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hey people at lucasforums, im sorry for any trouble i caused posting that thread about illegal drugs...i wuz still kinda tripppin out and didnt kno wut i wuz thinkin, lol. im sorry, i wont post that ype of stuff again. you all kno i never have before and dont think im some weird kid, i wuz just messed up for a bit, lol. im fine now tho....but im sorry for the trouble i caused...:cool:

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Originally posted by dAno

wow, thx guys for the support! i wuznt sure wut to expect to hear, i thought ud all maybe yell me out and tell me to leave...lol:p but ya, thx guys for forgivin me, i wont do anythin like that again...and if i do again, ill be sure to send my apologies to the mods...;)


The only thing that we request is that you use better grammar. not "wut" or "y" or "u" or "wuz" like XERXES said, its hard to read. :)

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