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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Wow, that latest pic looks great!


Have you gotten anyone to help you to get it in-game? There are some good tutorials on that, and I'm sure there are some experienced people around here that will be able to help you, especially after seeing what a nice job you've done so far.

I'll see if I can coax any of them into taking a look.





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Hey Tercero the model looks great. I can't wait to download it, btw, I got your saber mod posted in case you hadn't checked your email yet. Keep up the good work, and when you are done, you can submit it to JKii.net and I will get it up as soon as humanly possible:D




JK2Net File Master



**EDIT** to view the pics of his model, either copy and paste the link, or just add a question mark at the VERY end of the link... Thats what I do and it works everytime. By the way, Hi Diablo., Its andy867:)

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Hosting your pictures on Geocities was not a good idea. I cannot even view one.

I was having the same problem. Open a new browser windon and 'copy and paste' the link. That worked for me.


Now, about the model... 2 words... 'Yum Eee'! That looks freakin awesome. It's obviously not your first (and hopefully not your last). I can not wait for your release. Great work!

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Wow, looks alot like Hayden, good job.


Couple nitpiks:


Hair still looks too high, but maybe when its skinned it will look much nicer.


The inner tunic is actually higher than the outer




Are you throughing on the clip on the belt skin?


Are you gonna show the cloth tabards on the tunic skin?


Will the boots be skined or modled, ala Spat and rings?


Will he sport the pony tail?


Great work!


Mind teh questions and nitpicks :)


EDIT: Also, you could make a Ep1 Obi-Wan with this too :)

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MixMaster, actually I am the project leader of a map-project that will re-create the the sith temple of Korriban where Lord Rive and Darth Blight fought to the death in front of Darth Oz. and Its coming along nicely with the help of XLR8 (mapper of The Tibanna Mine Encounter and the The Jedi Forest) him, Ko'or Oragahn, pnut_master, and senseless009 (mapper of the SDE Temple) are all involved. Once I can get into further talks with Visac at JKII.net and get some scripts that will suit our needs all set up and running, I will release the website along with some progress, and feedback.


- The model looks great, can't wait to play him in the Project Duality Map:)

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There are only a few observations and suggestions that I have:


The hair on the sides of his head needs to be shaven, and some small curls and highlights need to be added.


I cannot tell, but is the blue band, on the Padawan braid, there?


The vest actually needs to be black and not brown, as well as textures need to be added, but you'll probably do that anyways.

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Originally posted by morphius_doh

There are only a few observations and suggestions that I have:


The hair on the sides of his head needs to be shaven, and some small curls and highlights need to be added.


I cannot tell, but is the blue band, on the Padawan braid, there?


The vest actually needs to be black and not brown, as well as textures need to be added, but you'll probably do that anyways.


Actually Anakins Tabbards ARE Dark Brown, it said that in one of the newsletters.

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Just making a few comments about some of the previous comments... If anyone is complaining about the skin make sure you take a closer look before posting! The only places that I can see in the latest pic that have been skinned are as follows:- The face, The belt area and the under garments as shown under the neck area! Any other comments are not needed as the other areas do not appear to be skinned.


Now for my own Comments!! :D Damn fine looking model!! One think I have to ask though... Does the model feature the small pony tail at the back of the head as seen in this promo pic?



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Okies - I go to work for a day and I come back to two pages of posts. Alright, let's see if I can answer some questions.


About the model:

The model has the pony tail like in the movie - I have the pictoral dictionary from Episode II and I am relying on it heavily, but the reference material you guys are posting is also helping a great deal. -If anyone can get me pictures of his boots, I'd be much obliged...I still have a lot of work to do on some sections of the model. The belt still needs it's accessories modeled on (that's another one I'm kinda lacking for pics on...), his boots are going to be remodeled, and the hair needs a lot of work.


About the skin:

It's not done yet. Period. The model won't look right until it is. Matt summed my progress on it up pretty well - I just have the middle of his shirt, his face, and his belt done, and they all still need work. When I am finished, I'm going to convert the color to a few different schemes - one darker brown or black, and team colors are in the plans right now.



Tabbards. I have no clue what they are. Someone please tell me.


Also I wanted to say that nitpicking is welcome. It makes the model look better. I miss things that other people see, and when they are pointed out I can fix them or add them in. So please nitpick me - it might seem annoying at times, but it is really appreciated in the end. Nitpicking is honestly the difference between the first screenshot I released and the latest one. It is half the reason I decided to post this thread.

If anyone has any suggestions or input they'd like to donate I'd also really appreciate that too. -I'm still looking for someone to get this thing in game when I'm done, and I suck at making sound packs - takes me forever.


Thanks for all the input!



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