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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Looks awsome my man. You asked what we thought you should do next. Well, I personally think you should do mace windu. There's already an awsome obi-wan model. not that that means you shouldn't do it, but I'd really like to play as mace. If you're sick of modeling jedi, then I think you should do padme. padme or (I know she's a jedi) but a mara jade model would be awsome.

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Hmmm...I'm starting to feel better now o.o

Anyway...Tercy, in my oppinion, you should really do Qui-Gon after this..with your skill, and my good looks, we could go places!

O.o...anyway..the only two e-mails I even check nowadays are

Beloco4eva@aol.com (really really old one)

and TheOddBaldGuy@aol.com


Btw, I tried to install 3dstudio max and it gave me "internal error 2355"

O.o..anyone know what this means?

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*slaps his forhead* sorry, I forgot about this. That obi-wan model I mentioned above, here's where you get it: http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=806


awsome model pack! unfortunately I don't know where to get it without all the other models. large file size but I promise you won't be dissappointed. It comes with a robed and unrobed version. includes a taunt. the taunt is "You havn't learned anything"

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The skin is looking excellent -Tercero- and great improvement in the face.

Toonces and you are too much. Thanks for your insane desire to work, work, work and then add to your amount of work.


You asked for my vote, so vote I shall.

Princess Leia! Hands down. ANH Leia is sorely needed.





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hi!! great work!!!

i ve been reading al along but as my eyes are not as good as the ones in the rest of this thread i cant find any mistakes on this model...


I BELIVE that you(tercero) should do the jedi (obi, mace) first because you would do them much faster than padme... this way we would have to wait less for another great model... =)


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Originally posted by Dragonlancer

*slaps his forhead* sorry, I forgot about this. That obi-wan model I mentioned above, here's where you get it: http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=806


awsome model pack! unfortunately I don't know where to get it without all the other models. large file size but I promise you won't be dissappointed. It comes with a robed and unrobed version. includes a taunt. the taunt is "You havn't learned anything"


It's not a Obi wan model, it's a skin on the tyrion model.

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Number one, Mace would murder Qui-Gon in a fight(LOL). Also I believe Kman may be skinning Tex360's Quigon as he is doing for his ObiWan model. Look a couple of posts up, I put links to them. Klorel's Windu WAS being made, who knows if or when it will be finished now. That model was started in May. Either way though, it would be a quick modeling process for Tercero.

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Either way..Qui-Gon ;.;

Doesn't matter who would win in a fight...not like they'd fight eachother anyway...unless it was in a good hearty game of JKII. o.o

And I thought that KMan was doing the skinning for Obi-Wan, not Qui-Gon o.O

Either way, I think with Tercy's talent, he should do Qui-Gon first...

Perhaps A robed one..as seen in the trade federation..one with hood and one without...one in his tatooine outfit, and one unrobed, like when he fought Darth Maul. And Maybe perhaps one of the old toy that I saw at a convention once...I'll try to find a pic of it..but he looks younger, and he's wearing a different style robe...looks more...Anakin-like, but it's Qui-Gon.

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Hehe...I know ya were. s'why I even acknowledged it.



Anyway..I found the pic, and I uploaded it to the net.

Here ya go, Tercy...I'll try to find better pics if you like what you see and decide to do Qui-Gon.








Edit: Perhaps, if you don't want to do Jedi...perhaps you could look at the marvel/dc universe heros/villains...

My favorite of all time comic book characters would be Gambit, and it'd be an extra trat to see him wielding a glowing staff(different lightsaber model, possibly with tags in the middle, so that when you use double blades, it makes the staff glow.) and all Perhaps his many different looks could be used as a pretty damned good model pack. ::Evil grin::

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Heh, theres nothing wrong with a healthy debate fellas, but look at what -tercero- has said. He IS PLANNING on doing Mace, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan! He was only asking who we would like him to make AFTER doing those jedi models. :D So both be happy, dance, and thank the internet gods that there are people like -tercero-. :elephant:


Did I vote for ANH Leia? Oh yes I already did, heh. ;)





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