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that's mark hamill?!


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Originally posted by mswanmmiv

Explain this flood control, please.


To prevent spammers, idiots, and all-around stupid people from "accidentally" double posting there is a system that says you can only post once every 60 seconds. That is what is known as Flood Control.

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Originally posted by Eets

Dude, I watched Time Squad for hella long, and I didn't know he was Larry 3000! Then one day I was watching the credits and i saw his name! I was like "no way..." and then I saw him as the joker, and it's completely believable now.


Sweet! "I did not know that!"


( "Ha ha, you are correct, sir!" )

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Originally posted by Rogue15

I multitask, so i can have more than 1 thread open at a time, and as soon as i get done w/one i quickly go to another (while the thread is being 'submitted') and that is how i can post so fast.


@tie guy: it's 30 seconds longer than that.



yeah i have 3 open now one in Yoda's swamp one in the modeling section for JO and one here :D

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