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Xbox, is the future.....


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Well, I think that this is the way to go, XBOX


I think that Xbox is the way to go, I have heard several lies going around,




2. Halo is like every other FPS = Get a new brain, it isnt anything like any other FPS's, you need to play it, to experience it


The only thing i need to say is





Does anyone else think Xbox is the way to go?

Or PS2 is the way?

Or GameCube?

Please say which console is the future :)

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Originally posted by Flanders

Fatal strike is annoying

He is a twat

He doesent have the rights to say that so

Delete his post, and thats that


WTF is your problem? I can't say the X Box is gay? Man I hope you get banned.




ok, I let this one stay, but only as a example...


flanders! shut up!


fatal strike! dont pull any of this holier then thou crap, its not worth it!!!....




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Hmm... Unfortunatly I have no power here. My yoink stick is just about as good as a wet noodle. :p


Guys, clean up your act. If you don't let go of your anger then this will get closed. :p


Fatal Strike: Everyone is entitled to their opinions and you do know about the edit function right? Edit button is your friend. :)


Flanders: You're fairly new here so I wouldn't try to bark at people like that.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

"cons0les r gheY???"


Once again, the Amazing Fatalstrikeo demonstrates how to construct an immature argument, without the aid of a safety net. :D


Well if it isn't "Yellow_Al"


This is the swamp, when I write long explanations I get yelled at by people shouting about thier spoons. People like it short and sweet in the swamp, or so they say.


Now run along since you came to add nothing but an insult here. At least "consoles are gay" is on topic.


Always a pleasure :D

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

Hmm... Unfortunatly I have no power here. My yoink stick is just about as good as a wet noodle. :p


Guys, clean up your act. If you don't let go of your anger then this will get closed. :p


Fatal Strike: Everyone is entitled to their opinions and you do know about the edit function right? Edit button is your friend. :)


Flanders: You're fairly new here so I wouldn't try to bark at people like that.


dont worry dude.... I think I got it taken care of....


mod mode !ON!


ok, start this thread over starting NOW.


NO more about things that happend before in this thread.


if you start it back up, I WILL lock/delete it....


get it? good.




/edit, PS, ab, in english, its "became" not "become";)

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i hope that all three consoles continue to prosper and get enough money to bring about next gen consoles a few years down the road. i love the competition that xbox/GC/ps2 have going on. means all three companies are pushing themselves harder to please ME!!!! i with that they didnt have "xbox exclusive games" or "ps2 only" or "gc only" because thats just stupid imo. why only give to one console when you'll sell more if it goes to all three? bah, well what i ended up doing was buy a GC while my friend chris got an Xbox and my buddy andrew got a Ps2. a helluva lot of my friends have consoles (mostly Ps2 and Gc though) too but these guys in particular play hardcore and we share em. its fun to play all three but can get confusing trying to learn all the controllers at the same time. so far id say im most pleased with the Ps2 for sheer number of great games, Xbox for special features and GC for controllers and its few outstanding games. i cant wait until bounty hunter hits the GC and Ps2. 27th for my city. *starts counting up money to make sure he has enough*.


in essence all three are good gaming systems but i hope that not a single one outplaces the other two because as soon as a monopoly is in place the techs and programmers slow down and we get lower quality merchandise as end users. please dont destroy this thread with insults to other systems. cant we all just say what we like about one specific (or multiple) system(s) and leave the ones we dont like out of it?

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dude adding an X to the games name does not make it only for xbox, its like mario 1 is for nes and gameboy color so you cant say its for one or the other only. Even if there is a level added to the game boy one.


i played halo, its ok, nothing special, atleast not special enough to buy a system for (since the other games suck anyway)

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