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Rollercoaster Tycoon 2


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Originally posted by Darth Homer

I've forgotten how addictive the orig. was....I was up till 3 am last night playing RCT2...and slept through my 8:00 alarm for my first class today....oh well, it's a boring class anyway

its an awesome game.. i cant wait to go and play it.
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Guys just play RTC 1


it saves you a lot of monny

if you don't have it

then you can buy RTC 2

Rtc 2 is the same Rtc 1

only it hase some new rides and bels


i remeber the day i first played the rtc 1 demo




but i don't want the same nightmare all over aigan


il wait for SIM CITY 4

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

Guys just play RTC 1


it saves you a lot of monny

if you don't have it

then you can buy RTC 2

Rtc 2 is the same Rtc 1

only it hase some new rides and bels


i remeber the day i first played the rtc 1 demo




but i don't want the same nightmare all over aigan


il wait for SIM CITY 4


NL...if you don't like the idea of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (which you obviously don't) then please don't spoil the rest of our fun by being a pessimist in a thread about it.


PLUS RCT 2 does have a REVAMPED engine meaning it's not exactly the same. Plus it has cool new features like the automatic rising of rides and the stacking of scenery. Plus you have the new rides and the Attractions; the Six Flags Parks/Coasters; The new Rollercoaster Building area thingy; AND to top it off a great price...what's not to like? And the real point: Why NOT get it?

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I don't want to spoil you all


but this RTC 2 is a very cheap game


i gess the makers yust needed monny very fast or sow

if you have rtc 1 whit loopy landscaps

then this game add not much

you can't even play whitout the secanarios

thats boring


this game is even cheaper then Galactic battlegrounds

but sice i never playedded AOK its fun

so for everybody who has never played RTC 1

go get this game


for the rest


wait to be it on buget

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You double-posting bandwidth hog! Make your own thread if you like SimCity4 so much!


Oh, and I think we're all lucky the voice of reason Havoc got there first to that LotR sucks thread. I don't know what would have happened if anyone else would have misinterprated it. Certainly most likely would have been worse. I was getting really mad, and I was about to say Right on Havoc. But oh well, I digress.


I think I'm in agreeance with YD here:


Shut up

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Originally posted by Artoo

Oh, and I think we're all lucky the voice of reason Havoc got there first to that LotR sucks thread. I don't know what would have happened if anyone else would have misinterprated it. Certainly most likely would have been worse. I was getting really mad, and I was about to say Right on Havoc. But oh well, I digress.


this was a joke dummie


Ok back to topic:


Its not that theres anything wrong with it but for the rct1 gamer you wont like it.

Its really not that different from rct1.

sure better graphics and a couple new rides but it still has most of the same problems as rct1 and its expansions.

AI are just as stupid and its still lacking the game engine to recreate a real park.

i was all hyped for it but now im very dissapointed

RCT2 is definitely fun but too much of the original game crept in to this sequel.

It's really more like an expansion pack than a sequel.

If you were looking for something novel and new, this is not it. Think of it as more of a polished version.

It will look and feel very familiar with few twists and changes.

I'm enjoying it but not thrilled by it.

The excitement that the original RCT brought is not in this game. RCT2 just smacks of expansion packs to come

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar


this was a joke dummie


Ok back to topic:


Its not that theres anything wrong with it but for the rct1 gamer you wont like it.

Its really not that different from rct1.

sure better graphics and a couple new rides but it still has most of the same problems as rct1 and its expansions.

AI are just as stupid and its still lacking the game engine to recreate a real park.

i was all hyped for it but now im very dissapointed

RCT2 is definitely fun but too much of the original game crept in to this sequel.

It's really more like an expansion pack than a sequel.

If you were looking for something novel and new, this is not it. Think of it as more of a polished version.

It will look and feel very familiar with few twists and changes.

I'm enjoying it but not thrilled by it.

The excitement that the original RCT brought is not in this game. RCT2 just smacks of expansion packs to come


Excuse the double post but I think this is a good example of how to flame people without getting banned...


You tell me where in this thread did a single person say they wanted a "New Original RCT"....not a soul...and your reasoning about the "RCT Gamer not liking it" holds no substance...if you like RCT and it's very similar to it then why WOULDN'T you like it?


Now please Ackbar give up your arguments cuz obviously no one wants to hear them.

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if you like tetris in 1988 and 10 jears later tetris comes again whit only two new blocks


then would you like it?


no you just keep the real one


cuse becose if there are 10 games that are all very similar you don't buy all 10 you buy 1



I am only saving you monny


but probely its to late


i tried the best i could .

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NL you don't listen very well do you?


For one: the 2 blocks added to Tetris would be like adding 2 rides to RCT, no? Well that's not all that was added...for one a bunch more rides, 2 a revamped engine, 3 a new rollercoaster building area, and 4 an easy way to rise ride platforms and to stack scenery.


Two: RCT2, if I'm not mistaken, costs probably just as much as RCT1 and sinse it DOES add more stuff, that's a good deal.


Three: I don't like Tetris


Four: There's an old saying that goes "If you have nothing good to say then Don't say anything"


Five: Follow the old saying in 4.

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