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What Song/Music/Artist REALLY SUXS!!


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I pretty much like rock music more than anything else. Pop, country, rap, etc not definately not my style to say the least :). I generally like that moderate style for rock, but I'll listen to some hard rock like God Smack as they seem to almost fit my mood perfectly! I won't get into what songs, etc I like now because I can't remember on the top of my head alone.....

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Okay - I found something worse than having to listen to the Dixie HIcks at work....they changed the music to...





since, you know there isn't much variety of songs when they play it 5 days a week 24 hours a day - it gets old.

Not to much it goes from the oldies to Nsync Christmas!


ack this until dec 25!

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In response to Rogue 9....


I am also a Christian, and happen to work at a Christian book/music store. I would be willing to bet money that you have no idea what's out there to choose from, as far as Christian rock. Either PM me or post here with some secular bands that you like, and I can give some good suggestions. You'd be surprised...



Oh, and BTW, STTCT, I believe those lion heads are a reference to Aslan in the Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Aslan represented Christ in the novel.

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Originally posted by STTCT

For some reason Shakira gets on my nerves. I used to like her when she sung in Spanish....and now she's some kinda pop american idol singing english and they play it out soooo badly. I cant stand it when one of her songs come on....ack.


I like her music in spanish more than in English. They have tried to make her so Americanized that it is silly. They then compare her to Britney Spears. Shakira was selling records before Britney even hit puberty.


The music that I can not stand right now is anything by Eminem. I hate him so much and all his music is crap. I also cannot stand that new Madonna song that they made for the new Jame's Bond film.


my favorite music is Techno and Trance. I never get sick of listening to it. and it has a good beat to it.


Right on man. You can never offend anyone with Techno and Trance since most of it has no words. It is also something that just get's your body going.


If you want to know what music I am into look at my Signature :D


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I am an eminem fan! :eek:

I think he's pretty kewl - though some of his songs...are tasteless. I like his style and the rhythum of the music. If you listen to the words a lot of what he says many people can relate to. It just sounds bad. I really like it for some odd reason. And I'm even a :eek: country fan. Not that twangy crap but Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, She Daisy. I dunno. I listen to all kinds of variety and Madonna is my favorite artist. However upon watching her new music video....I am forever tainted. It seemed soooo not madonna but then again...it was shocking enough to be.

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Originally posted by STTCT

I am an eminem fan! :eek:


And I'm even a :eek: country fan.


I listen to all kinds of variety and Madonna is my favorite artist.


... STTCT, you dissapoint me (Dooku voice)


Oké, Madonna isn't thát bad ... but Eminem? That guy does not make the real hip hop, and his lyrics don't make sence either ...


Country ... my dad likes it, I hate it, nuff said.

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Originally posted by Young David

Eminem? That guy does not make the real hip hop, and his lyrics don't make sence either ...



[dooku voice]Come on YD, surely you can do better! [/dooku voice]


Eminem's lyrics are SO clever. He's the only rapper I truly enjoy to hear because of that. Lose Yourself is true contemporary poetry... you just need to sit down and use your head ;)


So, Shan, no you're not :)

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