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The Matrix M.

Bob Gnarly

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Sounds like a great idea kingpin. A matrix mod for JO seems almost fitting, with half of the acrobatics in it already. Jedimod enabled a way to box, so you could possibly figure out how to use that, and have hand to hand combat.


Personally, I say go with swords. Especially seeing as what these pictures show.


Is that a sword I see...


Look at what he's holding...

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yeah the Zions will have sticks and if i mod it right each character will have his own weopen



OH BTW it will be a MP MOD only cause i cant TC SP yet



it will have an Jedi Vs Merc. Element to it execept it will be called


Zions Vs Agents or something like that

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Originally posted by PhantomHelix

stfu dude. you got a prob with me, pm me or bring it up in school. dont be a ***** and go over the net so i dont kno who u r. sry for disturbin ur thread kingpin.


I know it's hard Phantom, but you have to ignore this guy. It's the only way he will go away. Just don't pay any attention to him.


So Kingpin, when do you think it will be finished?

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