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Gerography quiz


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I got religion wrong as well, thought that the 1 billion or so Chinese who would be officially Bhuddist would tip them over the edge. I still don't believe that Christianity is the largest. Then again, Islam and Hindu breaks up the Middle East/Subcontinent, breaking up their numbers. Even if both India and China both have over 1 Billion people, that takes care of 1/3 of the world in two countries, who would have their official religion based upon what the government has told them to follow....

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Originally posted by Kylilin

I got them all right. the percentages were nteresting, but not suprising, since most people in America can't name all 50 states, let alone other countries.


What is more alarming is that a lot of people do not even know there are 50 states. Street Smarts and Jay Walkers has proven that fact.


19/20. El Nino? WTF.



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Always have been good at it, so it didn't take me any more then a few minutes.


But I can see how people missed out on the religion one...I almost put Islam :D

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Though, I remember in Geography we never did anything about demographics , we studied weather, and geological formations and and stuff like that.


As for US... whats happening you guys(more than 1 in 10 dont know where yourselves are)?:p:D *cough* arrogance *cough* :p j/k.. *runs anyaway*.


Although some questions should be easier for some countries and harder for some others, eg, Sweden would not be affected by el nino very much, so they wouldnt know about it too much.


Also i wonder how many people picked I don't know rather than guessing:D

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For those that don't know, or don't care:


El Nino is easy for us Aussies, since it involves us and Sth America, and the heat of the Pacific Ocean. It is basically a small change of the temperature of the Pacific Ocean that changes the jetstream that brings rain to Australia, which is the norm. Instead of warm water near Australia, where it can evaporate to give us rain, it is closer to Sth America, so they get the rain instead. When it changes, it gives Sth America way too much rain, and leaves Australia in drought, as we are now.....


It does affect a few other weather systems, but I can't remember exactly which ones though.......

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

For those that don't know, or don't care:


El Nino is easy for us Aussies, since it involves us and Sth America, and the heat of the Pacific Ocean. It is basically a small change of the temperature of the Pacific Ocean that changes the jetstream that brings rain to Australia, which is the norm. Instead of warm water near Australia, where it can evaporate to give us rain, it is closer to Sth America, so they get the rain instead. When it changes, it gives Sth America way too much rain, and leaves Australia in drought, as we are now.....


It does affect a few other weather systems, but I can't remember exactly which ones though.......


I got that El Nino wrong, because the only global weather stuff I know anything about is the Gulf stream, if it hadn't been for that, it would have been quite cold up here...

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Result: 20/20.


The Pasific ocean had me thinking for a while. Couldn't remember what it translated to at first.






I really, really try not to make fun of Americans. I really do! But this is simply too much.


Surprising that *almost* 90% of them know where The USA is located. :rolleyes:


And over 60% got Russia correct! Yay! :rolleyes:


17% know where afganistan is... I could accept that 17% IF you had to pick it from a map without any help. The choices that were given made it all too easy.


And how about the Argentina question! --> choose between Brazil and Argentina or some countries in AFRICA!

That's like asking what time is closest to the world record on 100 metres:

A) 10,00 seconds

B) 9,50 seconds

C) 1 hour 35 minutes

D) two cows and a beer

E) Yoda.



The one's interviewed were 18-24 years old. I find this shocking to say the least. Something is definitely wrong with the educational systems of certain countries.

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1 - rght

2 - right

3 - right

4 - right

5 - right

6 - right

7 - right

8 - wrong

9 - wrong

10 - right

11 - rofl! That was hard! I got it right. :rofl: Only 89% of America got that right! :eyeraise:

12 - right

13 - right

14 - right

15 - right

16 - wrong

17 - right

18 - right

19 - right

20 - right


17 out of 20 right. :)

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Originally posted by Darth Yoda85


ONLY 89%?


Do you have any idea how much 89% is?


American's should've gotten 100 or at least 99!


Comon, 89 is pathetic,it means a little more than 1-10th of americans who took the poll dont even know where thier country is..

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