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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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I've been considering it for a bit, and I think that I might release the robe as a second version, like Anavel Gato did with his Padme model (fantastic work by the way...) The robe will take a good bit more time to create, considering I'll have to reoptimize the entire model to make way for the extra polys (it's already a little on the heavy side without a robe right now... still being optimized, though...) I might also release a Thousand Moons version (seen breifly on Naboo) if I ever get that far.

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It's a black shirt with a pretty neat pattern on it - here's a pic




He wears it under the white robe that he wears on Tatooine, it only appears breifly in the movie, but it also appeared in some really nice promo shots - it's a pretty neat design, which is what made me think to make it - and it is very similar to his regular garb, minus the leather tabbards.


I might do it as an alternate skin on an Anakin model without the tabbards (in standard Jedi robes). I like to make as many costumes as possible available for the characters that I make - it's almost like a line of action figures - the same head on 30 different bodies.

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Okies, here's a screenie of tonight's work - I redid the chest texture - it now features the inner cloth tabbards, as well as being a little bit sharper. The tunic still needs a lot of work, but it'll have to wait for tomorrow... right now I need to get some sleep...zzz




if that link doesn't work, try this one:



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It takes such a long time to decent textures - I mean to really work them and the mesh to look like the character and not just a generic human face.


I have been dissapointed by some of the model releases recently and I'm really glad you're going for such accuracy.


It's a real art/science to balance skin/mesh/polycount in a model - and then to get it all weighted etc and actually working in JK2.


BTW which programs are you using?



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Looking good


I don't like those circles under his eyes, you've put two, one stron one light, when there's actually only a single light one.

His lips look too dry, you should soften the cracks and make them a little more alive and red, you can see it in a stronger light.

You can notice those details here:



Also, I don't really like the skin color, should be lighter IMHO.


But, Model-wise, PERFECT job, and although I was critical about the skin I still think it's FANTASTIC! Great job! :cool:

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Something is amiss with the face.... You might want to move up his earlobes, lips, nose (yes, even more), and chin (slightly). Also, theres something about the nose shape that isn't exactly right. Check this ref pic and compare.






edit: in your anakin14, the nose shape was more accurate, although a bit too wide. And the bottom lip doesn't need to be bigger, but it does need precise shadowing underneath it. Check the ref pic.

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I honestly font get why everyone in this thread is telling the modeler to DO THIS BECAUSE IT'S NOT ACCURATE. Dude, its an EAR bone, when you play as him your not going to stop in the middle of a game and say, "Hey, you know what.... HIS EARS ARE ALL WRONG".


In my opinion the model is perfect.... getting it to look like the real actor is important, BUT, I think all the nonsence in this thread is taking it a BIT out of hand....


But again, Just my two Republic Credits.

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If anyone still has feedback on the face, I'd still like to hear it - even the most insignificant details are appreciated!


Without feedback, models do not reach thier full potential. Why don't you ask Tercero if any feedback in this thread helped?


Your saying the model is perfect. How do you think it got that way? It got that way because of the perfectionism of Tercero, and feedback that reveals things he might have not seen.


Everything matters, even down to the earlobes. Why? Because its all proportion. It is properly aligned proportions that cause a model to accurately reflect the person. I mentioned earlier to Tercero that the mid nostril is aligned with the bottom of his earlobes. This means if the earlobes are too long, then so will the nose be. If the nose is too long, amidst other things, it begins to look less like Anakin. That is why I mentioned them. I guess I say these things because I am a portrait artist.

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Crosis. a big part of the reason that these posts are being made is because I asked for them. If you look at the first pic and compare it with the latest one, they are worlds apart. One small change isn't much, but a hundred of them makes a huge difference, and I've made thousands based off the feedback from this thread.


Thanks to everyone who's put their two cents in - I know people are anxious to have the model, but I've never liked releasing something that I feel is unfinished. When the model is released, I think that it will be one of the best out there, and a big part of it is you guys' input.

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Originally posted by -Tercero-

Thanks to everyone who's put their two cents in - I know people are anxious to have the model, but I've never liked releasing something that I feel is unfinished. When the model is released, I think that it will be one of the best out there, and a big part of it is you guys' input.


well said, tercero ... both a scholar and a gentleman.


i haven't had any input/criticism/thoughts on your model, but i've read and followed the thread since it's beginning. i've been so *BLEEP* impressed with the work you are able to produce. just a little jealous ...


and you're right, when it is completed, it WILL be one of the best out there. keep up the great work. :D

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Okies - back from work again - had an exhausting day, but a good one - I made over $200 on top of my base pay today, so no complaints out of me...


It'll probably be another slow night for updates - I have to hit the sack soon so I can go back and do it all over again tommorrow. I'm going to try and make some progress, though.


Oh, and if anyone wants me to whip them up shots at any specific angles for critiqueing, just let me know and I'll make it happen!

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Okies, people will be happy to know that over the last few days I've been able to shave off a couple hundred polys without making the model look much different. I'll be optimizing it a bit more over the next couple of days - my goal is to get the first lod to have 3000 polys.


Here is a BIG screenie of the new model:



or if that link doesnt work, try this one:



Oh, I also wanted to see if anyone wanted Anakin to be able to move his mouth for SP. I'td probably be pretty difficult to do - I'd more than likely release it as a patch for the model after it is released, if at all - I just wanted to get some feedback on how much people wanted this feature.


Also, I'm also probably going to release in the first pack a variant without the leather pauldrons - it should add some variety, and it'll give people a pretty good platform to make additional padawans from. I'll whip up some development skins when it's ready if anyone's interested.


All right gotta get going - tell me what you think!

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in my opinion, i think you should release a seperate mod that enables Anakin to move his mouth, like you said, and within the same pk3 file, just add the file that converts Kyle to Anakin for SP cause im sure you will get alot of people askin for a SP one from you :p

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