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SP Code Petition- Important


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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

Dissing the very companies you expect to help you by releasing code isnt the best way to go about things... :)


Dissing them? More the other way around in my opinion.


Companies just dont support communities anymore, money is all they care about. *shrugs*

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What is so shocking about Raven/Lucasarts not releasing all the source code and tools is that after looking at the sales of Halflife, how could they not? Halflife sold bazillions of copies not because of its multiplay, or even its excellent singleplayer modes. It sold because of all of the incredible mods that people were able to download and play for free!


Is jk2 going to pass on the opportunity to do this? They have what is arguably the most valuable license in the world, yet don't seem to be too enthusiastic about taking advantage of it.


All I can say is, whatever they're going to do, they'd better do it in a hurry, because a lot of us that are capable of making mods aren't going to be able to resist the siren-song of the UT2003 engine for long.

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