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Rhett's darkest secrets


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Well, we all know that Rhett is an administrator now, right?


He also was a supermod before that., and before THAT he was just a mod of galactic battles. but before even THAT, he modded some forums for me. I bet you all did not know that.


Here's the forum:




i made it during the time that Rogue Squadron was nearly dead, and jedi knight was just starting to fade. I also had taken an interest in level editing, and had dreams of making rogue squadron level replicas for Mysteries of the Sith.


Have fun reading! :D

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Hmmmm, Field Mice, Scorpions, and Sand Dunes. What does it all mean?


These 3 clues point straight towards the golf course being positioned in Arizona or New Mexico, but we all know that Rhett lives in the boonies of Iowa. (wasn't that a little redundant, I mean what part of Iowa isn't the boonies?)


So what does it all mean!?!?!

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I thought that Rhett's secrets were funny, but what darthfergie wrote had me rolling on the floor laughing. Allow me to add my own little ditty.....


[Dr. Edward Carson] How'd you guys find the 150 page reading last night? Not too bad, right? Not too bad? Not too bad? Not too bad? [/Dr. Edward Carson]


[jediduo] *raises hand* Sir, it was rather boring, and I had to work last night. [/jediduo]


[Dr. Edward Carson] *dismissive wave of the hand* No you didn't.


[jediduo] Sir, I stayed up until 4:30 reading your assignment.


[Dr. Edward Carson] *shocked* Why would you do that? It should have only taken 15 minutes!

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

That is a make believe character right? :eek:



If not.... what a completely insecure person he is. :eek:


Oh he is quite real. He teaches AP Euro and Psycoology and Socialogy. He is also quite hard. A HUGE workload on all students. And yes they actually read 150 pages sometimes in a nite. He doesn't think the History book is big enough either so he prints off and extra couple thousand pages for everybody because he finds them interesting. When he is gone for the day, you don't get a free day. He videotapes himself giving notes or telling you the assignment so that you don't fall behind.

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I'm going to die!!! *whimper*


Truly the king of all homework giving, Mrs. Story and her AP English essays bow before the might of a Carson reading assignment./report.


(I didn't know he was an Edward)


"It comes from the Greek, Moronos! Meaning Fool! Or Idiot! (Which is what you are!)" - Mr. Swayne

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