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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Tercero, I'll send you a PM with my e-mail addy and you can send me the mesh if you want. I can rig him and send him back to you with a glm. Thoes flaps on the legs shouldnt be too much of a problem. I would try and line up the verts on the flaps with the parts of the body they cover, that'll make the clipping issues much easier to deal with.


I admire the fact that your taking the time to get the head perfect as it's extremely difficult to do, he really looks great thus far :D




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Hey - I've got the next screenie!

I've tweaked a good bit since the last one, but most of the tweaks are getting pretty small. I also added a bit more hair, and he has ears now:) Here are the links:




ANd if that doesn't work, try this one:



Keep the feedback coming - I want to get it perfect before I move on to the next part - even the smallest details will be appreciated!




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its looking awsome Ter, I have one question tho, are the packs on his belt (food caps and pack) going to be 3d as in modeled or are they going to be just textures? Personaly I think it would look better as a 3d object.


Keep up the great work!


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Keep the feedback coming - I want to get it perfect before I move on to the next part - even the smallest details will be appreciated!


All I would say is that his nose should be a tad bit shorter in length. Should you choose to shorten it, I would suggest moving his lips and chin up with it. Also his lips may be even less wide. Unbelievable work.


Otherwise, its color that needs to be perfected. I think his eyes are brown as opposed to blue.

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Originally posted by keo718


All I would say is that his nose should be a tad bit shorter in length. Should you choose to shorten it, I would suggest moving his lips and chin up with it. Also his lips may be even less wide. Unbelievable work.


Otherwise, its color that needs to be perfected. I think his eyes are brown as opposed to blue.


Anakin's eyes are blue according to this image:



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Thanks for the quick replies - Keo, I'm shortening the nose right now - and the jaw and lips with it as you said.


ReIIik, the pouches will be modelled on - they're too bulky to make them look good otherwise. The food capsules and saber clip will be textured on however. I originally thought to model them on too, but it would be too costly as far as polys - they wound up looking better than I expected skinned on too - (see some of my earlier posts for refence - the belt hasn't changed much yet. With a little help from some shaders, they should look just as good as if I had modeled them.


As far as the pouches themselves, I still have yet to build them. I'm waiting on getting some better reference material to start making them - all the shots I have of them are angled kinda funny...


Okies, back to work for me!



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Speaking of frequent updates, I changed the nose and jawline a little bit more - tell me if it needs more.




or if that's down,



I try to update pretty frequently so that you guys can give me feedback on the little changes that I'm making - jumping back and forth from flat pictures to a 3D model with perspective starts to distort your perception of proportion after a while, so I really appreciate that you guys are giving me so much input. The model wouldn't look like the way it does now if it wan't for you.





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Since you seem to be getting intricate with detail, I guess I'll add a couple more observations. The distance between his top lip and the bottom of his nose is slightly less, you might want to play with the highlights on the nose to make the bridge and nostrils appear thinner, the bottom of his earlobes should be slightly higher, his eyes a tad bit closer together, and his hairline on the sides moved inward slightly. I think your model even thusfar is the most accurate representation on these boards besides Misterpunch's models(Plo Koon/Shaak Ti). Great job.


edit: Also, his lips are a bit less wide, and the black slits(what have you) at the end of his lips a hair longer.

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Ah hah.... Very nice. I know you probably just noticed my above post. Should you decide to play with those adjustments, just remember to keep the mid nostril lined up w/ the bottom of the earlobe(because I mentioned that the earlobes are higher). Also, you might want to mess with the hair to make it look less "slicked back". Great work. I am eager to see him ingame.

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There are only a few suggestions that I have: The hair colour needs to be a little more of a strawberry blonde instead of a dirty blonde; the skin underneath the eyes needs to be less puffy. Of course the skin complextion needs to be worked on, but that's already been said.


If you want to get really detailed, once you're done with the head, add some detail, like muscle, in the neck area.

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