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Vice City


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It's way, way different than GTA3. The missions are way more imaginative and just plain incredible sometimes. It starts out with the GTA3 do mission, get money thing, but after a certain turning point in the game, you start working for yourself and taking over Vice City property by property. The new indoor environments are great as well. Can you say fully interactive bank job?


Read the review at Gamespot. It conveys the rest of my feelings of the game word by word. The soundtrack is totally rad, despite being lost on younger players like Acrylic. Way better than the musically blah soundtrack of GTA3. It's just as funny, if not moreso than its predecessor, along with some damn good references to 3. You just have to play it to understand the grandeur of the product as a whole.


edit: also, the story is great. The mafioso storyline was what really attracted me to GTA3 (as opposed to killing people and committing crimes randomly.. hell, I only did anything like that once) and Vice City's plot is completely new and very well written. The added voice to the main character really adds to the drama. The excellent acting and writing tie up the game nicely.


The graphics are pretty nice too, I guess. I could care less about them. The lack of an overhead GTA 1 and 2 style camera mode kinda sucks, but whatever. I liked playing like that every once in a while in GTA3.


Special note to Shutt: read your Private Messages.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! I just got this game! I really didn't know what I was getting myself into - I have never played the other games. Well - besides the senceless beating and being propositioned by prostitutes....I have to say this game is pretty interesting. It reminds me of crazy taxi..but you get to get out a beat people. The graphics are so- so....I've seen more blood in games like Quake or Wolfenstein or at least more realistic looking blood. The missions are interesting and are getting increasingly more challenging...however its pretty easy to "outsmart" some. I mean...first you go gung ho into the mission and get your ass kicked but if learn to lag back and think smarter you can complete the missions without realitive harm. However, it takes a lot of trail and error to get to that point. The one thing that REALLy is hard for me is trying to control my car and watch on the little map where to go. Its really hard. My bf and I are calling out "RIGHT , NO LEFT - NO You missed it" argh. The instructions don't give you much to go off of. I guess they assume you will just learn or you've played the other games. It just dumps you into the game and you just do whatever you want. Pretty fun like that. I'm trying not to go to the gamesites and cheat. But I posted all over the forums to see if anyone has got some good hints.



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I like the game soooo much. I've been taking my time on this game, and I'm stuck on the part where you enter the Limo with Lovefist, and you have to drive as fast as possible, or the car will blow up. Any one got any hints on this mission, or ways i can beat it?

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You know that long straight stretch of road to the NW of the beginning of the mission? Make your way towards there. You don't have to go full speed to stop the meter, just about 75% speed, then continue that way along the strip and you'll be close to finishing the mission. It's really not too hard once you figure out a good path.

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U are waaaay farther than me. I'm only at the mission that I don't even know the name of...its got a wierd spelling. You go up in a heli with Lance/Quinton and you go shooting up gang members. Hard to shoot them. The aiming on those guns SUXS. Frustrating. They really should have improved that! I'm either to high (right above the guys head) or shooting too low. It never goes exactly where I want it. I was reading that the police first accused this game as being one where the "SNIPER" might have learned his moves from. HA - how could he do that if the game suxs when it comes to aiming! I feel so outta control with it.


btw I picked up a passenger in the game but they started taking my money!!!!:eek: WTF is up with that??! I got outta the car and beat it back outta them. I thought they should pay you for you giving them a ride!!!:mad:

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they put a bit TOO much stuff into the games...I REALLY loved playing GTA 3 over at a friends...but when I rented it at home it was just embaressing to play around my parents. It was like telling them "Yes, I am that immature." It's a guilty pleasure to play it, but it is only guilty because of one or two issues that just seem to have been put in there because heh it'll spice it up:rolleyes:. Prostitutes...why? If they had taken them out the game would have been open to a much bigger market, but no. I personally love the gameplay but it just turned out too guilty.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How is it immature to play it, if its rated M for mature ???


I hope that's a joke or a confused miskewing of words. Mature, i.e. what you're not, means that a person who plays the game should be mature enough to handle the content and not bring it into everyday life, like by stealing cars or pretending 'thug lovin' is a cool thing to say. It does not mean in any way that playing the game makes you mature. Just read the goddamn Gamefaqs.com forums for Vice City and you'll see what I mean.

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I think he was playing on words with that mature thing. But immature - yes I agree - I was playing it at my parents house and I'm 23 and engaged - I felt immature too!!! My fiancee thought that this game was about stealing cars and he had no idea about the prostitutes and the chainsaws etc. We like the gameplay and the missions (like with the rc hele and the sniper ones) but we could care less if you could go pick up a hooker.

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You've done plenty to annoy the crap out of me, but that aside..


There's also nudity on a poster in Tommy's room after you finish the Studio missions, and of course the Candy Suxx ass in your room in Diaz's mansion. There's also 2 well hidden uses of 'fuck' on posters in the game. Find them all.

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geez, that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Yes I know it's mature but who cares. I don't give a crap what the rating is. I'm just saying it would appeal to a wider range of people if they toned it down just a tiny bit. Yes, I've played it, it was fun, but when you play it and see those tiny, pathetic insertions of "maturity" it just seems stupid.

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