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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Hmm...let's play a game.



I spy...a nice avatar. o.O...an avatar that's getting me curious.

Do I spy an Anakin Skywalker avatar, Andy? If so, is that model of a released model? If so, could our dear Andy release the link? If so..Andy...thank yeh buddy ;.;



hehe Anyway...good luck on the progress, Tercy. Oh, and tell your girlfriend I said hi...O.o




"Who did?"

"Lord Tnuc."



"What a dreamy guy...@.@"



lol...I'm so stupid...anyway...seeya.

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actually, this avatar is from one of the WIP shots that Tercero posted that I mainly cropped and shrunk, and touched up a little. :D but don't be surprised for when it comes time for beta testing, that I might change my avatar;) (HINT HINT, WINK WINK ;) ;))

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Hehe...beta testing...that seemed so far off in the distance..still feels far off...but seeing as how close the model looks it shouldn't. It looks really nice. I thought that it was another one of the Anakins that were said to be coming out soon...I think they were all scared off by our Tercy's ambition and perfection...

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Primrodo - you're a lifesaver - those pics came up right in time - I have just built the model for the pouches - I still have yet to skin it. Those shots should help me tweak them to perfection.


ReIIik is also correct about the hair - I'm still playing with what I want to do with it - trying to figure out the way JKII/Q3 wants to handle the shaders. I'm hoping that it can do subtraction or true transparency.


As far as the other Anakin model, I hope I didn't scare them off - I'm actually looking forward to it's release.


Hopefully I get the belt done tonight. I'll probably have to go to bed early tonight - I've got to pull a double tomorrow - but I plan to get some done on it at the very least. Sleep is for the weak.

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Well I'm at least glad the Forums are back up. I'm sure Terc got some well deserved rest over the past two days. Tnuc I'm gonna have to abandon those wavs. My new clan webpage is taking up alot of our time. I just got done making a test intro. :) Not too good but I'm getting used to it. I just have to find someone to make a banner for us. Not really any luck with that. Anyway, contact my email and I'll let you know how to get these dc wavs. :) Oh and if anyone would like to post their model/map/skin updates somewhere other then lucas forums (if they happen to go down again) Feel free to post them here Thanks everyone. And good luck to all of you on your projects. :)

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We have forums again!


Well, back on topic, I have a new screenie for ya - Anakin now has his belt pouches. I haven't gotten much done over the last few days, my work schedule has been pretty hectic lately, but I did have time to model and skin Anakin's belt pouches, and I also tweaked his face a hair more...


Here's the screenie:



or, if that's down:



They should look pretty nice with a reflective shader to make them look a little more leathery...


Tell me what you think!

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Hmm...I think that the forums are working...


Once again, just for good measure:


Well, back on topic, I have a new screenie for ya - Anakin now has his belt pouches. I haven't gotten much done over the last few days, my work schedule has been pretty hectic lately, but I did have time to model and skin Anakin's belt pouches, and I also tweaked his face a hair more...


Here's the screenie:



or, if that's down:



They should look pretty nice with a reflective shader to make them look a little more leathery...


Tell me what you think!

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Well, since LucasForums refuses to allow updates to my previous

thread, here's a new one!


If you want to find the old thread, here's a link:



Here's the latest shot of the model:



or, if that link doesn't work, try this one:



He has pouches now - I plan to add a few minor shaders to give them that pleather feel. I made a few minor changes to the face, too.


Tell me what you think!

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