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Math problem (show how smart you are)

Young David

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u are mean. this is impossible. but I'm a rogue, and specialize in impossibility. so i'll get this done by the end of the day. :p


edit, i'm missing a line, always in the center or side. :mad:

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Well....I looked at what my friend who is in liek 10th grade is doing for math, it's algebra, but i don't understand ANY of it. so, if you hate math, but want to pass...take a GED exam, cause there's not alot of algebra on that.


when people see this piece of paper i wonder if they'll think i'm a psycho. :D

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to draw this figure in one single line. You are not allowed to take your pen off the paper.


following just those instructions, i did it...it's pretty easy...i think one of the rules you need to add is "You may not go over a line already drawn"


that's what most similar problems ask...

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I did it!! Eureka!


It's 43-12=31!!


That's it!!




I'm a geneous!!!!!!!!


oops...wrong thread...


And Qui-Gon, although i haven't solved it myself, i'm sure it's possible to do...it's just some weird method that some of us don't thikn of right away...and then again, since it's symetrical, if it's possible, there should be more than one way to do it...

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Alright, i literally tried it for about an hour and it never worked. I found numerous ways to get it to only one side left but no matter what i did there was always that one on the far side of where i ended up. Very frustrating.


same here.

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Sorry to blow this one, but it is not possible. Here is why...


There are conditions for determining whether a graph contains an Eulerian cycle, or path (path or cycle through a graph that visits each edge exactly once):


An undirected graph contains an Eulerian cycle iff (1) it is connected and (2) each vertex is of even degree.


An undirected graph contains an Eulerian path iff (1) it is connected and (2) all but two vertices are of even degree. These two vertices should be the starting and ending points.


A directed graph contains an Eulerian cycle iff (1) it is connected and (2) each vertex has the same in-degree as out-degree.


A directed graph contains an Eulerian path iff (1) it is connected and (2) all but two vertices have the same in-degree as out-degree, and these two vertices have their in-degree and out-degree differ by only one.



Anyway, that is enough math for me for one day. This is just a discrete math model. Pretty cool stuff and it works alot with computers and stuff. I studied this kinda thing for 2 semesters.

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

Sorry to blow this one, but it is not possible. Here is why...


There are conditions for determining whether a graph contains an Eulerian cycle, or path (path or cycle through a graph that visits each edge exactly once):


An undirected graph contains an Eulerian cycle iff (1) it is connected and (2) each vertex is of even degree.


An undirected graph contains an Eulerian path iff (1) it is connected and (2) all but two vertices are of even degree. These two vertices should be the starting and ending points.


A directed graph contains an Eulerian cycle iff (1) it is connected and (2) each vertex has the same in-degree as out-degree.


A directed graph contains an Eulerian path iff (1) it is connected and (2) all but two vertices have the same in-degree as out-degree, and these two vertices have their in-degree and out-degree differ by only one.



Anyway, that is enough math for me for one day. This is just a discrete math model. Pretty cool stuff and it works alot with computers and stuff. I studied this kinda thing for 2 semesters.


hmm...that made no sense...but i trust in your knowledge, and i repeal my previous statement of this problem's possibliity...maybe one day i'll know this myself :D

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