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Alright we all know about Grand Theft Auto 3...I personally haven't played it. I just saw pics and that was enough. There was an article on CNN about the New BMX XXX and how it is full of scantily clad porno women and etc. What do you guys think of these games. I personally being a woman have no interest in these games....and even if they had a CHIP AND DALES GAME and probably would still not want to play a VIDEO GAME of it. I think its silly - too cartoon like and well if you want a porno go out and rent one. Why make a video game outta it? And what does it have to do with BMX anyways. Sex sells I guess. This game will only sell because people are interested in seeing why it is so bad. Or to get a good laugh. Or perverts I dunno. What do you guys think of "WHEN GAMES GO BAD". I would rather play a game full of action, great graphics and a great story line rather than some cheesy game biking around for hookers. :cool:




Game maker: Criticism of 'XXX' unfair

Thursday, October 17, 2002 Posted: 3:37 PM EDT (1937 GMT)




A topless woman rides a bike in a scene from "BMX XXX."






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Retailers shun new 'XXX' video game






LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Shunned by retailers for a video game featuring prostitutes and pimps, Acclaim Entertainment Inc. on Thursday said the controversial game was being unfairly held to a different standard than mainstream media.


"BMX XXX," which will carry a "Mature" rating as assigned by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, features scantily-clad prostitutes, pimps in outrageous clothing and copulating dogs, and carries the tagline "Keep It Dirty."


Glen Cove, New York-based Acclaim is scheduled to release the game on November 19 for Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 2, Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox and Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s GameCube game consoles.


Retailers Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Toys R Us, KB Toys, Best Buy and Circuit City all said this week they would not carry the game.


The Parents Television Council, a group that usually condemns what it sees as inappropriate TV programming, issued a statement Thursday praising retailers for refusing to stock the game.


But Acclaim countered with an unusual statement arguing that its game had been misunderstood.


"We believe that there is a general, unfair characterization of the interactive entertainment industry and as a result, our product is being held to an entirely different standard than other entertainment media with comparable content, including movies, television and radio," Acclaim Chief Executive Greg Fischbach said in a statement.


In its statement, Acclaim cited statistics from research firm NPD Group showing that 60 percent of people who own advanced game consoles are men over 18, which it said demonstrates the potential audience for the title.


Company compares game to edgy shows

In its statement Acclaim compared the game with edgy but popular TV shows like "The Sopranos" and "Sex and the City" and teen comedy "American Pie."


"While we acknowledge that we are setting new benchmarks with BMX XXX, we are disappointed that there are groups who fail to see how this humorous product is truly on par with such widely accepted mainstream entertainment experiences," Fischbach said.


Earlier this week, Fischbach said he believed most retailers would change their position on stocking the game once they had actually seen it.

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I never heard of this game before.:confused:


What kind of game is it?



As for Grand Theft Auto 3, that ROCKS! U don't even have to be a criminal in there, u can just explore the city, and sometimes drive patients to a hospital when an ambulance has broken down or something.


Criminal way is more fun tho.:evil1:

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Crazy_Dog18, you should wait until you're 18 with playing that game (and I know you're not 18). See, the problem with 18 year-rated games is that people the age of 10, 15, and 13 are bound to end up playing them. In Europe (or at least in Norway), the people running the computer stores actually do not have the right to sell games to underaged people (a 15-year old can't buy GTA3, for example), and if a game is just too violent (like GTA3) it's banned. I suggest the USA starts enforcing this as well.


While the argument of the politicians is that the game might cause mentally deranged people to want to try the game in real life, my main argument in favor of the decision to ban GTA3 is that as long as it's sold in stores, 12-year olds, 9-year olds, and 14-year olds will get to play it -which they should not.


My suggestion is that the producers of GTA3 do what other game producers have done earlier when going European: Tone it down. Reduce the amount of blood, remove the elderly. Remove some offensive images. The idea will be the same, but less violent.


"We believe that there is a general, unfair characterization of the interactive entertainment industry and as a result, our product is being held to an entirely different standard than other entertainment media with comparable content, including movies, television and radio," Acclaim Chief Executive Greg Fischbach said in a statement.


