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MTV's Jackass?

Crazy_dog no.3

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hmm, i think the server went down for a while just as i posted this, so it got kinda screwed up...anyway, my message was


Have you seen this? if so, what do you think of it? If you haven't seen it, then what do you think of it?


I personally felt it was one of those movies not worth seeing and i was disgusted by it...saw a couple of "Excellent" reviews, and a couple of "Terrible" reviews...


so what do you say?

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I heard today (well yesterday for me) that it was the #1 movie in the US over the weekend.......I haven't see it and I don't plan on seeing it. I never did watch the tv show, so you can guess how I feel about it......:D


STTCT is right, it will be and already has been a money maker!!

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STTC hit the jackpot...people making money for being idiots!!!


some people go to the extremes to make money...oh well:rolleyes:


If you saw the mini trailer on ifilm.com, at the end, you see one of the guys say "This isn't gonna work" and then another guy says "It might"


apparently the majority of the american populace likes this movie..

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i think the stupidity doesn't fall too far from the Tom Green tragedy. I still don't see whats so funny about that man. But anyways...


I think the reason the movie is doing so well is the lack of good movies out there. And none are comedys...so where do people go on dates...to the movies...and do they watch...dumb asses making money for being dumb asses.

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I just saw a tv review on it and it even said a lot of the movie was about those idiots crapping in their pants.........:barf:




You know, something we all learned not to do when we were 3..........I don't know what else to say....... :rolleyes:





Jackass-A movie made by dumbasses, for dumbasses. (thx STTCT ;) )

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Well, I'm totally split. It's like this.


Left Brain - "That is so disgusting and idiotic, how does it sell."


Right Brain - "Heehee, look at the idiots, weeeeeeeeee! Haha he totally wiped out! That's gotta hurt!"


So you see, I don't like it, but I can't help but laugh at the idiots.


Of course to quote Lewis Black if this is prime American entertainment, "... and everything comes to a screeching halt, and the left lobe looks at the right and says, 'It's dark in here. And we may die.' "

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