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I just got Bruce lee and Max Panye!


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I just brought

Bruce Lee : Quest of the Dragon For Xbox Very good, very hard! 7/10 because too many enemies! :(

Max Panye for Xbox : Very very very very good! Blood splattering every where, perfect 10/10, "a cheap hotel, with tired eye prostochutes" loool!


Anyone else played these?

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Played them both....Bruce lee isn't that hard, just tap the L button to lock onto enemies and then you can do wicked combos on them to knock them out.


Max Payne is also a good game.....but i think hitman 2 is more fun.....the blood splatters better, and when people die, they die in very cool-looking ways.

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I've got Max Payne for PC, and I found it very linear, heavily scripted, and apart from the bullet-time gimmick, it was pretty much a straightforward shooter. And yes, it was way too short - I completed it in one sitting. In aiming for a movie-like feel, they succeeded in turning it into an interactive movie, IMO. :/


I'm glad I only bought the game when it was knocked down in price.


I dread to think what they have planned for Max Payne 2... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Flanders

I just brought

Bruce Lee : Quest of the Dragon For Xbox Very good, very hard! 7/10 because too many enemies! :(

Max Panye for Xbox : Very very very very good! Blood splattering every where, perfect 10/10, "a cheap hotel, with tired eye prostochutes" loool!


Anyone else played these?

max payne is by far one of my fave games. storylines good. u have lost o action need i say more

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