Difference is that when you're watching a movie, you're watching someone else do something illegal. When you're playing a game, you're doing it, and often from a first-person view. It's completely different.


Dagobahn Eagle

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Well, I like realism in games but the stuff in BMX XXX is just there for the sake of being there.


If I want a cool bike game, I'll get a bike game


If I want a pr0n game I'll get a pr0n game.


I don't want them mixed just for the heck of it. :D



Difference is that when you're watching a movie, you're watching someone else do something illegal. When you're playing a game, you're doing it, and often from a first-person view. It's completely different.


Now, I wouldn't say it was completely different. They're partially correct in what they say.

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DEagle, in the USA, games like that ARE subject to regulation restricting their sale to minors...I used t owork in a game store and we'd have to check id's on some games and would turn kids down if they wern't 18 and trying to buy an M rated game. Now, not every store does this, but if they are caught, they're made to pay a fine. First line of defense is the store clerks, second and best should be the parents! They should know what games their kids are buying and playing.


I alos agree w/ Rhett, make a game to make a good, fun and interesting GAME....try to set it apart with some new innovation...not just the fact that it happens to show boobies. If ya want to do that, make the game and make it order-only from your website, that way you can control what people get (and i know there are ways around that, too, but that seriously kills my argument)

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DEagle, in the USA, games like that ARE subject to regulation restricting their sale to minors...I used t owork in a game store and we'd have to check id's on some games and would turn kids down if they wern't 18 and trying to buy an M rated game. Now, not every store does this, but if they are caught, they're made to pay a fine. First line of defense is the store clerks, second and best should be the parents! They should know what games their kids are buying and playing.


Sorry, I just generalized I guess.

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as a future parent I think it is important for the parents to know what their kids buy. Personally I am into video games...so if my kid brought home something like BMXXX I would probably know it is not for them!! Someone...like my mom would never know the difference. Parents need to start being AWARE. If I caught some store selling an M rated game to my minor I'd have something to say about that! Its okay though...some parents are WAY TO CAUTIOUS. '

I worked at Target in the Electronics...so I sold cds and games all the time. One time a SCREAMING PARENT CAME in INFURIATED that I sold her son a cd. Not a rated ANYTHING ONE. I think it was Britney Spears or something...you know one of those songs where the words SOUND LIKE they are saying something bad BUT they aren't. She insisted I be fired for selling her son a cd with cussing. OH IT WAS HORRIBLE. I finnaly got the cd played it for her and a bunch of other people and made her look like a FOOL. Because if you listened it didn't say anything wrong.


Silly people. But I would do the same thing in her shoes...but I might read the lyrics first!!!

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Well IMO, it depends on the game. Though my parents reluctantly agreed on me playing GTA 3, they definetely won't allow me BMX XXX .


If it has profanity, then big deal. I hear like 20 f***s a day at school.

If its voilent then the parents should decide. My parents allow for strong voilence so long as my little sister isn't here, or like someone's genitals are chopped off.:barf:

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that game is stupid, i'd die if i saw a 13 year old try to buy it.


I once saw a 12 year old attempt to buy Max Payne at electronics boutique, his grandma was there, and the dude at the register warned her about the violence and drugs in it.


I get mad when games have to involve sex to make money. that is so lame and stupid.


I own alot of M rated games, such as all the Turoks (getting Turok Evolution when i get a xbox), and none of them have sex in them, just violence. of course, there are some small side-effects of violent games, for instance, when someone makes me really mad, i think violently towards them...so if say, i was playing a porno game, and then go outside and see real girls, i'd end up thinking well, you know...

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Voilence is more tolerable in games I think. Most voilent games like Half-Life, Max Payne and SOF2 have a blood on/off switch anyway.


Anyway, no-were it has been proven conclusivly that voilent games incourage voilent behavior, exept for the obvios "small child goes into room sees gamer using a lead pipe to beat the crap out of somebody then tries to copy".;)



Nudity, however is different, and I avoid games with nudity. It has been proven that games like the above meantioned have effects on younger gamers.:(

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