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Eh - I'm bored. Decided to start this. Tell on a daily basis what's new in your life. Whats old. What the weather is like. Whatever.


I'll start




Another boring day. I can't wait to go home and play my PS2. I'm frustrated with the new game I got Spyro Enter the Dragonfly. It glitches, doesn't save and slow ass loading times. My work is playing this friggin annoying christmas music. Nsync singing about christmas love - something about "i don't want to light a fire". My wonderful fiancee (as he would like to be called ;) ) moved our Satallite and now we lost our signal. It took us 3 hours yesterday and we still can't get the damn thing to work. That's okay I have my Ps2. He just can't watch his stupid Real World! It is nice and sunny and HOT in CA - It is like 90 degrees everyday. Beautiful and lately its been windy. 50 miles an hour!! Mah god. I'm going christmas shopping tomorrow. I got some bday money - debating what new game to buy. Bounty Hunter? Dunno. I bought my fiancee a HUGE 3 Liter Bottle of Heiniken for Christmas. Its in a magnum champagne bottle. Every guy thinks its an awesome gift. He saw it last year and they ran out. Now I can surprise him with one!! I have no idea...if he is actually going to drink the whole thing. See ya'll Sunday! Its mah weekend off!!!


- hampster sttct

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2002326 (11/22/2002)


Work is frustrating. Management was vague on a report's data needed and deadline for said report. Instead was greeted by voicemail and email stating report due in 2 hours, and the preliminary report I sent was not in correct format. Unfortunately, my metrics were not appreciated and all work done previously was in vain. And to top it all off the co-worker whom I was researching data and creating the report with is not here today, leaving all last minute research and layout work for yours truly.


I submitted my resume for an internal job opening in hopes to move further up the corporate ladder, but later found out my arch nemesis also applied for the position. I'm losing sleep over this, I REALLY need the job. It would be a 25% increase in pay and I'm building a house soon, and the baby is on the way! Aaargh!


Thanksgiving is going to Suck this year. My wife's grandma passed away sunday morning, and my Grandma passed away in June. It will be hard for the holidays to not have them with us. :(

And just for good measure, my brother is out of the country for Thanksgiving. So much for family, this holiday!


Christmas will be nice this year. What, with the Widesreen TV and all! Can't wait till tomorrow, it all gets delivered tomorrow afternoon! At least I have one good thing happening in the near future.


And of course there is my beautiful wife, pregnant with our baby boy. That brings me enough Joy to get through it all. I love my wife, and I know I'll love my baby just as much! We may have lost loved ones, but we are reminded that the circle of live does go on, and their memories will live on with my children and their children after them. :)

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Hmm...not a very good friday for me. I had a quiz in chemistry and it took me literally an hour and half to do four problems, and i'm not sure i even got them correct. I wanted to shoot myself...well, not really, but i hated it. Then the rest of teh day we did nothing, which was incredibley boring. Then, when i bell finally rang, it took literally 35 minutes just tog et out of the parking lot.


I do have tennis today, so thats fun, and i'm getting Bounty Hunter too, so that is good. But the problem is i may not be ablet o play it much because i have a 10 page research paper to write and 3 tests to study for (argh!). I hate my english teacher....


At least i can sleep in tomorrow, thats always nice...

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My english class was canceled for the day, so I went to work early today to get some stuff done. I have a crap load of school work to do over the weekend and some meetings to prepare for my 4 presentations to give next week. At least I have tickets to the FSU game this Saturday, and damn good seats. That will be my break from school work. I also have a load of fraternity events this weekend too.


At work, I have been doing the same old crap that I have been doing for a while now. Just listing data points from Processing pages into excel. However, today I found a but load of errors on the processing pages. But I worked them all out. Maybe they will give me a bonus, nahhhhh, i doubt that. I leave in 30 mins so that rocks. Plus I am hungry cause I worked through lunch.


Oh well, just your average busy day for me. Can't wait till this semester is over.

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11-22-02 "My Day of Heck"


where to start? Ok, got up at 5:30 am this morning....went to work...checked e-mails first thing...found out that I was part of a store visit to the local Lerner, Ny store (I work tech support and we just got these stores as part of a new account, if you don't know what these are, just think "Gap clone" and you've got it). So, left work @ 8:00 & headed to store site...met up w/ the other 10 ppl or so and went and tour the store and got to see their setup (computer equipment-wise)...then, back to the office (10:00)...had a meeting to discuss procedure from 11-12 w/ a test at the end (I scored 3rd highest, though I'm not actually taking those calls yet). I normally get off at 12, but was asked to stay on whilst a second group had a meeting & did the test...SO, I didn't even get to leave work 'till 3:10 and I didn't get any lunch. I had a long day, and good news is that I get to get up at 5:30 again tomorrow, but won't have any site visits...


oh yeah, weather is clear, sunny, and nicely cool (mid-60s)

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well, sorry about all of your bad days, but this has been a pretty good day for me. i got up about 6:30 like normal and went to school for my zero hour class, jazz band. that's always fun, and it went like normal. i took an extremly easy test in my bible class, which consisted of copying answers from a worksheet to the test paper. went to normal band, and that was normal and easy. biology, took a few notes, did a worksheet, finished math homework, and talked to artoo about metroid prime. english, listened to tape of act 2, scenes 3 & 4 of macbeth, then watched a video of act 2. lunch, artoo got nailed with some marinara sauce by some seniors. our class (the sophmores) and the seniors have been having a fod war, and he got caught in the cross-fire. i felt bad for him, but his reactin was funny. went to spanish and did nothing while our teacher listened to people taking oral quizes. we had the week off in weight training, so instead of lifting we went out to the football field and layed touch football. math, did some easy homework and talked with our teacher (whose hilarious) or played games on our graphing calculators. drove home, got online, and typed this. that's all i've done so far, and the rest of my weekend is free for laziness. :D

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Friday, November 22nd, 2002



4:49 pm - Interesting Day Today....

I started off today by submitting a "College Rivalry" joke to ESPN, the first part of the joke went "Whats the difference between Barry Bonds and a Midget?" And I had a punchline so unbelieveibly tasteless that I doubt they'll print it.


So I went to school next, had a very good day. Any day where you light stuff on fire and not get in trouble for it is great. Ahhh.. God bless Chemestry... I think my Health/P.E teacher is satan... I actually got a good picture of me stored on a computer at school, rather than the infamous really freaking big smile but I'll post it later :)


Another thing I learned today? I can sound like a black person if I really really try.

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My day was a decent run of the mill day except for one thing...I DON'T HAVE MUCH HOMEWORK! It's like the clouds opened up and the Lord said "This is my geek in whom I am well pleased." My only H-Work is making notecards for my English research paper on William Fulbright and his Anti-Vietnam stance. (hurrah:rolleyes: )

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