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Chechen Terrorists sieze theatre

Crazy_dog no.3

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A group of Chechen terrorists have siezed a theatre in Moscow. Over 700 could be trapped inside. They say that if anyone tries to enter they will blow the building, and if thier demands are not met they will blow the building.


They have released 5 people, including a British dude. I hope this will all end safely.:(

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Yeah, this russian girl who ICQed me randomly has been telling me all about it. Apparently this chechen stuff has been happening all along, but we've been so obsessed with Bin Laden and Hussein that it seems like America's forgotten that they aren't the only terrorist targets out there and that there are more terrorist leaders than Hussein and Bin Laden.


It's a sad but true fact...

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Originally posted by NamelessSith

Yeah, this russian girl who ICQed me randomly has been telling me all about it. Apparently this chechen stuff has been happening all along, but we've been so obsessed with Bin Laden and Hussein that it seems like America's forgotten that they aren't the only terrorist targets out there and that there are more terrorist leaders than Hussein and Bin Laden.


It's a sad but true fact...


There's talk that the US might get involved in this and help Russia with the terrorists. 50 terrorists inside all getting impatient and such. There have been some hostages released so far with one of them giving demands from them. Also basicly saying they would die to have freedom and all that stuff you see 9 times out of 10 in terrorists acts.

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They indeed gassed the terrorist ... and the hostages. At least 90 hostages and 50 terrorists died there. A lot of people went unconsious are are now on the intensive care.


There were two dutch people in that building, the mother died, her son is n the intensive care.


These are no anti-terrorist attacks I like to see.

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The Russian's used a poisenous gas!!! Nearly all of the hostages are in intensive care due to the side-affects of the gas.

The Russians aren't even telling the doctors what gas it is so they could help the sick quicker!!!

You would have thought the Russians would have checked if the gas was safe to humans before they used it!!!!! :burn1:

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