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Dreaming of Episode III


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Well, I just woke up from a horrible nightmare.



I was watching Episode three, and this is how the very beginning was:


Anakin was sent on a mission to some lava planet, and padme, obi-wan, mace, and some other pilots were doing a bombing run on some strange outpost. All this time, Anakin is on the com with Padme and/or obi-wan.


For some reason, padme crashes and is thrown out of her ship, and is flying in midair. For some other strange reason, Anakin suddenly appears, and is also flying in midair. I now see Padme and Anakin wearing totally white, and Anakin grabs a nearby hunk of metal, which suspiciously looks like the assasin droid from AotC. During this time, Padme and Anakin proceed to have a heart-to-heart talk, and afterwards, Padme shoots a grappling hook at the hunk of metal anakin is holding, and says something to the effect of "Let me go"...


But wait, it gets weirder.


I cut to a scene where a large alien warrior family is working in a factory with Yoda overseeing them. The father asks Yoda if Anakin will be alright from the death of his wife. Yoda says he doesn't know, and that he expects him to act like he did in AotC.


Then I cut to a scene that I'm in for some reason. Anakin walks in the door, and there's me, Obi-Wan, and two hot twi'leks... (It's true!) anyway, Obi-Wan and I suddenly jump to our feet and have our hands on our lightsabers, thinking he's gonna go darkside on us. But he pulls out a bible and goes on about his newfound belief in religion, that he has put aside his lightsaber in search of a new meaning... and then I woke up.



I'm not sure which is worse, the poorly scripted death of Padme, or Anakin turning to religion and not the dark side.

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i had a dream that my grandma's dog died (i did something to make that happen...) and then the dog came back to life as a puppy, but looked like my dog, except was female, and acted the same as her dog. and i was at this hospital with a friend asking to get treated for a octopus tentacle burn, the doctor only treated us 1 time, then the next time i went in, i needed insurance and money, and i didn't have any. then i was at tthis like indoor zoo that looked like a mall, and there was a guy walking these small elephants, and 1 of them went away to a video store, and my friend went off with the guy walking the eleephants, and i heard the guy said 'elephants never forget' and i was like 'ya right, then why did this 1 forget to follow' and i chased it into the video store, where everyone wasn't paying attention, until this dude caught it, then everyone went complete silent, and was staring, it was freaky!!!! then i went back to the hospital, and was staring at this chart with moving animals on it.

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Originally posted by Eets


... But he pulls out a bible and goes on about his newfound belief in religion, that he has put aside his lightsaber in search of a new meaning...


I don't like people who type lol and aren't really laughing out loud ... it's not honoust ... knowing that ...


LOL !!!!


I didn't expect that kind of ending, but I like it :D This way we won't need ep 4-5

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