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What is guaranteed to make you cry?


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Originally posted by Absurd

But overtime girls don't like wimps - they prefer a male with a backbone who doesn't get all emotional.


That's just my observation.


well your observation is bollocks. Men arn't wimps for crying. You can be a bad a$$ AND show your emotions too. just take my word for it.

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Originally posted by leXX

well, I'll just let you know a womans pov on crying. firstly we think it takes a REAL man to show his emotions and secondly, we find it extremely sexy. ;)


Please note that for this post to be anything other then a lie said "man" would hav eto be built like a human tank and have lots of money...otherwise man will be assumed gay and will be reffered to as such to all other women on the very next trip to the bathroom.

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Originally posted by leXX


well your observation is bollocks. Men arn't wimps for crying. You can be a bad a$$ AND show your emotions too. just take my word for it.


So if your mans sprinklers turned on everytime he stubbed his toe you would find him extremely sexy? NO


The truth is that girls find this sexy if they agree with whatever your sissy @ss is crying about is worthy of you shedding a tear. If not.......


Play it safe fella's and pretend to be yawning. LoL!

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Originally posted by Absurd

Those who try to be bad a$$ and emotional tend to be the most violent.


I'll take a calm, peaceful, rational person anyday.


BTW: Everytime I reply to your threads you get all hostile. Whatever your issue with me is, get over it.


well that's probably because all you do is spew poop. you're trying to tell a woman a womans pov. get over yourself already.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


So if your mans sprinklers turned on everytime he stubbed his toe you would find him extremely sexy? NO


The truth is that girls find this sexy if they agree with whatever your sissy @ss is crying about is worthy of you shedding a tear. If not.......


Play it safe fella's and pretend to be yawning. LoL!


Haha, relationships in a nutshell. Well said. :)

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Originally posted by leXX


well that's probably because all you do is spew poop. you're trying to tell a woman a womans pov. get over yourself already.


You come across as mentally deranged when all you do is launch unfounded personal attacks instead of sticking to the subject.


Your choice - but I'm sure you're going to lose respect from some people here for doing it.

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Why is it I wonder that men have such a big problem with crying? Women have no such hangups. Being able to cry is a perfectly natural and human emotion and should not be embarrasing in any way.


Of course, if a man cries for stupid little things, I would consider him a sissy, but if a man does not cry in a situation where I would expect him to cry simply because he is 'ashamed' to show his emotions, then I would find this extremely offputting. This is why women find it sexy, because it shows you have no hangups, you have a feminine side, you do not care what others think and you are HUMAN, not a machine.


Real men cry, idiots pretend they don't.

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i cry at everything, award shows, sad movies, sunsets, getting kick in the nuts, games shows, when the computer crashes, when i buy something and it doesn't work, when LF is down, when i've run out of tissues


ok maybe not, i'm pretty sensitive but death of a loved one is the only thing that starts the tears.

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Originally posted by Absurd


You come across as mentally deranged when all you do is launch unfounded personal attacks instead of sticking to the subject.


Your choice - but I'm sure you're going to lose respect from some people here for doing it.


Not unfounded at all. I've read your posts and come to my conclusion based on them. You spew poop, a lot of people agree with me, fullstop.

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It appears everything is a question of communication and representation.


The key is to control your emotions. You can choose to cry or not to cry - but that goal should be to have absolute control in expression - so that one can manage what others see, hear, sense, etc.


Identity is what others think of you - control is what matters.

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Originally posted by leXX


Not unfounded at all. I've read your posts and come to my conclusion based on them. You spew poop, a lot of people agree with me, fullstop.


First of all - I've been posting in these forums for quite a long time - before yourself - and I've used a different name.


Ever seen the name "NewBJedi" - go look in the tech support section.


Second - I don't require a fanbase.


You come on to this forum with your "Lexx's Hero's" crap and some of us don't participate and find it silly - we are immediately not in your 'cool crowd' .. anyone who questions you is 'spewing poop'.


Perhaps I should start an Absurd's Hero's so I too can get a little backing of Internet forums dwellers. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Absurd


Well, since you drummed up your fanbase of little boys who follow your every post and thread - it's not surprising many agree with you.


The whole 'Lexx's Heroes' - Come on, what a joke - just to acquire some attention. :rolleyes:


Back to the subject ...


if i were u ..... i'd run ... dont question ... just run


edit: hmmm edited your post .... wise .... but late



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