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Good non-lucasarts adventure games?


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I have been a big fan of Monkey Island and LucasArts adventure games in general, but unfortently I have played all LucasArts adventure games that are availible. Can anyone recommend some non-lucasarts adventure games? (I must play an adventure game.. so addicted :)

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I find that the first two discworld games are a bit cheesy (and not in a good way, I'm a huge fan of the books), but Discworld Noir is good and works well because it is not ripping off the plots of existing books but laying down newe stuff.


I like the Myst Trilogy as well but I don't know if you can put them in the same bracket as MI.

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Yeah, the first 2 Discworld games aren't great if you're a fan of the books (Discworld 1 follows the main plot of Guards! Guards!, and Discworld 2 follows the story of Reaper Man with elements of Moving Pictures and Lords & Ladies), whilst Discworld Noir is pretty buggy. They're still worth a spin, though.

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could you count the Goblins series as adventure?

I kindof liked those in my early days :D


oh and:

what's the name:


Flight of the amazon queen. That one is kind off cool too :)



I loved Kyrandia 1, but I disliked the second one....


Kyrandia, beautifull story, mysterious, I like it very much :D

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The Larry series is awful. Sure, it's funny, and some of the puzzles may even make sense! But JESUS, most of them were extremely stupid, and if you missed something, just one tiny thing, then you usually couldn't go back and get it, and then, later on, you died. Which, I suppose was not surprising, seeing as you die every minute on a Larry game, but infuriating none the less.


Remember on Larry 2? Where you get to go on a cruise by winning a dating show? Well, Larry 2 was doing fine until that part, and I enjoyed it. But on board the ship was just torture! It was very difficult to finish that scenario and avoid the old lady in your quarters who would 'punish you' if you couldn't perform 50 tasks in under 5 seconds.


Still, I suppose a lot of the puzzles were satsifying to complete, the soundtrack was good (for its time), the recent games have improved, and it was fun in places.


Definetely nowhere near as good as anything Lucas Arts have produced. And I'm including 'The Dig' there. *Yawn*

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I also loved the Larry series, but figured that averybody allready played those, I didn't mention them....


Larry 2 was cool indeed, yet sometimes very frustrating (when you forget to buy the sunscreen for example).


the ol' sm lady was no problem actually...

you needed to do the parts with the swimsuit first, and then NEVER return to your cabin :D


but the boat indeed was freakin' difficult

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Tony Tough?

The Longest Journey?

Roger Foodbelly? (Heck! It's not released yet!) :(

Kinky Island? (Not released yet. 18. http://www.kinkyisland.cjb.net)

Byzantine? (Not released either... http://screen7.adventuredevelopers.com/byzantine.htm)

Any games by http://ilb.notrix.net/ ?

Gilbert Goodmate?


Jack Orlando?


Okay, haven't more suggestions....

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Yes, I remember Teen Agent, it was fun. I never completed it though, because it always crashed at a certain point....so I tried running it in DOS, and it broke my computer.


There was probably a really easy fix, but it was around 96/97 and I had no idea what I was doing.

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I DID finish it one time or two....


But I can't actually remember the game that well...


I remember it was 2 floppys big,

I remember I had to do some military training

I remember the drill instructor hiding in a barrel

I remember something with a girl I had to give candy

I remember something with a cellar ??

I remember a weird gardener or something...

I remember a bird-scarer (I don't know the proper word for it, it's a dolly placed in some land to keep the birds away)




Oh, and I can still remember that song.. It sometimes still runs through my head...


That's all I can remember, I need to play it again someday... I probably still have it somewheres :)

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This is the second time you've posted links to 'abandonware' jimmycracker. You've been told before not to do it, so dont.


The merits and legality of abandonware can be debated all day, the bottom line is that its better not to post links to it at all. If people want to find it they can easily do so themselves without embroiling the forums in the legal mire that is abandonware.

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