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Anakin's Father?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I say it was all a well conceived plot. Shmii studied up on Jedi Lore, then saw a jedi in a cantina, slipped him a drug w/out his knowledge, got knocked up, then waited. When Qui Gon arrived she told him that crap about no father, Knowing he'd take anakin and free him. Once her plan to free ani had been accomplished, she started a new plan to free herself by playing some idiot moisture farmer or something.... then she met Mr. Larrs, and plan B began.


p.s. I don't really think that.

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Who said that Shmi knew that the midichlorians conceived her child, she has no such knowledge....


Personally, all that she admits, is that there is no father, but that has many meanings, especially with her not wanting to keep eye contact with QGJ when he asks her the question. It seems to me that she refers to no father, as there was no man around to help in his upbringing....

I think it is more that the father of Anakin isn't someone Shmi is pleased to have spent time with, and he left as soon as he found out she was with child. That whole scene seems to just leave questions open, why is she ashamed to talk about his father, who is his father?


Immaculate Conception - Doubtful......

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Come on! GL only made anakin conceived by the midichlorians so there won't be any prequel of the prequel!


What he call them, anyways? Eps 0, -1, and -2? ;)


He couldn't make more prequels even if Anikan did have a father. But he didn't, because Anikan did bring balance to the Force, he left 2 Sith and 2 Jedi, that's balance.


Shmi would be ashamed for the same reason Mary would be ashamed. She's not married and she has a child. What's she gonna tell people, "Oh, yeah, the Force conceived me"? Everyone would think she was some kind of insane whore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember this one website that I found ages ago now, but I can't remember its address. It basically did spoofs of bits from Episode I, and one of the bits they did was compare Shmi Skywalker and Anakin's birth to Eric Cartman's mum in South Park... :D


They had a seies o images that went on about her sleeping with the entire Mos Espa football team, then Watto, then Jabba.... :barf: LMAO!

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Well if it was the will of the force to create Ani, would that not mean the force is naturally good. Then if this is so why does it allows dark jedi to wield it, and furthermore why can it not fortell Darth Vadar.....?

Food for thought

Who said the Force is naturally good? The Force may be like rain and water, vital to life, helpful, but it can also reap great destruction by flood, torrential rain or drout. The Force is concerned with balance at this time, and only his Apprentice knew who Sidious was and could get close enough to him. But in the end, Anakin redeamed himself, brought balance and had a son and daughter, one to bring about the rebirth of the Jedi Order and the other the rebirth of the Republic.

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Jedi_Monk, I often wondered if Anakin's "bringing balance to the Force" referred to the fact that he would turn to the Dark Side and therefore provide an apprentice to the Master that was Sidious, countering the Jedi Council's overwhelming numbers and Light-Side Force usage. After all, Yoda said during Anakin's assessment in front of the Jedi Council, "Hmm, clouded the boy's future is." Did Sidious know of the boy, and, realising his potential, cast his "veil of darkness" over him right fro the very start? Surely as high a midichlorian concentration in one indiidual would cause some kind of ripple in the Force that people like Sidious and Yoda could have picked up?


What do you think?

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I think George Lucas said that people using the Dark Side throws the Force off-balance, therefore retoring balance means destroying the Dark Siders. Like I said, I think the Force is like nature... sometimes it's gentle, sometimes it's destructive... but the Dark Side is a pollutant, an unnatural thing.

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I asked because I personally think that the Force is governed , like so many other forces in the universe, by the law of balancing - similar to one of Sir Isaac Newton's laws of physics: "For every action there is an equal, but opposite, reaction". I see the Dark Side as a natural thing, and therefore possibly a natural route that can be chosen, though discouraged, by a force-user, hence the idea that Anakin was being drawn along that path to balance out the Darkness against the Light. I can't see how so many people using the Force for good purposes can be balancing it out, unless the Force is naturally chaotic and has no steady level of good or bad. It would certainly account for events such as runs of good and bad luck, for example, at the lower end of the fluctuation intensities.


But what does intruige me from a canonical point of view rather than an EU speculatory one is the theory that Palpatine could have done all those things, cloaked Anakin's future, had a hand in his "destruction" as such, influenced him greatly during the time they spent together as we saw in Episode II. I wonder if this is the case or not?



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The Force seeks to purge itself of the Dark Side, but for some reason, it seemingly cannot do that except through the Jedi. I believe that Dark Jedi twist the Force by the power of their own emotions, that they "twist it and mutilate it", they ignore the Force's will for them and instead impose their will on the Force, therefore the Force cannot touch them because they have some power over it. Only the Force's intermediaries, the Jedi, can kill a Sith Lord on the physical plane of existance and enable the Force to go back into balance. The Dark Side is a pollutant, and just like global warming can effect the weather and create new weather patterns (even weather patterns that may never have been seen before on this Earth), the Dark Side can effect the flow of the Force if it becomes too powerful, and that is certainly not something the Force wants.


However, as I said, the Force does have a plan and a will of its own. It is not just a Force of nature, but it is infused with the collective consciousness of every Jedi Master who has become one with it, and has all of their wisdom and foresight... the Force is beyond the physical realm and there it has an advantage over the Dark Side. Sith Lords may be able to use the Force to see into the future, but the future is always in motion. In fact, as we see the final vergeance in the Star Wars Saga, I believe that the Force is trying to free itself from the Dark Side's influence. The Emperor's foresight is abandoning him--the Force has hidden Luke's arrival on Endor from him, and this ultimately will lead to his destruction. The Force foresaw the rise of the Dark Side, and set its pieces. Vader to play the traitor and get close to the Sith Master, Luke to bring out the humanity in his father, Ben and Yoda to give Luke guidance. The Force laid its pieces before the Dark Side became too powerful, and then let things proceed, interracting every now and then when it became vitally necessary (hiding Luke from the Emperor), but for the most part letting its avatars do the work.

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Whilst I like that idea, this is where out opinions divide. I don't see the Force itself is a sentient being as such. "It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.," Obi-Wan said in ANH.


I see the Force as more an energy field, like electricity of magnetism, that can be made to do whatever you want it to, as long as you have sufficient knowledge and equipment. If the Force was, as you imply, sentient and good by default, then wouldn't that make it colossally difficult for the Dark-Side wielders to us the Force at all? It'd be like trying to get current to flow from positive to negative - it just won't do it, its natural course is the complete opposite.


I can see what you mean, but I don't personally believe that's how GL had meant or it to be interpreted, IMO.

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Whilst I like that idea, this is where out opinions divide. I don't see the Force itself is a sentient being as such. "It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.," Obi-Wan said in ANH.

Qui-Gon also speaks of the Will of the Force; "The midichlorians are constantly talking to us, telling us the will of the Force," "I believe that finding this boy was the will of the Force..." So the Force has a will of its own, and that indicates sentience.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a 26 year love of Star Wars. I've been there since the beginning. I trust all of George Lucas' ideas and vision of this saga except for the immaculate conception part.


I think it is now pretty much set in stone, but I'm hoping against hope that Palpatine will reveal a different origin to Anakin in Episode III. But I think we can be safe to say that Anakin's daddy is the Force.

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