who outraged by this. Anyone else? I'm sure there is a ton of similar stories. And no, I don't think I'm "just having a culture shock" more than an American adult wandering into a nation with 16-hour workdays is having a "culture shock".


Midgard Eagle

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Man, I tell ya. I can't stand schools like that. They work for us. Sometimes they need this smacked into them.


My school had problems much like this but my Dad isn't the type of guy to put up with any amount of ****. Ask Sher, he knows. ;)

Anyway, he got several people fired because of stuff like that on several different ocassions throughout my years there.

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Yeah, I've seen a few people wet their pants...even in High School. Although more often I see the stundent get up and leave while shouting "Screw You!" See the average American is getting smarter;)


BTW, Eagle where have you been? Havn't seen you on the forums in a long while.

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Well, i went to private scool until high school and my teachers were great, so i guess i don't really know.


Still, you really think a law is going to change some teacher's attitude? Besides, whats the definition of "humane." Thats a very broad word.


There are plenty of great teachers out there who love children, i'm sorry that not all students get to have one, but thats just the way it goes. In high school, sometimes you get really nice teachers, someitmes you get witches from the pits of hell (ie. Mrs Fritsch) ;)

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my sister tried going into the highschool up here, and they'd load her with homework, so at the end of the school, she'd come home all stressed, cause homework didn't allow her to do anything else, and then it'd be time for her to go to bed. So she quit after 5 days of it, so she's homeschooled again. She also said in the classroom, the teachers didn't teach anything, instead she'd have to be grouped with other students and they'd have to figure out the stuff themselves. talk about LAZY. And teachers want MORE money. give me a break.


I'm glad i was homeschooled throughout highschool. :D

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Originally posted by Rogue15

my sister tried going into the highschool up here, and they'd load her with homework, so at the end of the school, she'd come home all stressed, cause homework didn't allow her to do anything else, and then it'd be time for her to go to bed. So she quit after 5 days of it, so she's homeschooled again. She also said in the classroom, the teachers didn't teach anything, instead she'd have to be grouped with other students and they'd have to figure out the stuff themselves. talk about LAZY. And teachers want MORE money. give me a break.


I'm glad i was homeschooled throughout highschool. :D




15, ALL public high schools are like that.

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my mother used to be an elementary school teacher...key words are used to be...the stories Eagle told above, are rare...I hope...I certainly have never heard of that around here and if I did, the person(s) responsible would be fired or worse.


Secondly, teachers DO deserve a raise...most of them are busting their asses all day to do the best job they can only to wind up getting yelled at by their student's parents because they reprimanded their child for being disruptive (trust me, my mom went through that exact probelm several times a year)


Teachers nowadays (in the US and some other places, so I've heard) are expected to babysit students for very little pay...here in South Carolina there is a teacher shortage...the very reasons are A) low pay B) too much work C) no respect form anyone else D) being yelled at for doing their jobs...I could go on, but I think everyone has gotten my point by now


also, Eagle, be outraged! I am! Go tell someone these stories you've heard instead of just posting them here...they are not normal or acceptable!

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

15, ALL public high schools are like that.


ALL high schools are like that. I go to a private one and I've had so much H-Work and so much insanity from teachers that I've had to go to student study sessions with friends on Saturdays many times now. I don't see how people are suposed to learn anything in AP classes...they go MUCH too fast and leave so many people in the dust. I'm tring to catch up, but even my superior intellect is struggling (humility is one of my better qualities;) )

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Most elementary school teachers are good, but a few teachers are really bad. I didn't have any bad teachers during elementary school because I went to a private school, but if you complain to the principle enough the teacher will usually quit doing stuff like that.


The public education system for Texas elementary schools isn't the best, though High School is ok.

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We have one major problems with our schools.


1.Discipline (really the lack there of)


The stories you told are rare, and if that isn't reported then the Parents are at fault.



I went to an elementary school where I could get the crap beaten out of me if I misbehaved. So what did I do, I behaved, and actually learned. I am grateful for that discipline.


As far as High School goes, that is the way it works. You are getting ready for college and when your in college your don't get everything spelled out for you, nor should you.


Personally I found High School and middle school far to easy.

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I went to an elementary school where I could get the crap beaten out of me if I misbehaved. So what did I do, I behaved, and actually learned. I am grateful for that discipline.


When I was in elementary school, there was this guy who was 'different' in a way, so I called him names for that once. He punched me in the arm so hard I nearly cried, but I never called him anything again, and thinking back, I'm glad he did that.


I still find it wrong that an adult should beat a kid up.. in the year of 2000, even :(.

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